Olympic Road 3116 - WA088 Additional Site Information Note: Materials referred to below (cores, photographs, notes, etc.) are archived at the Tree-Ring Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195. SITE NAME: Olympic Road 3116, ORT COLLECTION DATE: 21 July 1987 LATITUDE: 48 deg LONGITUDE: 124 deg LEGAL LOCATION: WA, T31N, R12W, NE 1/4 of S30; private land. APPROACH: From Port Angeles, proceed W on U.S. 101 to Washington 112 at Sappho. Turn right (N) and continue about 2 miles to FS Road 3116. Turn left (W) and proceed 4.8 miles to a road fork; bear right and continue 0.6 miles. Park at a pullout in a clearcut. The stand is clearly visible to the NE (see photos). The easiest approach seems to be a direct line toward the stand; an elk trail goes down to the stream, and down logs lead across the OPHO thickets there. ASPECT: 212 degrees SLOPE: 40 percent ELEVATION: 740-1010 feet 225-310 meters QUADRANGLE: Ellis Mountain, WA 7.5 minute PHOTOS: For site and for each sampled tree #79-#103, archived at University of Washington. STAND NOTES: Releve: 40% GASH, 20% MOSS, 10% OXOR, 10% VAAL, 5% VAPA, 2% VAME, 1% BLSP, 1% TIUN, 1% BENE. Also SMST, MEFE, POMU, and a lot of bare ground. Association on most of the site is TSHE/GASH-OXOR, but the slopes near the stream are ABAM/VAAL-GASH. Regeneration is sparse, consisting almost wholly of suppressed (10-30cm) TSHE. The stand is dominated by scattered old-growth PSME, and most snags and CWD also appear to be PSME. Secondary dominants include TSHE and locally, ABAM (lower slopes), with some THPL of a size comparable to the PSME (100-250cm). Disturbance included very local, minor cutting - see field notes for details. Lots of 50-70cm TSHE CWD, DC 2-4, suggests some windthrow - 1962 and 1981? PSME snags on the ridge N of trees #91-93 have some char, and beyond the forest is dominated by 40cm TSHE, suggesting a fire earlier in this century. One cut stump of a PSME, ca. 200cm DBH, had 529 rings, suggesting a stand age of about 550 years. MAP OF SITE: See field form and enlarged topo map, archived at University of Washington. TREE DATA For tree form (all are erect old growth), slope position (almost all are midslope) and remarks on the trees, see the field forms. Nearest neighbor: Distance in meters, species, DBH in cm Core azimuth: Measured as clock time to the nearest hour, with upslope taken as 12:00. Tree DBH Height Nearest Core Aspect Slope Tag Neighbor Pos. No. 79 220 63 6.5 PSME 230 A3 B11 255 70 80 164 69 3.2 TSHE 61 A10 B2 190 73 81 164 57 0.3 TSHE 89 A3 B8 190 78 82 176 51 0.5 THPL 120 A3 B10 290 71 83 225 71 4.1 PSME 139 A1 B9 275 5 84 177 60 1.2 PSME 204 A9 B3 338 30 85 204 64 1.2 PSME 177 A9 B3 338 30 86 181 64 2.9 TSHE 84 A3 B9 253 5 87 235 68 2.9 PSME 246 A3 B9 190 30 88 177 77 11 PSME 205 A3 B9 212 38 89 215 70 4.4 PSME 178 A3 B12 190 32 90 150 57 0.6 TSHE 85 (Rotten) 183 28 91 190 74 9.1 PSME 170 A3 B9 204 40 92 170 47 3.4 PSME 199 A3 B9 190 28 93 199 61 3.4 PSME 170 A3 B9 175 32 94 166 62 1.5 TSHE 73 A8 B12 147 65 95 191 61 5.2 PSME 166 A12 B6 150 63 96 205 59 0.5 TSHE 66 A10 B2 190 33 97 228 74 7.1 PSME 193 A2 B8 186 34 98 271 62 9.4 TSHE 80 A2 B9 190 40 99 167 66 1.8 TSHE 82 A3 B9 190 40 100 249 65 2.5 TSHE 70 A3 B9 190 40 101 248 64 16 THPL 236 A2 B9 200 28 102 223 62 4.9 TSHE 38 A2 B9 200 34 103 253 63 6.3 THPL 236 A9 B3 189 32 Averages: 202 64 4.4 PSME 143 212 40 CHRONOLOGY DEVELOPMENT The chronologies were developed using Program CRONOL as distributed by the ITRDB ca. 1994. They were standardized using program defaults, which involve use of a cubic spline that removes 50% of variance at 128 years. Persons desiring to use this data for purposes other than screening are advised to use the crossdated ring width measurements, also available from the ITRDB, and to develop chronologies suited to their particular needs. These data were originally collected for a study of air pollution impacts on tree growth in the Puget Sound region and were analysed on a core-by-core basis using a process that did not entail chronology development. Details are available in the following source: Brubaker, L.B.; Vega-Gonzalez, S.; Ford, E.D.; Ribic, C.A.; Earle, C.J.; and Segura, S. 1992. Old-growth Douglas-fir in western Washington. P. 333-364 in Olson, R.K.; Binkley, D.; and Bohm, M., eds., "The response of western forests to air pollution." Springer-Verlag, New York. NOMENCLATURE The four-letter codes used above identify common species found in montane forests of the Pacific Northwestas, follows: ABAM - Abies amabilis ACCI - Acer circinatum ACTR - Achlys triphylla ATFE - Athyrium filix-femina BENE - Berberis nervosa BLSP - Blechnum spicant CHME - Chimaphila menziesii CHUM - Chimaphila umbellata CLUN - Clintonia uniflora COCA - Cornus canadensis COME - Corallorhiza mertensiana GAOV - Gaultheria ovatifolia GASH - Gaultheria shallon GOOB - Goodyera oblongifolia GYDR - Gymnocarpium dryopteris LIBO - Linnaea borealis LICA - Listera caurina MEFE - Menziesia ferruginea OPHO - Oplopanax horridum POMU - Polystichum munitum PSME - Pseudotsuga menziesii PYAS - Pyrola asarifolia SMST - Smilacena stellata TABR - Taxus brevifolia THPL - Thuja plicata TIUN - Tiarella unifoliata TROV - Trillium ovatum TSHE - Tsuga heterophylla VAAL - Vaccinium alaskaense VAME - Vaccinium membranaceum VAPA - Vaccinium parvifolium VISE - Viola sempervirens A recommended reference on vegetation in these forests is: Franklin, Jerry F. and C.T. Dyrness. 1988. "Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington." Oregon State University Press, Corvallis. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : WA088.CRN Measurement file name : WA088.RWL Date checked : 02SEP96 Technician's name : MARIETTE SEKLECKI Supervisor's name : HENRI D. GRISSINO-MAYER Beginning year : 1394 Ending year : 1987 Principal investigators: C.J. EARLE, L.B. BRUBAKER, G. SEGURA Site name : OLYMPIC ROAD 3116 Site location : WASHINGTON, USA Species information : PSME DOUGLAS-FIR Latitude : 4800N Longitude : 12400W Elevation : 267 M Series intercorrelation: 0.596 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.199 Avg standard deviation : 0.442 Avg autocorrelation : 0.859 Number dated series : 45 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 44 Pct problem segments : 6.15 Are there obvious misdated series? YES Number possible misdated series : 1 Percent misdated series : 2.22 Do they affect chronology quality? N/A Recommend withhold from ITRDB? N/A Comments: #17 ORT83A 1651-1724 IS MISDATED #43 ORT98B 1775-1849 IS POSSIBLY MISDATED #15 ORT82A 1825-1987 HAS LOW CORRELATION STILL AN EXCELLENT DATA SET PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: 16:06 Mon 02 SEP 1996 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under 0.3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1400 1425 1450 1475 1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1449 1474 1499 1524 1549 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 ORT100A 1665 1987 .78 .82 .63 .67 .84 .79 .69 .61 .75 .80 2 ORT100B 1615 1987 .69 .71 .79 .75 .60 .58 .63 .63 .73 .70 .60 .72 3 ORT101A 1678 1987 .63 .63 .59 .68 .67 .61 .68 .76 .64 4 ORT101B 1713 1987 .55 .67 .75 .65 .53 .55 .70 .72 5 ORT102A 1694 1987 .79 .73 .68 .70 .76 .69 .64 .71 .74 6 ORT102B 1632 1987 .59 .68 .82 .65 .50 .64 .67 .61 .66 .61 .63 7 ORT103A 1628 1987 .64 .65 .72 .59 .52 .63 .68 .69 .60 .51 .60 8 ORT103B 1688 1987 .71 .73 .69 .69 .74 .76 .42 .34 .51 9 ORT79A 1578 1987 .29A .46 .57 .59 .61 .57 .60 .74 .85 .81 .66 .68 .71 10 ORT79B 1623 1987 .45 .43 .66 .67 .63 .59 .71 .78 .74 .74 .65 .67 11 ORT80A 1485 1987 .42 .62 .71 .81 .69 .60 .69 .61 .68 .76 .71 .67 .63 .60 .65 .47 .47 12 ORT80B 1475 1987 .62 .57 .68 .76 .72 .67 .50 .29B .59 .69 .66 .67 .61 .30B .20B .35 .37 13 ORT81A 1418 1973 .25B .34 .59 .42 .57 .72 .60 .58 .49 .38 .43 .67 .72 .63 .40 .39 .38 .28B .27A .44 14 ORT81B 1442 1987 .40 .36 .66 .74 .79 .84 .77 .52 .45 .33 .50 .60 .41 .27A .27B .34 .34 .50 .67 15 ORT82A 1476 1987 .52 .40 .46 .59 .50 .45 .59 .63 .55 .50 .62 .68 .53 .39 .24B-.01B-.24B 16 ORT82B 1533 1987 .60 .64 .53 .51 .58 .53 .42 .42 .45 .53 .45 .44 .55 .30A .52 17 ORT83A 1651 1987 .18B .42B .41 .46 .54 .49 .51 .64 .65 .72 18 ORT83B 1505 1987 .67 .68 .69 .67 .73 .78 .70 .41B .51 .81 .80 .78 .71 .62 .66 .67 19 ORT84B 1576 1987 .72 .58 .52 .49 .73 .82 .64 .58 .71 .73 .76 .77 .79 20 ORT85A 1578 1987 .80 .75 .78 .61 .63 .61 .65 .71 .67 .70 .52 .27B .54 21 ORT85B 1610 1987 .56 .61 .67 .76 .76 .79 .76 .70 .71 .62 .66 .58 22 ORT86A 1418 1987 .46 .49 .55 .51 .62 .59 .51 .49 .63 .76 .68 .71 .61 .54 .66 .70 .65 .68 .70 .73 23 ORT86B 1759 1987 .68 .70 .66 .68 .68 .71 24 ORT87A 1741 1987 .66 .79 .70 .56 .62 .71 .78 25 ORT87B 1707 1987 .25B .54 .81 .85 .83 .66 .60 .61 26 ORT88A 1563 1987 .63 .68 .59 .62 .65 .77 .71 .71 .79 .73 .74 .73 .60 .68 27 ORT88B 1394 1987 .36 .39 .50 .32A .21B .29A .71 .67 .38 .44 .38 .42 .59 .64 .63 .73 .77 .64 .61 .37 28 ORT89A 1543 1987 .59 .54 .53 .53 .71 .53 .48 .40 .48 .64 .57 .49 .53 .56 .67 29 ORT89B 1514 1987 .60 .63 .61 .46 .46 .48 .53 .74 .66 .67 .78 .65 .64 .71 .56 .48 30 ORT91A 1612 1987 .73 .66 .64 .70 .78 .80 .83 .79 .76 .67 .42 .51 31 ORT91B 1612 1987 .71 .64 .60 .66 .79 .79 .78 .78 .72 .58 .33A .49 32 ORT92A 1597 1987 .59 .59 .50 .42 .64 .81 .77 .76 .73 .68 .45 .59 .76 33 ORT92B 1536 1983 .65 .68 .60 .66 .79 .71 .73 .81 .78 .75 .79 .76 .71 .67 .73 34 ORT93A 1614 1987 .58 .63 .54 .59 .74 .70 .74 .68 .54 .57 .71 .70 35 ORT93B 1418 1987 .62 .59 .68 .74 .75 .69 .61 .63 .74 .83 .73 .70 .73 .70 .65 .52 .41 .54 .60 .55 36 ORT94A 1426 1987 .41 .63 .61 .63 .70 .74 .65 .57 .55 .43 .46 .51 .52 .48 .49 .48 .34 .27A .42 37 ORT94B 1467 1987 .65 .70 .67 .65 .67 .75 .64 .61 .61 .26B .41 .68 .53 .54 .66 .51 .41 .59 38 ORT95A 1825 1987 .50 .47 .57 39 ORT96A 1557 1987 .67 .62 .70 .71 .68 .60 .61 .70 .69 .72 .70 .68 .66 .61 40 ORT96B 1469 1987 .71 .82 .69 .61 .64 .59 .68 .70 .59 .69 .68 .46 .37 .57 .58 .34B .18B .44 41 ORT97A 1727 1983 .69 .65 .46 .46 .61 .60 .46 42 ORT97B 1734 1987 .37 .57 .42 .25B .22B .27B .40 43 ORT98B 1760 1987 .73 .37B .16B .44 .74 .79 44 ORT99A 1562 1987 .66 .60 .60 .76 .77 .77 .73 .73 .74 .72 .74 .72 .76 .69 45 ORT99B 1620 1987 .63 .61 .28B .32A .75 .75 .66 .52 .42 .57 .72 .65 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: 16:06 Mon 02 SEP 1996 Page 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under 0.3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1900 1925 1950 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 ORT100A 1665 1987 .82 .73 .71 2 ORT100B 1615 1987 .54 .33A .56 3 ORT101A 1678 1987 .60 .69 .73 4 ORT101B 1713 1987 .75 .84 .82 5 ORT102A 1694 1987 .70 .66 .64 6 ORT102B 1632 1987 .70 .65 .56 7 ORT103A 1628 1987 .54 .61 .56 8 ORT103B 1688 1987 .50 .58 .60 9 ORT79A 1578 1987 .70 .74 .74 10 ORT79B 1623 1987 .77 .76 .72 11 ORT80A 1485 1987 .57 .57 .61 12 ORT80B 1475 1987 .55 .57 .46 13 ORT81A 1418 1973 .43 .31A 14 ORT81B 1442 1987 .67 .50 .43 15 ORT82A 1476 1987 -.04B .24B .26B 16 ORT82B 1533 1987 .66 .52 .43 17 ORT83A 1651 1987 .72 .59 .53 18 ORT83B 1505 1987 .68 .64 .59 19 ORT84B 1576 1987 .79 .71 .72 20 ORT85A 1578 1987 .71 .66 .73 21 ORT85B 1610 1987 .59 .69 .68 22 ORT86A 1418 1987 .76 .75 .71 23 ORT86B 1759 1987 .68 .59 .64 24 ORT87A 1741 1987 .66 .53 .60 25 ORT87B 1707 1987 .60 .71 .70 26 ORT88A 1563 1987 .78 .68 .57 27 ORT88B 1394 1987 .40 .57 .46 28 ORT89A 1543 1987 .68 .51 .52 29 ORT89B 1514 1987 .54 .59 .60 30 ORT91A 1612 1987 .65 .74 .73 31 ORT91B 1612 1987 .64 .68 .70 32 ORT92A 1597 1987 .66 .54 .40 33 ORT92B 1536 1983 .69 .21B .10B 34 ORT93A 1614 1987 .65 .77 .81 35 ORT93B 1418 1987 .30B .25B .54 36 ORT94A 1426 1987 .51 .36B .45 37 ORT94B 1467 1987 .66 .41 .46 38 ORT95A 1825 1987 .60 .49 .54 39 ORT96A 1557 1987 .58 .60 .61 40 ORT96B 1469 1987 .63 .48 .49 41 ORT97A 1727 1983 .26A .41 .34 42 ORT97B 1734 1987 .38 .63 .64 43 ORT98B 1760 1987 .78 .77 .77 44 ORT99A 1562 1987 .63 .66 .69 45 ORT99B 1620 1987 .66 .70 .69 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: 16:06 Mon 02 SEP 1996 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 ORT100A 1665 1987 323 13 0 0.732 1.11 2.56 0.465 0.843 0.200 2.01 0.269 0.004 1 2 ORT100B 1615 1987 373 15 1 0.617 0.96 3.34 0.631 0.913 0.238 1.98 0.261 0.003 1 3 ORT101A 1678 1987 310 12 0 0.650 1.20 4.12 0.540 0.856 0.186 1.99 0.342 -0.017 1 4 ORT101B 1713 1987 275 11 0 0.679 1.39 3.07 0.565 0.853 0.178 1.90 0.288 -0.035 1 5 ORT102A 1694 1987 294 12 0 0.695 1.25 2.97 0.482 0.710 0.260 2.05 0.329 -0.039 1 6 ORT102B 1632 1987 356 14 0 0.623 1.12 2.61 0.493 0.883 0.185 1.87 0.249 -0.031 1 7 ORT103A 1628 1987 360 14 0 0.621 0.93 2.79 0.438 0.855 0.179 1.96 0.297 -0.016 1 8 ORT103B 1688 1987 300 12 0 0.620 0.95 3.12 0.505 0.820 0.182 2.43 0.287 -0.015 2 9 ORT79A 1578 1987 410 16 1 0.626 0.82 3.02 0.443 0.807 0.207 2.04 0.274 -0.033 2 10 ORT79B 1623 1987 365 15 0 0.659 0.68 1.93 0.336 0.799 0.206 2.10 0.352 -0.020 2 11 ORT80A 1485 1987 503 20 0 0.627 0.71 1.65 0.302 0.890 0.166 1.89 0.240 0.025 1 12 ORT80B 1475 1987 513 20 3 0.541 0.73 2.36 0.412 0.925 0.187 2.00 0.323 -0.021 1 13 ORT81A 1418 1973 556 22 4 0.458 0.71 2.61 0.507 0.942 0.194 2.01 0.250 -0.016 2 14 ORT81B 1442 1987 546 22 2 0.507 0.67 2.45 0.526 0.936 0.244 1.95 0.240 0.001 1 15 ORT82A 1476 1987 512 20 6 0.373 0.71 2.22 0.429 0.897 0.217 2.15 0.266 -0.023 1 16 ORT82B 1533 1987 455 18 1 0.506 0.78 2.96 0.383 0.818 0.192 2.19 0.381 -0.026 2 17 ORT83A 1651 1987 337 13 2 0.516 0.73 1.71 0.333 0.932 0.146 1.93 0.292 -0.031 1 18 ORT83B 1505 1987 483 19 1 0.665 0.72 1.49 0.214 0.775 0.158 1.95 0.236 0.013 1 19 ORT84B 1576 1987 412 16 0 0.695 0.89 3.14 0.512 0.906 0.184 2.04 0.245 0.012 1 20 ORT85A 1578 1987 410 16 1 0.658 0.93 2.41 0.518 0.897 0.189 2.20 0.334 -0.011 2 21 ORT85B 1610 1987 378 15 0 0.663 0.97 2.44 0.456 0.901 0.157 2.05 0.257 0.005 2 22 ORT86A 1418 1987 570 23 0 0.626 0.67 2.55 0.350 0.862 0.189 2.10 0.305 -0.002 1 23 ORT86B 1759 1987 229 9 0 0.660 1.77 3.46 0.482 0.570 0.196 2.02 0.302 -0.032 2 24 ORT87A 1741 1987 247 10 0 0.652 1.10 4.95 0.801 0.904 0.248 1.89 0.275 -0.056 2 25 ORT87B 1707 1987 281 11 1 0.652 0.86 1.93 0.373 0.758 0.221 2.16 0.325 -0.031 2 26 ORT88A 1563 1987 425 17 0 0.670 0.85 2.45 0.460 0.913 0.170 2.05 0.311 -0.023 5 27 ORT88B 1394 1987 594 23 3 0.482 0.60 2.71 0.349 0.848 0.259 1.86 0.213 -0.024 5 28 ORT89A 1543 1987 445 18 0 0.549 0.69 2.20 0.443 0.915 0.172 2.12 0.316 -0.002 1 29 ORT89B 1514 1987 474 19 0 0.597 0.68 3.33 0.496 0.920 0.177 2.03 0.248 -0.023 1 30 ORT91A 1612 1987 376 15 0 0.688 0.91 2.65 0.398 0.782 0.218 1.97 0.308 -0.006 1 31 ORT91B 1612 1987 376 15 1 0.657 0.90 2.67 0.398 0.778 0.217 2.03 0.313 -0.007 1 32 ORT92A 1597 1987 391 16 0 0.617 0.93 1.79 0.358 0.816 0.186 1.98 0.273 0.004 1 33 ORT92B 1536 1983 448 18 2 0.650 0.70 1.60 0.315 0.870 0.183 2.16 0.333 -0.020 1 34 ORT93A 1614 1987 374 15 0 0.659 0.97 3.22 0.620 0.930 0.168 2.06 0.362 -0.015 1 35 ORT93B 1418 1987 570 23 2 0.607 0.66 1.98 0.283 0.887 0.158 2.08 0.317 -0.008 1 36 ORT94A 1426 1987 562 22 2 0.507 0.60 2.64 0.537 0.919 0.240 2.17 0.348 0.008 1 37 ORT94B 1467 1987 521 21 1 0.570 0.63 2.17 0.331 0.879 0.189 2.07 0.208 -0.015 1 38 ORT95A 1825 1987 163 6 0 0.535 1.78 4.26 0.814 0.829 0.204 2.10 0.329 -0.063 2 39 ORT96A 1557 1987 431 17 0 0.631 0.83 2.23 0.370 0.851 0.184 1.74 0.151 -0.047 1 40 ORT96B 1469 1987 519 21 2 0.560 0.73 2.68 0.490 0.889 0.239 1.90 0.283 -0.035 1 41 ORT97A 1727 1983 257 10 1 0.509 0.95 1.83 0.299 0.835 0.136 1.89 0.268 -0.004 1 42 ORT97B 1734 1987 254 10 3 0.404 1.09 5.55 0.625 0.721 0.294 2.14 0.320 -0.050 2 43 ORT98B 1760 1987 228 9 2 0.589 1.33 2.35 0.383 0.727 0.167 1.84 0.247 -0.016 2 44 ORT99A 1562 1987 426 17 0 0.699 0.91 2.86 0.509 0.834 0.242 1.93 0.282 -0.017 1 45 ORT99B 1620 1987 368 15 2 0.571 1.01 2.87 0.528 0.808 0.263 1.83 0.196 -0.030 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 18000 715 44 0.596 0.85 5.55 0.442 0.859 0.199 2.43 0.283 -0.015