Gommiswald-Steibruch, Switzerland - SWIT380 Additional Site Information Urs Gut Reference: Urs Gut. 2018. Evaluating the key assumptions underlying dendro-provenancing: How to spruce it up with a scissor plot. Dendrochronologia, Vol. 52, Dec. 2018, pp. 131-145. DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2018.09.008 Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation P0ZHP1_162299 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : SWIT380.CRN Measurement file name : SWIT380.RWL Date checked : 18DEC19 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1938 Ending year : 2016 Principal investigators: Urs Gut Site name : Gommiswald-Steibruch Site location : Switzerland Species information : PCAB NORWAY SPRUCE Latitude : 4715 Longitude : 00902 Elevation : 856M Series intercorrelation: 0.579 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.182 Avg standard deviation : 1.103 Avg autocorrelation : 0.679 Number dated series : 30 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 8 Pct problem segments : 10.67 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Gommiswald-Steibruch 09:41 Wed 18 Dec 2019 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1925 1950 1975 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 352 1943 2016 .45 .56 .68 2 353 1946 2016 .41 .54 .62 3 354 1964 2016 .26A .30A 4 355 1954 2016 .33B .43 5 356 1967 2016 .38 6 357 1946 2016 .68 .71 .66 7 358 1945 2016 .47 .55 .56 8 359 1953 2016 .63 .81 9 360 1959 2016 .84 .92 10 361 1951 2016 .59 .75 11 362 1947 2016 .54 .54 .40 12 363 1947 2016 .53 .53 .68 13 364 1947 2016 .52 .49 .61 14 365 1947 2016 .56 .58 .73 15 366 1947 2016 .26B .32A .62 16 367 1954 2016 .62 .62 17 368 1950 2016 .55 .60 18 369 1959 2016 .57 .59 19 370 1954 2016 .61 .49 20 371 1947 2016 .51 .54 .68 21 372 1940 2016 .37 .41 .64 22 373 1940 2016 .42 .28A .40 23 374 1949 2016 .52 .49 .63 24 375 1949 2016 .65 .66 .85 25 376 1948 2016 .73 .73 .80 26 377 1938 2016 .26B .62 .76 27 378 1952 2016 .57 .63 28 379 1952 2016 .36 .70 29 380 1960 2016 .65 .67 30 381 1952 2016 .20B .43 Av segment correlation .49 .52 .63 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Gommiswald-Steibruch 09:41 Wed 18 Dec 2019 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 352 1943 2016 74 3 0 .587 4.28 6.78 1.030 .658 .169 2.63 .525 .007 1 2 353 1946 2016 71 3 0 .550 3.06 5.91 1.228 .845 .164 2.63 .442 -.072 1 3 354 1964 2016 53 2 2 .285 4.53 6.32 .851 .653 .130 2.49 .555 .086 1 4 355 1954 2016 63 2 1 .345 4.23 8.09 2.194 .891 .208 2.51 .350 -.008 1 5 356 1967 2016 50 1 0 .375 5.35 8.82 1.939 .802 .206 2.71 .664 -.079 1 6 357 1946 2016 71 3 0 .674 4.52 7.00 1.036 .589 .163 2.60 .547 -.087 1 7 358 1945 2016 72 3 0 .455 3.13 5.46 1.381 .834 .231 2.46 .330 -.024 1 8 359 1953 2016 64 2 0 .723 3.35 6.84 1.657 .924 .162 2.59 .460 .035 1 9 360 1959 2016 58 2 0 .839 4.85 7.91 1.380 .766 .171 2.49 .420 -.063 1 10 361 1951 2016 66 2 0 .690 3.59 7.80 1.271 .773 .195 2.56 .568 -.045 1 11 362 1947 2016 70 3 0 .447 3.88 7.96 1.103 .536 .191 2.53 .430 -.002 1 12 363 1947 2016 70 3 0 .640 4.27 6.84 1.254 .753 .187 2.46 .456 -.015 2 13 364 1947 2016 70 3 0 .588 4.21 7.79 1.553 .847 .176 2.75 .566 -.045 1 14 365 1947 2016 70 3 0 .591 4.55 6.20 .946 .432 .185 2.55 .439 -.062 2 15 366 1947 2016 70 3 2 .503 4.79 7.86 1.412 .684 .191 2.57 .403 -.099 1 16 367 1954 2016 63 2 0 .623 3.54 5.81 1.022 .767 .159 2.64 .508 -.057 1 17 368 1950 2016 67 2 0 .585 2.30 4.13 .862 .816 .194 2.69 .517 -.032 2 18 369 1959 2016 58 2 0 .549 4.43 6.65 .963 .674 .144 2.52 .391 -.008 1 19 370 1954 2016 63 2 0 .555 3.34 4.77 .705 .526 .152 2.63 .582 -.071 1 20 371 1947 2016 70 3 0 .611 2.71 3.82 .610 .543 .176 2.55 .505 -.055 1 21 372 1940 2016 77 3 0 .617 2.41 4.84 1.047 .815 .206 2.63 .411 .051 1 22 373 1940 2016 77 3 1 .425 2.48 5.17 .652 .453 .201 2.75 .493 -.037 1 23 374 1949 2016 68 3 0 .624 3.19 4.85 .811 .495 .190 2.51 .460 .023 1 24 375 1949 2016 68 3 0 .790 3.28 6.26 .975 .731 .189 2.59 .474 -.076 1 25 376 1948 2016 69 3 0 .813 3.32 4.61 .642 .338 .183 2.47 .478 -.030 1 26 377 1938 2016 79 3 1 .517 2.80 5.24 .720 .623 .184 2.60 .406 -.034 1 27 378 1952 2016 65 2 0 .591 3.82 6.12 .970 .644 .172 2.68 .457 -.021 1 28 379 1952 2016 65 2 0 .645 3.57 7.65 1.030 .746 .163 2.49 .494 -.064 1 29 380 1960 2016 57 2 0 .626 4.40 6.84 1.229 .719 .179 2.42 .501 -.045 1 30 381 1952 2016 65 2 1 .454 3.50 6.04 1.019 .590 .199 2.79 .496 -.078 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 2003 75 8 .579 3.68 8.82 1.103 .679 .182 2.79 .475 -.034