Gentalsud, Bern, Switzerland - SWIT246 Additional Information S. Zgraggen F.H. Schweingruber U. Büntgen Collection purpose: dendroclimatology Cores are stored at: WSL Notes: Formerly rw00473ges765 References: Büntgen et al. 2008 TRACE COFECHA output: Chronology file name : SWIT246.CRN Measurement file name : SWIT246.RWL Date checked : 09MAY12 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1849 Ending year : 1987 Principal investigators: S. Zgraggen F.H. Schweingruber U. Büntgen Site name : Gentalsud Site location : Switzerland Species information : FASY EUROPEAN BEECH Latitude : 4628 Longitude : 00812 Elevation : 1390M Series intercorrelation: 0.638 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.326 Avg standard deviation : 0.616 Avg autocorrelation : 0.650 Number dated series : 28 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 4 Pct problem segments : 4.88 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Gentalsud 15:32 Wed 09 May 2012 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 765011 1896 1987 .40 .37 .50 .53 2 765012 1880 1987 .67 .76 .73 .74 3 765021 1894 1987 .67 .72 .65 .73 4 765022 1890 1987 .84 .82 .56 .55 5 765031 1927 1987 .55 .63 6 765032 1877 1987 .76 .77 .68 .79 7 765041 1859 1950 .52 .83 .82 .82 8 765041 1960 1987 .74 9 765042 1858 1942 .51 .72 .71 10 765042 1950 1980 .47 11 765051 1904 1987 .68 .62 .74 12 765052 1870 1987 .20B .31B .55 .61 .73 13 765061 1909 1987 .63 .69 .66 14 765062 1909 1941 .38B 15 765062 1950 1987 .68 16 765071 1883 1987 .67 .68 .69 .81 17 765072 1904 1987 .77 .74 .84 18 765081 1886 1987 .61 .58 .75 .66 19 765082 1887 1987 .69 .64 .74 .75 20 765091 1889 1960 .55 .57 .58 21 765091 1970 1987 .80 22 765101 1941 1987 .70 23 765102 1917 1967 .64 .65 24 765102 1970 1987 .73 25 765111 1879 1987 .51 .69 .44 .56 26 765112 1951 1987 .30B 27 765121 1849 1987 .42 .73 .67 .58 .63 28 765122 1869 1987 .80 .77 .71 .61 .61 Av segment correlation .49 .65 .66 .65 .67 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Gentalsud 15:32 Wed 09 May 2012 Page 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 765011 1896 1987 92 4 0 .450 1.99 3.03 .492 .672 .171 2.65 .536 .049 2 2 765012 1880 1987 108 4 0 .703 1.32 3.15 .624 .839 .236 2.60 .548 .048 1 3 765021 1894 1987 94 4 0 .724 1.59 4.41 .940 .856 .322 2.51 .453 .004 1 4 765022 1890 1987 98 4 0 .683 1.48 2.89 .539 .619 .270 2.50 .445 .057 1 5 765031 1927 1987 61 2 0 .619 .90 2.02 .378 .649 .284 2.67 .582 -.086 1 6 765032 1877 1987 111 4 0 .753 1.14 2.66 .568 .745 .313 2.52 .435 .007 1 7 765041 1859 1950 92 4 0 .664 1.52 4.66 .971 .744 .341 2.60 .475 .072 1 8 765041 1960 1987 28 1 0 .736 .63 1.36 .281 .122 .494 2.46 .490 .011 1 9 765042 1858 1942 85 3 0 .614 1.64 5.84 1.102 .867 .273 2.66 .395 .038 1 10 765042 1950 1980 31 1 0 .474 .38 .83 .194 .339 .519 2.45 .543 -.089 1 11 765051 1904 1987 84 3 0 .705 1.11 2.22 .402 .638 .279 2.66 .558 -.071 1 12 765052 1870 1987 118 5 2 .496 .83 2.34 .408 .666 .366 2.50 .420 -.032 1 13 765061 1909 1987 79 3 0 .614 1.91 4.20 .839 .617 .307 2.53 .507 .002 1 14 765062 1909 1941 33 1 1 .385 1.44 2.62 .586 .588 .288 2.82 .585 .079 1 15 765062 1950 1987 38 1 0 .676 1.05 2.98 .649 .691 .416 2.69 .494 -.071 1 16 765071 1883 1987 105 4 0 .727 1.67 3.75 .855 .767 .341 2.67 .544 .011 2 17 765072 1904 1987 84 3 0 .783 1.31 2.86 .611 .257 .545 2.59 .422 .066 2 18 765081 1886 1987 102 4 0 .636 1.08 2.76 .645 .831 .304 2.60 .481 .005 2 19 765082 1887 1987 101 4 0 .721 1.34 3.01 .600 .586 .367 2.47 .463 .044 2 20 765091 1889 1960 72 3 0 .592 1.45 2.65 .608 .671 .359 2.51 .435 -.048 2 21 765091 1970 1987 18 1 0 .798 1.01 1.86 .450 .186 .481 2.62 .633 -.035 1 22 765101 1941 1987 47 1 0 .701 2.08 3.76 .803 .539 .348 2.44 .409 -.035 1 23 765102 1917 1967 51 2 0 .647 1.77 3.59 .629 .552 .290 2.71 .519 .073 1 24 765102 1970 1987 18 1 0 .728 1.58 2.43 .534 .218 .355 2.32 .516 -.001 1 25 765111 1879 1987 109 4 0 .533 1.04 2.10 .449 .686 .280 2.46 .415 -.021 1 26 765112 1951 1987 37 1 1 .304 1.23 2.50 .538 .268 .395 2.81 .609 -.072 1 27 765121 1849 1987 139 5 0 .572 .98 2.44 .478 .706 .304 2.53 .455 -.038 2 28 765122 1869 1987 119 5 0 .682 1.16 2.95 .532 .527 .349 2.74 .430 .047 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 2154 82 4 .638 1.32 5.84 .616 .650 .326 2.82 .478 .007