Namdo Sweden - swed302 Additional Site Information Lars-Ake Larsson Extra data for the tree ring data set SWENAMD1.RWL. --------------------------------------------------- Data file updated January 2003 and February 2003 Two missing years between relative year 360 and 410 at the oldiest part of the data identified. Dating corrected for core NMBS08A (last year changed from 1878 to 1872): Feb. 2003. Original Descriptive information: Date: 5 May 1997. Country: Sweden Name of site: Namdo (Naemdoe) (Namdo is one of the larger islands in the archipelago East of Stockholm.) Site code (given by the investigator): NAMDO Elevation (in meters): Between 10 and 50 meters. Latitude: 59 deg, 12 min North Longitude: 18 deg, 42 min East. Species code (the ITRDB will supply this): PISY = The normal pine growing here, I think it is "Scotch pine". Species name: Scotch pine Measurement type: Total ring width. Chronology type (if a chronology was developed): only raw measurement data First year: 1588 Last year: 1995 Names of investigators: Lars-Ake Larsson, Palnasvagen 1, S-133 33 Saltsjobaden, Sweden Tel +46 - 8 - 717 62 10 Fax +46 - 8 - 717 97 81 email address: Comments to the data set: Most data is based on cores taken from living trees. The oldest tree found was 412 years old. Many other trees found, were probably of the same age but they were rotten in the middle of the trunk. The following samples are based on living trees: All samples with a code starting with "NA0", "NM0", "NM3" and "NMHEL". Also the samples 6680 and 6682 are from living trees. Many samples in this group have not been fully measured, i.e. only that part which is nearest to the middle of the log has been measured. The rings in the outer part were then only counted. Most of these samples are taken from trees in dry areas on the top of small mountains where trees have been left from lumbering. Some samples are taken from bog areas where trees are growing very slowly. The sample NMSHP1 is taken from a ship, which is probably built in the area. NMBRG is taken from a log in the remainder of a fishing bridge. All the other samples are from two houses and from free wood pieces found. KGRINx is from an old gatepost where the wood was extremely conserved by lots of resin. Measurement has been done with an HP Scanjet colour scanner with a resolution of 600 dpi, giving a resolution of at best 0.04 mm. Before scanning, most samples have been examined under a microscope with 20 times magnification. Every 5th ring was then marked with a pencil to avoid missing any ring when doing the actual registration/measurement from the scanned image. All (!) data from samples have been printed as curves and visually checked towards the successively developed reference curve. Samples which have a very bad matching towards the reference curve have been excluded from the data set! The job has been done with software which I have written myself (in C). (Later I found the ITRDB software on the Internet.) /Lars-Ake Larsson (5 May 1997) COFECHA output: Chronology file name : SWED302.CRN Measurement file name : SWED302.RWL Date checked : 06APR05 Checked by : H. ADAMS AND J. LUKAS Beginning year : 1582 Ending year : 1995 Principal investigators: Lars-Ake Larsson Site name : Naemdoe Stockholm archipelago (Updated 2/2003) Site location : SWEDEN Species information : PISY SCOTS PINE Latitude : 5912 Longitude : 1842 Elevation : 30M Series intercorrelation: 0.619 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.258 Avg standard deviation : 0.558 Avg autocorrelation : 0.758 Number dated series : 53 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 5 Pct problem segments : 1.90 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: swed302.rwl 13:01 Wed 06 Apr 2005 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 6682 1884 1993 .52 .73 .79 .69 2 NM002 1632 1995 .76 .74 .53 .24B .27A .58 .44 .38 .67 .72 .53 .39 .52 .45 3 NM005S 1642 1970 .76 .69 .40 .36 .69 .71 .60 .58 .50 .50 .52 .56 .69 4 HELLIS2 1892 1995 .74 .73 .76 .68 5 NM014 1734 1995 .44 .46 .42 .53 .56 .62 .70 .85 .79 .65 6 NM031 1812 1995 .75 .75 .77 .75 .84 .74 .57 7 NM035 1837 1995 .54 .66 .67 .78 .81 .66 8 NM038 1867 1995 .50 .35 .56 .63 .50 9 NM039 1947 1995 .38 10 NM041 1873 1995 .52 .55 .71 .79 .68 11 NM050 1659 1995 .67 .27B .21B .54 .61 .67 .66 .65 .62 .54 .62 .66 .49 12 NM051 1754 1995 .47 .52 .58 .57 .63 .70 .74 .76 .47 13 NM063 1664 1995 .49 .57 .62 .69 .62 .58 .60 .61 .52 .35 .55 .70 .41 14 NM065 1737 1995 .64 .62 .58 .57 .51 .58 .64 .78 .87 .77 15 NM066 1869 1995 .68 .69 .75 .69 .56 16 NM067 1900 1995 .62 .75 .63 17 NM068 1765 1995 .66 .77 .67 .66 .62 .58 .76 .67 .51 18 NM3TL2 1939 1994 .64 .54 19 NM3TL3 1932 1994 .74 .72 20 NM3TL1 1931 1994 .56 .60 21 NM003 1628 1687 .73 .72 22 NM009 1651 1689 .67 23 NM010 1652 1944 .81 .78 .57 .49 .70 .76 .65 .63 .66 .58 .71 24 NM044 1628 1718 .80 .88 .75 25 NM049 1645 1844 .76 .79 .72 .59 .49 .60 .73 .75 26 NM052 1663 1770 .53 .40 .40 .38B 27 NM054 1616 1729 .49 .59 .80 .61 .55 28 NM058 1582 1692 .41 .48 .74 29 6680NY 1749 1985 .47 .48 .51 .68 .68 .68 .72 .73 .74 .75 30 NMBS01A 1791 1875 .75 .80 .86 .85 31 NMBS02A 1806 1875 .74 .77 .59 32 NMBS03A 1828 1875 .55 33 NMBS04A 1830 1875 .67 34 NMBS05A 1774 1875 .52 .54 .74 .74 .73 35 NMBS06A 1829 1875 .56 36 NMBS07A 1800 1875 .61 .83 .82 37 NMBS10A 1825 1875 .63 .63 38 NMBS08A 1748 1872 .74 .74 .70 .67 .72 39 NMBS09A 1783 1855 .75 .69 .62 40 NMBS11 1686 1875 .63 .67 .65 .63 .67 .63 .52 .51 41 NMBL01A 1770 1840 .78 .79 .86 42 NMBL02 1764 1838 .59 .48 .45 43 NMBL04A 1774 1824 .80 .81 44 6691 1663 1748 .70 .67 .51 45 66945 1806 1867 .68 .73 46 6702 1843 1893 .60 .62 47 6674 1793 1862 .61 .66 .76 48 6671 1758 1868 .66 .59 .53 .67 49 NMVK11 1676 1787 .59 .77 .77 .65 50 NMVK02 1676 1779 .70 .53 .56 .63 51 NMVK05 1739 1856 .68 .65 .61 .48 .52 52 NMVK13 1782 1860 .77 .75 .75 53 NMVK14 1753 1895 .66 .70 .60 .44 .44 Av segment correlation .45 .70 .71 .59 .50 .57 .63 .64 .64 .64 .63 .60 .69 .70 .60 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: swed302.rwl 13:01 Wed 06 Apr 2005 Page 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 6682 1884 1993 110 4 0 .680 1.65 3.57 .627 .702 .244 2.58 .419 -.024 5 2 NM002 1632 1995 364 14 2 .522 .70 1.85 .205 .561 .185 2.85 .413 -.034 1 3 NM005S 1642 1970 329 13 0 .600 .90 2.76 .476 .856 .187 2.56 .328 -.003 1 4 HELLIS2 1892 1995 104 4 0 .697 1.51 4.37 .969 .804 .284 2.66 .417 .018 1 5 NM014 1734 1995 262 10 0 .621 .66 1.75 .298 .720 .266 2.58 .356 -.004 3 6 NM031 1812 1995 184 7 0 .727 1.13 4.26 .712 .794 .301 2.83 .426 -.064 1 7 NM035 1837 1995 159 6 0 .691 1.67 4.40 .686 .715 .216 2.59 .348 -.008 1 8 NM038 1867 1995 129 5 0 .494 1.65 5.11 .739 .737 .212 2.82 .487 -.036 1 9 NM039 1947 1995 49 1 0 .383 1.48 3.34 .638 .584 .307 2.71 .588 .089 3 10 NM041 1873 1995 123 5 0 .651 1.67 5.22 1.174 .894 .228 2.76 .481 .005 1 11 NM050 1659 1995 337 13 2 .532 .60 4.10 .530 .901 .250 2.39 .257 -.031 2 12 NM051 1754 1995 242 9 0 .573 1.20 4.83 .492 .726 .180 2.66 .391 -.049 2 13 NM063 1664 1995 332 13 0 .531 .87 1.88 .296 .720 .200 2.57 .319 -.002 1 14 NM065 1737 1995 259 10 0 .661 1.24 5.80 .586 .765 .237 2.55 .342 -.043 1 15 NM066 1869 1995 127 5 0 .676 1.22 4.26 .862 .875 .211 2.52 .389 -.048 2 16 NM067 1900 1995 96 3 0 .629 1.04 4.10 .912 .931 .223 2.60 .458 -.001 1 17 NM068 1765 1995 231 9 0 .645 .59 2.16 .337 .866 .223 2.60 .391 -.001 1 18 NM3TL2 1939 1994 56 2 0 .629 1.44 3.43 .760 .773 .247 2.66 .528 .081 2 19 NM3TL3 1932 1994 63 2 0 .726 1.56 4.12 1.060 .840 .289 2.71 .444 .060 1 20 NM3TL1 1931 1994 64 2 0 .526 1.16 4.00 .665 .566 .374 3.02 .641 .071 4 21 NM003 1628 1687 60 2 0 .679 .91 2.80 .495 .606 .357 2.68 .550 -.083 1 22 NM009 1651 1689 39 1 0 .665 .41 1.09 .253 .507 .459 2.71 .518 -.020 1 23 NM010 1652 1944 293 11 0 .683 .67 2.15 .358 .786 .230 2.76 .395 -.026 1 24 NM044 1628 1718 91 3 0 .768 .87 2.76 .650 .844 .340 2.88 .544 -.120 1 25 NM049 1645 1844 200 8 0 .690 .66 4.86 .757 .904 .305 2.91 .468 -.031 1 26 NM052 1663 1770 108 4 1 .410 .49 1.21 .239 .630 .291 2.92 .440 -.035 1 27 NM054 1616 1729 114 5 0 .539 .98 2.17 .431 .654 .296 2.54 .422 -.075 1 28 NM058 1582 1692 111 3 0 .467 .84 2.88 .512 .827 .233 3.05 .493 -.015 1 29 6680NY 1749 1985 237 10 0 .650 .92 2.57 .498 .722 .324 2.71 .416 -.023 1 30 NMBS01A 1791 1875 85 4 0 .785 1.70 4.32 .782 .718 .278 2.68 .499 -.106 1 31 NMBS02A 1806 1875 70 3 0 .615 2.49 6.39 1.231 .664 .298 2.71 .464 -.034 1 32 NMBS03A 1828 1875 48 1 0 .549 2.33 4.91 1.139 .882 .185 2.55 .562 .007 1 33 NMBS04A 1830 1875 46 1 0 .675 2.56 5.17 1.203 .868 .141 2.69 .640 .056 1 34 NMBS05A 1774 1875 102 5 0 .626 .94 2.60 .539 .742 .318 2.63 .472 .024 2 35 NMBS06A 1829 1875 47 1 0 .556 2.10 4.20 .821 .703 .219 2.82 .510 .043 1 36 NMBS07A 1800 1875 76 3 0 .690 1.78 4.70 .739 .648 .269 2.81 .635 -.049 1 37 NMBS10A 1825 1875 51 2 0 .634 2.03 4.64 .819 .429 .344 2.71 .492 -.110 1 38 NMBS08A 1748 1872 125 5 0 .710 .79 2.46 .419 .713 .319 2.73 .550 .013 1 39 NMBS09A 1783 1855 73 3 0 .623 1.07 3.17 .639 .775 .282 2.60 .490 -.001 1 40 NMBS11 1686 1875 190 8 0 .605 .51 1.88 .299 .733 .331 2.65 .333 -.081 1 41 NMBL01A 1770 1840 71 3 0 .789 1.06 2.96 .518 .624 .359 2.74 .534 -.030 1 42 NMBL02 1764 1838 75 3 0 .472 1.02 3.06 .692 .860 .316 2.75 .545 -.033 1 43 NMBL04A 1774 1824 51 2 0 .793 1.33 3.14 .724 .784 .290 2.71 .528 -.064 1 44 6691 1663 1748 86 3 0 .599 1.06 3.50 .597 .709 .310 2.64 .495 .046 1 45 66945 1806 1867 62 2 0 .665 1.46 4.41 .983 .887 .241 2.68 .633 -.071 1 46 6702 1843 1893 51 2 0 .621 1.68 3.65 .676 .650 .288 2.68 .461 .047 1 47 6674 1793 1862 70 3 0 .639 1.52 3.59 .683 .682 .274 2.74 .548 .054 1 48 6671 1758 1868 111 4 0 .634 .85 2.39 .504 .833 .243 2.89 .462 .050 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: swed302.rwl 13:01 Wed 06 Apr 2005 Page 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 NMVK11 1676 1787 112 4 0 .621 .91 4.52 .768 .679 .365 2.63 .399 -.003 2 50 NMVK02 1676 1779 104 4 0 .614 .79 3.24 .564 .782 .277 2.53 .327 -.082 1 51 NMVK05 1739 1856 118 5 0 .603 1.01 2.27 .411 .798 .191 2.77 .580 .058 1 52 NMVK13 1782 1860 79 3 0 .749 1.05 3.13 .567 .746 .292 2.63 .492 -.009 1 53 NMVK14 1753 1895 143 5 0 .582 .71 2.57 .491 .819 .317 2.81 .516 -.001 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 6919 263 5 .619 1.04 6.39 .558 .758 .258 3.05 .426 -.019