Around Pinarbasi, Turkey - turk034 Additional Site Information Ünal Akkemik Measurement type: Total ring width Detrending: Negative exponential or linear regression of any slope Purpose of Collection: Climatology - precipitation analyses Location of core material: Forest Botany Department of Forestry Faculty, Istanbul University Reference: Akkemik, Ü., Dagdeviren,N. and Aras, A. 2005. A Preliminary Reconstruction (A.D. 1635-2000) of Spring Precipitation Using Oak Tree Rings in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. International Journal of Biometeorology 49 (5): 297-302. Note: Sample locations ranged from latitude 41N to 42N, longitude 32E to 34E. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : TURK034.CRN Measurement file name : TURK034.RWL Date checked : 13MAR07 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1607 Ending year : 2001 Principal investigators: Ünal Akkemik Site name : Around Pinarbasi Site location : Turkey Species information : QUSP OAK Latitude : 4130 Longitude : 3300 Elevation : 1050M Series intercorrelation: 0.535 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.208 Avg standard deviation : 0.312 Avg autocorrelation : 0.698 Number dated series : 59 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 63 Pct problem segments : 12.75 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Around Pinarbasi 14:46 Tue 13 Mar 2007 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 1-M-A 1738 2000 -.16B-.16B-.22B-.11B-.14B-.22B .04B-.05B-.19B-.11B-.09B 2 1-M-B 1622 2001 .39 .34 .46 .59 .50 .47B .65 .63 .59 .60 .52 .60 .71 .71 .59 .58 3 10-M-A 1619 2001 .24B .29B .49 .62 .69 .65 .60 .46 .29A .47 .65 .69 .60 .54 .68 .68 4 10-M-B 1634 2001 .60 .67 .67 .64 .68 .71 .67 .52 .48 .53 .56 .51 .63 .63 .63 5 11-M-A 1753 2001 .44 .57 .54 .61 .79 .63 .56 .71 .50 .49 6 11-M-B 1752 2001 .51 .45 .39 .47 .67 .61 .54 .64 .65 .65 7 12-M-A 1642 2001 .54 .60 .54 .56 .69 .67 .57 .42 .27A .34 .56 .64 .70 .49 .49 8 12-M-B 1626 2001 .66 .65 .53 .58 .59 .50 .53 .40 .27B .54 .73 .76 .74 .59 .58 9 14-M-A 1742 2001 .50 .61 .57 .53 .61 .69 .58 .49 .61 .48 .48 10 14-M-B 1746 2001 .63 .55 .67 .56 .66 .67 .57 .49 .55 .42 .42 11 15-M 1908 2001 .44B .50B .42 .42 12 16-M-A 1874 2001 .48 .49 .60 .59 .36B .36 13 16-M-B 1874 2001 .38 .41 .61 .54 .41 .41 14 17-M-A 1704 2001 .58 .63 .61 .61 .59 .70 .61 .49 .55 .65 .58 .58 15 17-M-B 1704 2001 .60 .67 .73 .55 .57 .63 .57 .60 .65 .63 .67 .66 16 18-M 1747 2001 .54 .54 .59 .65 .60 .45 .54 .69 .65 .54 .53 17 19-M 1908 2001 .36B .33A .29A .27A 18 2-M-A 1852 2001 .40B .58 .70 .66 .10B .10B 19 2-M-B 1855 2001 .55 .67 .79 .72 .70 .70 20 20-M-A 1886 2001 .55 .49 .48 .45 .45 21 20-M-B 1878 2001 .41 .32A .45 .61 .62 22 21-M-A 1852 2001 .39 .29A .46 .50 .30B .30A 23 21-M-B 1852 2001 .49 .55 .47 .43 .26A .25A 24 22-C1 1877 1978 .24A .57 .74 .75 25 23-C2 1892 1978 .33 .33 .42 .32A 26 24-C3 1877 1978 .29A .47 .65 .62 27 27-U9 1652 1807 .59 .67 .76 .71 .70 .67 28 28-U10 1807 1902 .58 .62 .67 .63 29 29-U11 1810 1905 .64 .60 .48 .40 30 3-M-A 1675 2001 .71 .70 .73 .65 .68 .62 .59 .74 .58 .65 .83 .76 .76 31 3-M-B 1675 2001 .80 .72 .59 .52 .56 .57 .53 .55 .59 .60 .61 .68 .67 32 31-A2 1660 1815 .59 .65 .54 .41 .43 .35 33 33-A5 1647 1816 .69 .66 .68 .59 .55 .61 .63 34 34-A10 1686 1802 .70 .48 .46 .60 .59 35 35-A11 1620 1734 .33B .29B .51 .62 .64 36 36-S1 1690 1791 .59 .62 .59 .56 37 37-S2 1688 1794 .50 .46 .56 .61 38 38-S3 1687 1796 .53 .49 .41 .30A 39 39-C1 1618 1736 .54 .46 .60 .61 .60 40 4-M-A 1635 2001 .55 .56 .66 .71 .65 .70 .68 .62 .65 .74 .72 .76 .78 .70 .70 41 4-M-B 1607 2001 .44 .50 .67 .78 .77 .66 .60 .65 .78 .79 .80 .81 .85 .79 .67 .68 42 40-C2 1839 1907 .64 .64 .54 43 41-C3 1625 1741 .41 .55 .68 .64 44 42-K1 1682 1836 .50 .63 .69 .23B .23A .12B 45 43-B2 1759 1840 .17B .25A .24A 46 44-B3 1757 1854 .27A .27A-.03B .08B 47 45-B5 1737 1830 .35 .26B .29B .36B 48 46-B6 1700 1815 .58 .51 .60 .63 49 47-B8 1748 1859 .58 .59 .58 .58 .46 50 5-M-A 1696 2001 .52 .60 .59 .61 .65 .59 .52 .58 .61 .74 .75 .69 .69 51 5-M-B 1694 2001 .72 .77 .62 .59 .67 .36 .42 .68 .55 .56 .66 .59 .59 52 6-M-A 1643 2001 .15B .32A .72 .71 .60 .51 .51 .43 .44 .71 .69 .60 .55 .52 .52 53 6-M-B 1656 2001 .45 .64 .68 .52 .50 .69 .52 .50 .70 .67 .78 .82 .68 .67 54 7-M-A 1713 2001 .40B .46 .54 .59 .59 .66 .50 .44 .42 .30B .53 .53 55 7-M-B 1713 2001 .46 .51 .75 .68 .51 .64 .73 .64 .58 .66 .57 .55 56 8-M-A 1851 2000 .01B-.19B-.20B-.01B .05B .06B 57 8-M-B 1853 2001 .47 .63 .63 .74 .77 .77 58 9-M-A 1663 2001 .64 .64 .72 .61 .69 .68 .56 .50 .45 .51 .68 .67 .53B .53 59 9-M-B 1668 2001 .73 .80 .78 .64 .61 .59 .43 .51 .70 .59 .59 .64 .58 .58 Av segment correlation .39 .46 .57 .64 .62 .56 .53 .54 .47 .51 .55 .52 .55 .58 .52 .51 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Around Pinarbasi 14:46 Tue 13 Mar 2007 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 1-M-A 1738 2000 263 11 11 -.122 .65 1.34 .227 .681 .216 2.48 .345 -.030 3 2 1-M-B 1622 2001 380 16 1 .558 .63 1.50 .210 .696 .206 2.52 .314 -.021 1 3 10-M-A 1619 2001 383 16 3 .541 .74 2.30 .254 .661 .213 2.68 .392 -.004 1 4 10-M-B 1634 2001 368 15 0 .602 .73 2.34 .302 .767 .198 2.60 .389 -.009 1 5 11-M-A 1753 2001 249 10 0 .561 1.03 3.69 .484 .703 .238 2.64 .412 .003 1 6 11-M-B 1752 2001 250 10 0 .560 .88 2.06 .347 .650 .251 2.67 .434 -.041 1 7 12-M-A 1642 2001 360 15 1 .533 .72 1.80 .281 .795 .182 2.60 .338 -.012 1 8 12-M-B 1626 2001 376 15 1 .573 .73 1.90 .250 .731 .190 2.54 .319 -.013 1 9 14-M-A 1742 2001 260 11 0 .527 .69 1.69 .256 .719 .201 2.55 .316 -.011 3 10 14-M-B 1746 2001 256 11 0 .557 .70 1.52 .248 .751 .190 2.59 .389 -.032 1 11 15-M 1908 2001 94 4 2 .451 .91 1.45 .214 .642 .148 2.75 .468 -.015 2 12 16-M-A 1874 2001 128 6 1 .508 .80 1.63 .330 .800 .201 2.63 .467 -.009 1 13 16-M-B 1874 2001 128 6 0 .451 .84 1.81 .326 .778 .204 2.60 .388 -.019 2 14 17-M-A 1704 2001 298 12 0 .587 .99 2.98 .348 .729 .198 2.81 .430 -.029 4 15 17-M-B 1704 2001 298 12 0 .624 .95 2.88 .344 .753 .198 2.54 .361 -.005 2 16 18-M 1747 2001 255 11 0 .566 .87 1.37 .177 .192 .203 2.52 .340 -.002 3 17 19-M 1908 2001 94 4 4 .333 .81 1.42 .229 .736 .160 2.62 .467 -.042 1 18 2-M-A 1852 2001 150 6 3 .435 .58 1.72 .198 .607 .196 2.71 .353 -.055 4 19 2-M-B 1855 2001 147 6 0 .664 .58 1.11 .170 .625 .207 2.56 .417 -.022 2 20 20-M-A 1886 2001 116 5 0 .479 .77 1.78 .343 .857 .168 2.59 .349 -.075 1 21 20-M-B 1878 2001 124 5 1 .486 .75 1.76 .268 .728 .197 2.79 .515 -.014 1 22 21-M-A 1852 2001 150 6 3 .384 .85 2.03 .332 .713 .198 2.85 .503 -.030 2 23 21-M-B 1852 2001 150 6 2 .400 .79 2.36 .355 .811 .194 2.52 .405 .006 1 24 22-C1 1877 1978 102 4 1 .557 .89 2.44 .338 .683 .205 2.57 .402 -.031 1 25 23-C2 1892 1978 87 4 1 .322 .71 1.48 .285 .807 .172 2.55 .510 .018 1 26 24-C3 1877 1978 102 4 1 .487 .76 1.85 .237 .640 .205 2.59 .453 .012 2 27 27-U9 1652 1807 156 6 0 .653 .81 1.50 .205 .557 .194 2.48 .401 -.023 1 28 28-U10 1807 1902 96 4 0 .602 1.22 2.92 .550 .750 .217 2.60 .425 .018 1 29 29-U11 1810 1905 96 4 0 .496 .89 2.51 .468 .796 .232 2.70 .472 -.061 1 30 3-M-A 1675 2001 327 13 0 .687 .75 2.61 .345 .762 .216 2.53 .375 -.015 1 31 3-M-B 1675 2001 327 13 0 .617 .62 1.71 .259 .703 .221 2.78 .407 -.026 1 32 31-A2 1660 1815 156 6 0 .462 .88 1.50 .259 .573 .212 2.85 .506 -.056 1 33 33-A5 1647 1816 170 7 0 .625 .78 2.63 .465 .843 .220 2.64 .495 -.038 1 34 34-A10 1686 1802 117 5 0 .590 1.24 2.61 .418 .604 .233 2.73 .546 -.050 1 35 35-A11 1620 1734 115 5 2 .527 1.09 2.29 .392 .684 .217 2.50 .322 -.018 1 36 36-S1 1690 1791 102 4 0 .571 .80 1.91 .280 .477 .264 2.47 .311 -.004 1 37 37-S2 1688 1794 107 4 0 .526 2.40 7.82 1.445 .810 .275 2.91 .485 .033 1 38 38-S3 1687 1796 110 4 1 .424 .73 2.12 .372 .884 .176 2.56 .445 -.010 1 39 39-C1 1618 1736 119 5 0 .531 .84 1.99 .456 .815 .241 2.52 .436 .045 1 40 4-M-A 1635 2001 367 15 0 .677 .68 1.29 .202 .471 .252 2.70 .421 -.017 1 41 4-M-B 1607 2001 395 16 0 .703 .77 1.97 .278 .565 .261 2.66 .354 -.018 1 42 40-C2 1839 1907 69 3 0 .534 1.40 3.12 .572 .806 .194 2.70 .549 -.083 1 43 41-C3 1625 1741 117 4 0 .550 1.00 3.12 .551 .883 .207 2.45 .431 -.052 1 44 42-K1 1682 1836 155 6 3 .454 .67 2.40 .355 .883 .165 2.63 .464 -.072 1 45 43-B2 1759 1840 82 3 3 .176 1.09 1.74 .270 .451 .203 2.57 .493 .011 1 46 44-B3 1757 1854 98 4 4 .191 .87 2.00 .387 .841 .186 2.61 .396 .091 1 47 45-B5 1737 1830 94 4 3 .366 1.20 2.21 .365 .689 .209 2.50 .443 -.007 1 48 46-B6 1700 1815 116 4 0 .596 .85 1.76 .310 .704 .207 2.58 .418 -.014 1 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Around Pinarbasi 14:46 Tue 13 Mar 2007 Page 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 47-B8 1748 1859 112 5 0 .525 .73 1.52 .295 .801 .178 2.63 .518 -.019 1 50 5-M-A 1696 2001 306 13 0 .632 .82 2.26 .330 .789 .182 2.60 .359 .004 1 51 5-M-B 1694 2001 308 13 0 .597 .80 3.14 .410 .859 .185 2.65 .442 .003 1 52 6-M-A 1643 2001 359 15 2 .516 .85 1.92 .288 .749 .186 2.64 .424 .038 1 53 6-M-B 1656 2001 346 14 0 .613 .59 1.38 .196 .667 .214 2.53 .364 -.034 1 54 7-M-A 1713 2001 289 12 2 .496 .84 2.11 .258 .624 .197 2.61 .385 -.022 1 55 7-M-B 1713 2001 289 12 0 .585 1.01 3.26 .371 .723 .199 2.63 .428 -.002 4 56 8-M-A 1851 2000 150 6 6 -.063 .60 1.34 .223 .763 .209 2.60 .414 -.057 1 57 8-M-B 1853 2001 149 6 0 .621 .64 1.18 .207 .653 .226 2.67 .487 -.052 1 58 9-M-A 1663 2001 339 14 1 .596 .77 1.56 .240 .540 .239 2.77 .431 -.008 2 59 9-M-B 1668 2001 334 14 0 .612 .82 3.43 .388 .753 .221 2.53 .352 -.009 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 12040 494 63 .535 .81 7.82 .312 .698 .208 2.91 .402 -.016