Bergün GR Val Tuors Picea abies, Switzerland - SWIT186 Additional information Christof Bigler, Nicolas Bircher, and Claudia Meile Purpose of Collection: Analyses on relationships between tree growth and climate (precipitation, temperature); analyses on climate effects on tree mortality Detrend method: Negative exponential or linear regression of any slope ARSTAN: Smoothing spline with 50 cutoff Cores are stored at: ETH Tree-Ring Laboratory Forest Ecology Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems ETH Zurich CHN G 63 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland Site: North-west facing aspects, elevation 1520 - 1550 m (subalpine forest), some trees were growing on relatively shallow soil References: Meile, C. 2008. Einfluss der Klimavariabilitätt auf das Wachstum von Lärchen und Fichten in Gebirgswäldern bei Bergün. Semesterarbeit. ETH Zürich, Zürich. Bircher, N. 2008. Wachstumsmuster von abgestorbenen Fichten im Gebirgswald von Bergün. Semesterarbeit. ETH Zürich, Zürich. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : SWIT186.CRN Measurement file name : SWIT186.RWL Date checked : 10DEC08 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1736 Ending year : 2007 Principal investigators: Christof Bigler Nicolas Bircher Claudia Meile Site name : Bergün GR Val Tuors Site location : Switzerland Species information : PCAB NORWAY SPRUCE Latitude : 4638 Longitude : 00946 Elevation : 1535M Series intercorrelation: 0.457 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.167 Avg standard deviation : 0.353 Avg autocorrelation : 0.852 Number dated series : 12 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 13 Pct problem segments : 13.54 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Bergun GR Val Tours PCAB 11:34 Wed 10 Dec 2008 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 BTK22 1844 2007 .38 .40 .44 .42 .31A .44 .45 2 BTK24 1825 2007 .55 .64 .67 .53 .29A .50 .56 3 BTK25 1770 2007 .39 .34B .34 .39 .49 .72 .56 .39 .69 .69 4 BTK26 1736 2007 .30A .41 .40 .44 .45 .52 .58 .56 .41 .53 .58 5 BTK31 1886 2006 .34 .36 .32A .43 .36 6 BTK33 1925 2007 .31A .39 .38 7 BTK34 1755 2007 .56 .68 .41 .28A .48 .47 .46 .46 .46 .57 8 BTK35 1815 2007 .59 .72 .60 .60 .56 .30A .35 .47 9 BTK36 1875 2007 .46 .42 .39 .57 .63 10 BTK37 1775 2007 .32A .66 .72 .35 .39 .55 .57 .59 .63 11 BTK38 1772 2007 .30A .40 .48 .44 .34 .50 .52 .35 .62 .70 12 BTK39 1738 2007 .23A .37 .40B .50 .45 .47 .48 .31A .46 .64 .69 Av segment correlation .27 .41 .42 .49 .49 .48 .51 .48 .38 .52 .56 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Bergun GR Val Tours PCAB 11:34 Wed 10 Dec 2008 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 BTK22 1844 2007 164 7 1 .377 1.24 2.22 .394 .846 .135 2.73 .481 .007 1 2 BTK24 1825 2007 183 7 1 .529 .36 .61 .097 .684 .169 2.51 .373 .012 1 3 BTK25 1770 2007 238 10 1 .514 .69 1.08 .128 .543 .135 2.58 .385 -.044 3 4 BTK26 1736 2007 272 11 1 .442 .63 2.32 .395 .924 .163 2.64 .370 -.054 1 5 BTK31 1886 2006 121 5 1 .335 .61 2.38 .598 .952 .252 2.52 .372 -.005 1 6 BTK33 1925 2007 83 3 1 .334 2.32 6.72 .999 .832 .150 2.49 .350 -.045 1 7 BTK34 1755 2007 253 10 1 .472 .61 1.98 .329 .933 .151 2.68 .405 -.036 2 8 BTK35 1815 2007 193 8 1 .509 .42 3.59 .555 .926 .200 2.67 .348 -.021 1 9 BTK36 1875 2007 133 5 0 .467 1.07 2.47 .445 .864 .173 2.59 .391 -.032 2 10 BTK37 1775 2007 233 9 1 .490 .47 1.96 .311 .884 .196 2.58 .406 -.050 1 11 BTK38 1772 2007 236 10 1 .457 .31 .93 .127 .849 .178 2.60 .434 -.032 1 12 BTK39 1738 2007 270 11 3 .427 .53 3.17 .420 .970 .139 2.52 .328 -.032 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 2379 96 13 .457 .66 6.72 .353 .852 .167 2.73 .387 -.030