Porsuk, Ulukisla, Nigde, Turkey - TURK046 Additional Site Information C.B. Griggs, S.W. Manning, P.I. Kuniholm, and S.L. Tarter Notes: The absolute dates (BCE) in the top header of each of the three data sets represent the mean of the 14C-calibrated dates with a 2-sigma range (see Figure 6 in Manning et al 2016, PLOS One). The absolute dates were determined by the tree-ring sequenced "wiggle matching" of a series of 14C ages on segments of wood with known relative positions and spacing in the Porsuk tree-ring chronology. Reference: Manning, S.W., C.B. Griggs, B. Lorentzen, G. Barjamovic, C.B. Ramsey, B. Kromer, E.M. Wild. 2016. Integrated Tree Ring-Radiocarbon High-Resolution Timeframe to Resolve Earlier Second Millennium BC Mesopotamian Chronology. PLOS One, in press. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : TURK046.CRN Measurement file name : TURK046.RWL Date checked : 13MAY16 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 618 Ending year : 964 Principal investigators: Kuniholm Newton Griggs Lorentzen Manning Pearson Watkins Site name : Porsuk, Ulukisla Site location : Turkey Species information : JUSP JUNIPER Latitude : 3731 Longitude : 03430 Elevation : 1450M Series intercorrelation: 0.660 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.284 Avg standard deviation : 0.331 Avg autocorrelation : 0.793 Number dated series : 23 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 3 Pct problem segments : 2.29 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Porsuk 16:00 Fri 13 May 2016 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 850 875 900 699 724 749 774 799 824 849 874 899 924 949 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 POR910 709 964 .52 .47 .54 .60 .70 .66 .44 .45 .56 2 POR000 712 931 .63 .71 .70 .73 .75 .81 .79 .82 .82 3 POR121 763 931 .77 .73 .74 .81 .71 .57 .59 4 POR260 783 931 .32A .44 .53 .62 .68 .76 5 POR105 785 930 .67 .61 .60 .69 .60 .61 6 POR950 831 930 .75 .57 .46 .46 7 POR111 836 930 .68 .72 .75 .79 8 POR940 754 929 .58 .71 .80 .70 .60 .53 .59 9 POR410 757 929 .72 .79 .86 .81 .78 .70 .72 10 POR129 770 927 .69 .67 .60 .66 .80 .56 .60 11 POR010 771 927 .73 .76 .81 .82 .81 .78 .82 12 POR810 753 926 .52 .74 .91 .86 .81 .80 .83 13 POR111 786 924 .30B .28B .52 .60 .56 14 POR441 780 913 .57 .47 .61 .76 .71 15 POR070 782 910 .54 .56 .67 .73 .56 16 POR080 761 899 .73 .79 .86 .85 .83 17 POR030 807 891 .76 .72 .56 18 POR581 787 885 .63 .66 .64 .60 19 POR020 618 875 .56 .53 .65 .73 .79 .87 .91 .79 .76 20 POR400 789 865 .81 .83 .83 21 POR391 795 865 .53 .55 .49 22 POR691 656 820 .56 .57 .72 .68 .59 .72 23 POR060 715 778 .83 .86 .84 Av segment correlation .56 .55 .67 .69 .68 .66 .69 .71 .69 .64 .68 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Porsuk 16:00 Fri 13 May 2016 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 POR910 709 964 256 9 0 .539 .38 1.89 .294 .909 .273 2.76 .453 -.004 1 2 POR000 712 931 220 9 0 .737 .44 1.43 .307 .848 .296 2.46 .346 -.025 4 3 POR121 763 931 169 7 0 .719 .36 1.27 .239 .853 .321 2.44 .347 .001 2 4 POR260 783 931 149 6 1 .532 .85 3.18 .379 .592 .285 2.93 .511 -.052 1 5 POR105 785 930 146 6 0 .632 .64 1.29 .262 .743 .252 2.55 .421 -.008 1 6 POR950 831 930 100 4 0 .595 .42 1.76 .232 .712 .288 2.64 .469 -.048 2 7 POR111 836 930 95 4 0 .742 1.03 3.73 .599 .831 .255 2.51 .428 -.095 1 8 POR940 754 929 176 7 0 .625 .38 1.19 .216 .851 .268 2.51 .354 -.058 2 9 POR410 757 929 173 7 0 .754 .52 1.48 .269 .799 .242 2.70 .460 -.020 1 10 POR129 770 927 158 7 0 .648 .50 1.65 .303 .826 .271 2.56 .337 -.007 1 11 POR010 771 927 157 7 0 .778 .79 2.23 .466 .784 .312 2.53 .395 -.029 1 12 POR810 753 926 174 7 0 .732 .40 1.23 .207 .714 .312 2.56 .471 -.087 1 13 POR111 786 924 139 5 2 .447 .53 1.40 .311 .852 .295 2.57 .353 -.069 1 14 POR441 780 913 134 5 0 .603 .50 1.50 .313 .842 .276 2.86 .570 -.016 1 15 POR070 782 910 129 5 0 .585 .58 1.74 .353 .867 .240 2.77 .387 .039 2 16 POR080 761 899 139 5 0 .795 .71 1.40 .259 .691 .251 2.46 .387 -.019 1 17 POR030 807 891 85 3 0 .638 .95 2.37 .439 .744 .263 2.68 .465 -.079 2 18 POR581 787 885 99 4 0 .617 .57 1.32 .292 .802 .274 2.69 .511 .016 3 19 POR020 618 875 258 9 0 .679 .49 1.64 .331 .856 .301 2.77 .407 .012 1 20 POR400 789 865 77 3 0 .808 .83 3.29 .530 .802 .314 2.59 .525 -.076 1 21 POR391 795 865 71 3 0 .556 .36 .91 .178 .613 .376 2.77 .547 .012 2 22 POR691 656 820 165 6 0 .636 .93 3.99 .562 .710 .294 2.74 .368 -.002 1 23 POR060 715 778 64 3 0 .838 1.27 2.83 .606 .668 .310 2.68 .606 -.109 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 3333 131 3 .660 .58 3.99 .331 .793 .284 2.93 .425 -.026