Silver Creek - WA089 Additional Site Information Note: Materials referred to below (cores, photographs, notes, etc.) are archived at the Tree-Ring Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195. SITE NAME: Silver Creek, SIL COLLECTION DATE: 25 July 1987 LATITUDE: 46 deg 38.3 min LONGITUDE: 121 deg 50 min LEGAL LOCATION: WA, T13N, R8W, NW 1/4 of S8; Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Randle Ranger District. APPROACH: From Pack Forest (UW), take State 7 E about 8mi to Elbe. Turn left (E) and take State 706 E to Ashford; continue a bit over 2mi and turn right (S) onto F.S. 52; signs to Big Creek Campground. Pass the CG and continue about 2.5mi to junction with F.S. 84; turn right (S) and proceed about 12mi to junction with F.S. 47. Turn right (W) and go about 2mi to junction with F.S. 4773 (pavement starts immediately beyond). Turn right (N) and go about 100 meters up 4773 to a junction by a small stream; park here. The site is in the forest immediately upslope; #163 is about 50 meters into the stand. ASPECT: 191 degrees SLOPE: 68 percent ELEVATION: 2800-3100 FEET 850-950 METERS QUADRANGLE: Randle, WA 15' PHOTOS: For for each sampled tree #159-#189, archived at University of Washington. STAND NOTES: Releve: 80% MOSS, 50% GASH, 30% TABR, 10% BENE, 5% XETE, 5% VAAL, 5% VAPA, 3% LIBO. Also ACCI, ACTR, BLSP, CHUM, COCA, HYMO, POMU, RUGY, RUSP, SMST, TIUN, VAME. TABR common throughout stand (see photos). Association keys out as ABAM/VAAL-GASH due to the 5% VAAL cover, but the site description indicates that ABAM-GASH is a more accurate description. Site fairly homogeneous, except for some windthrow (see below) and locally greater moisture around trees #184-#189. Regeneration very sparse, about 70% TSHE and 30% ABAM. Stand consists of common PSME dominants and TSHE codominants, 60-120cm with the PSME a bit larger than the TSHE. Trees are small in view of their age; we used 30cm as the cutoff for N.N. rather than 50cm, as is typically used. THPL is virtually absent. Large woody debris is moderate to low except in some subsites, avoided in sampling, where recent windthrow has occurred (affecting mainly the PSME - suspect pockets of rot). Apart from these areas, no evidence of disturbance since stand initiation. Recon tree, collected as #160, had 460 rings in a core approaching pith, suggesting a stand age of at least 475 years. MAP OF SITE: See field form and enlarged topo map, archived at University of Washington. TREE DATA For tree form (most are erect old growth), slope position (most are midslope), remarks on the trees and microsite vegetation, see the field forms. Tree DBH Height Nearest Core Aspect Slope Tag Neighbor Pos. No. 159 98 55 4.3 Tshe 77 A3 B9 158 72 160 123 53 0.2 Tshe 112 A3 B9 187 66 161 79 39 0.5 Tshe 54 A3 B9 189 68 162 91 41 6.4 Tshe 90 A3 B10 190 65 163 106 51 4.2 Tshe 90 A3 B9 192 64 164 92 72 1.7 Tshe 53 A2 B9 164 66 165 78 47 5.9 Tshe 77 A2 B9 161 63 166 101 52 4.6 Tshe 73 A2 B9 176 64 167 98 47 6.7 Tshe 69 A3 B9 191 63 168 139 46 9.8 Tshe 92 A3 B9 196 69 169 107 49 1.7 Tshe 67 A3 B9 194 64 170 82 43 4.9 Tshe 80 A2 B9 196 64 171 84 52 1.1 Tshe 32 A3 B9 194 64 172 91 52 1.6 Tshe 69 A3 B9 198 66 173 111 58 (Rotten) 174 93 50 1.5 Tshe 87 A3 B9 193 64 175 102 51 4.4 Tshe 71 A2 B9 192 70 176 83 38 3.7 Psme 81 A3 B9 187 64 177 81 38 0.9 Tshe 33 A3 B9 192 73 178 92 53 2.3 Tshe 111 A3 B9 193 70 179 85 57 3.7 Tshe 55 A3 B9 204 67 180 91 47 4.5 Tshe 38 A3 B9 194 66 181 92 51 3.6 Tshe 96 A9 B3 194 67 182 109 47 2.5 Tshe 40 A3 B9 190 74 183 124 52 2.2 Tshe 113 A9 B3 211 74 184 113 64 0.7 Tshe 70 A3 B9 203 68 185 99 61 1.5 Tshe 45 A3 B9 202 69 186 90 60 5.1 Tshe 60 A3 B9 201 72 187 136 63 2.4 Tshe 99 A2 B10 191 72 188 180 60 3.3 Tshe 106 A3 B9 198 72 189 57 (Rotten) 204 72 Averages: 102 52 3.3 Tshe 73 191 68 CHRONOLOGY DEVELOPMENT The chronologies were developed using Program CRONOL as distributed by the ITRDB ca. 1994. They were standardized using program defaults, which involve use of a cubic spline that removes 50% of variance at 128 years. Persons desiring to use this data for purposes other than screening are advised to use the crossdated ring width measurements, also available from the ITRDB, and to develop chronologies suited to their particular needs. These data were originally collected for a study of air pollution impacts on tree growth in the Puget Sound region and were analysed on a core-by-core basis using a process that did not entail chronology development. Details are available in the following source: Brubaker, L.B.; Vega-Gonzalez, S.; Ford, E.D.; Ribic, C.A.; Earle, C.J.; and Segura, S. 1992. Old-growth Douglas-fir in western Washington. P. 333-364 in Olson, R.K.; Binkley, D.; and Bohm, M., eds., "The response of western forests to air pollution." Springer-Verlag, New York. NOMENCLATURE The four-letter codes used above identify common species found in montane forests of the Pacific Northwestas, follows: ABAM - Abies amabilis ACCI - Acer circinatum ACTR - Achlys triphylla ATFE - Athyrium filix-femina BENE - Berberis nervosa BLSP - Blechnum spicant CHME - Chimaphila menziesii CHUM - Chimaphila umbellata CLUN - Clintonia uniflora COCA - Cornus canadensis COME - Corallorhiza mertensiana GAOV - Gaultheria ovatifolia GASH - Gaultheria shallon GOOB - Goodyera oblongifolia GYDR - Gymnocarpium dryopteris LIBO - Linnaea borealis LICA - Listera caurina MEFE - Menziesia ferruginea OPHO - Oplopanax horridum POMU - Polystichum munitum PSME - Pseudotsuga menziesii PYAS - Pyrola asarifolia SMST - Smilacena stellata TABR - Taxus brevifolia THPL - Thuja plicata TIUN - Tiarella unifoliata TROV - Trillium ovatum TSHE - Tsuga heterophylla VAAL - Vaccinium alaskaense VAME - Vaccinium membranaceum VAPA - Vaccinium parvifolium VISE - Viola sempervirens A recommended reference on vegetation in these forests is: Franklin, Jerry F. and C.T. Dyrness. 1988. "Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington." Oregon State University Press, Corvallis. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : WA089.CRN Measurement file name : WA089.RWL Date checked : 02SEP96 Technician's name : MARIETTE SEKLECKI Supervisor's name : HENRI D. GRISSINO-MAYER Beginning year : 1539 Ending year : 1987 Principal investigators: C.J. EARLE, L.B. BRUBAKER, G. SEGURA Site name : SILVER CREEK Site location : WASHINGTON, USA Species information : PSME DOUGLAS-FIR Latitude : 4638N Longitude : 12150W Elevation : 900 M Series intercorrelation: 0.581 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.178 Avg standard deviation : 0.500 Avg autocorrelation : 0.904 Number dated series : 59 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 39 Pct problem segments : 4.52 Are there obvious misdated series? NO Number possible misdated series : N/A Percent misdated series : 0.00 Do they affect chronology quality? N/A Recommend withhold from ITRDB? N/A Comments: #10 SIL163B 1625-1724 IS POSSIBLY MISDATED #39 SIL177B 1850-1949, 1700-1774 HAS LOW CORRELATION ALL FLAGS = LOW CORRELATIONS WITH MASTER EXCELLENT DATA SET PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: 16:06 Mon 02 SEP 1996 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under 0.3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1574 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 SIL159A 1565 1987 .52 .68 .58 .58 .73 .75 .54 .60 .81 .63 .61 .71 .62 .61 .63 .61 .62 2 SIL159B 1636 1987 .33A .44 .70 .43 .50 .64 .50 .55 .64 .56 .54 .55 .53 .61 3 SIL160A 1574 1987 .67 .67 .45 .38 .36 .34 .63 .76 .73 .77 .72 .60 .48 .63 .77 .55 .44 4 SIL160B 1577 1987 .64 .57 .54 .39 .45 .71 .81 .78 .68 .64 .65 .60 .67 .79 .55 .46 5 SIL161A 1539 1987 .60 .70 .64 .65 .69 .68 .70 .56 .60 .67 .56 .60 .57 .62 .62 .49 .56 .67 6 SIL161B 1736 1987 .27A .48 .67 .56 .57 .59 .59 .67 .60 .45 7 SIL162A 1541 1987 .57 .76 .68 .52 .62 .65 .49 .36 .35 .45 .47 .56 .50 .35 .40 .43 .60 .51 8 SIL162B 1572 1987 .35 .41 .48 .69 .54 .44 .30A .42 .64 .50 .40 .49 .61 .53 .57 .49 .33B 9 SIL163A 1541 1987 .70 .78 .77 .59 .58 .73 .67 .71 .75 .56 .42 .65 .63 .47 .50 .57 .52 .49 10 SIL163B 1606 1987 .48 .30A .03B .26B .60 .71 .43 .39 .73 .74 .56 .44 .52 .69 .71 11 SIL164A 1655 1987 .71 .58 .71 .71 .46 .49 .58 .57 .46 .40 .62 .74 .75 12 SIL164B 1649 1987 .62 .64 .50 .65 .74 .65 .57 .57 .62 .64 .57 .66 .71 .72 13 SIL165A 1569 1987 .40 .45 .44 .51 .56 .30A .32A .59 .62 .51 .37 .12B .26B .54 .53 .44 .40 14 SIL165B 1598 1987 .43 .53 .52 .69 .71 .45 .45 .62 .56 .51 .57 .68 .55 .64 .65 .52 15 SIL166A 1587 1987 .52 .60 .63 .52 .50 .61 .55 .52 .71 .71 .70 .65 .61 .75 .78 .59 16 SIL166B 1572 1987 .27A .38 .51 .55 .46 .47 .59 .58 .60 .57 .55 .62 .53 .53 .71 .74 .65 17 SIL167A 1618 1987 .64 .61 .74 .78 .66 .62 .50 .44 .28A .05B .46 .68 .69 .65 .62 18 SIL167B 1894 1987 .59 .65 .59 .51 19 SIL167D 1615 1891 .55 .62 .66 .47 .64 .66 .55 .63 .57 .59 .27A 20 SIL167F 1578 1607 .36B 21 SIL168A 1584 1979 .58 .67 .63 .73 .81 .54 .41 .61 .71 .71 .72 .58 .61 .43 .11B .05B 22 SIL168B 1614 1987 .51 .57 .66 .70 .81 .79 .61 .62 .75 .72 .74 .78 .69 .59 .46 23 SIL169A 1600 1987 .62 .80 .72 .72 .60 .49 .58 .54 .55 .61 .65 .60 .70 .65 .64 24 SIL169B 1598 1882 .61 .60 .65 .67 .69 .77 .77 .60 .46 .53 .42 .37 25 SIL169D 1886 1987 .38 .54 .53 .65 26 SIL170A 1605 1987 .70 .75 .76 .73 .67 .65 .67 .50 .47 .66 .64 .61 .40 .33 .41 27 SIL170B 1574 1987 .54 .54 .59 .65 .53 .70 .82 .73 .69 .66 .59 .67 .66 .57 .57 .59 .62 28 SIL171A 1615 1987 .51 .57 .76 .72 .65 .67 .67 .66 .70 .74 .69 .67 .63 .59 .57 29 SIL171B 1610 1987 .58 .67 .78 .72 .63 .66 .70 .66 .77 .83 .76 .71 .76 .67 .68 30 SIL172A 1609 1987 .79 .72 .62 .61 .37 .41 .67 .67 .66 .65 .74 .74 .62 .67 .61 31 SIL172B 1578 1987 .71 .69 .69 .54 .31A .38 .36 .44 .65 .73 .67 .51 .57 .56 .56 .41 32 SIL174A 1565 1987 .48 .47 .52 .57 .65 .80 .84 .72 .61 .61 .58 .38 .31A .40 .36 .37 .42 33 SIL174B 1547 1987 .54 .57 .59 .55 .80 .81 .69 .74 .80 .73 .64 .61 .64 .63 .62 .55 .54 .40 34 SIL175A 1639 1987 .58 .60 .61 .79 .83 .71 .67 .60 .61 .76 .70 .71 .78 .77 35 SIL175B 1619 1987 .51 .52 .57 .64 .69 .79 .75 .72 .76 .72 .69 .78 .82 .69 .67 36 SIL176A 1587 1981 .68 .73 .74 .76 .74 .65 .68 .81 .73 .66 .69 .73 .74 .72 .70 .70 37 SIL176B 1571 1987 .47 .53 .67 .75 .77 .76 .70 .76 .77 .70 .78 .77 .25B .19B .69 .80 .77 38 SIL177A 1589 1987 .59 .65 .71 .74 .75 .51 .48 .71 .57 .41 .46 .54 .61 .63 .53 .37 39 SIL177B 1599 1987 .49 .57 .57 .48 .48 .16B .30A .73 .75 .78 .65 .04B-.07B .25A .38 .36 40 SIL178A 1622 1987 .56 .54 .62 .64 .76 .74 .48 .54 .75 .62 .59 .59 .52 .37 .41 41 SIL178B 1595 1987 .67 .66 .73 .79 .59 .64 .74 .57 .56 .81 .77 .58 .53 .62 .65 .57 42 SIL179A 1587 1987 .55 .47 .57 .71 .76 .78 .71 .76 .80 .76 .65 .60 .65 .73 .78 .79 43 SIL179B 1600 1987 .73 .78 .75 .78 .72 .68 .74 .68 .67 .71 .66 .53 .55 .63 .69 44 SIL180A 1588 1987 .84 .78 .77 .80 .83 .56 .37 .54 .67 .70 .73 .78 .67 .53 .51 .49 45 SIL180B 1567 1987 .71 .79 .71 .71 .75 .75 .58 .51 .63 .59 .65 .72 .76 .71 .69 .71 .73 46 SIL181A 1622 1987 .62 .58 .58 .65 .54 .59 .72 .49 .56 .67 .62 .65 .66 .66 .63 47 SIL181B 1702 1987 .48 .68 .71 .58 .51 .51 .41 .38 .66 .77 .74 48 SIL182A 1595 1987 .67 .64 .63 .55 .54 .73 .77 .72 .71 .48 .43 .67 .71 .28B .23B .56 49 SIL182B 1642 1987 .40 .43 .41 .62 .67 .61 .61 .70 .73 .70 .61 .55 .67 .70 50 SIL183A 1637 1987 .38 .45 .66 .73 .69 .67 .50 .58 .67 .63 .59 .52 .65 .62 51 SIL183B 1665 1987 .51 .48 .69 .61 .55 .65 .62 .64 .63 .59 .67 .72 .55 52 SIL184A 1611 1987 .39 .31B .56 .60 .63 .68 .73 .64 .47 .49 .39 .36 .54 .66 .70 53 SIL184B 1652 1987 .58 .39 .37B .49 .67 .66 .69 .69 .51 .56 .71 .54 .34 54 SIL185A 1595 1987 .59 .56 .48 .45 .47 .53 .45 .46 .59 .56 .58 .57 .38B .39 .31A .40 55 SIL186A 1585 1987 .54 .44 .44 .33B .39 .49 .38B .35 .55 .62 .60 .55 .46 .46 .50 .41 56 SIL186B 1582 1987 .49 .46 .29A .34 .36 .39 .55 .62 .61 .57 .60 .61 .47 .48 .52 .57 57 SIL187A 1672 1987 .45 .47 .58 .58 .41 .41 .62 .79 .51 .30A .46 .54 .50 58 SIL187B 1652 1987 .44 .41 .51 .54 .49 .51 .70 .75 .61 .52 .63 .59 .52 59 SIL188A 1637 1985 .47 .41 .52 .65 .73 .70 .58 .60 .62 .56 .57 .50 .14B .19B PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: 16:06 Mon 02 SEP 1996 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 SIL159A 1565 1987 423 17 0 0.608 0.75 3.57 0.518 0.947 0.175 1.99 0.327 -0.009 1 2 SIL159B 1636 1987 352 14 1 0.525 0.53 1.40 0.227 0.854 0.186 2.04 0.301 -0.003 2 3 SIL160A 1574 1987 414 17 0 0.575 0.73 3.37 0.379 0.884 0.166 2.35 0.356 0.015 1 4 SIL160B 1577 1987 411 16 0 0.625 0.71 3.22 0.428 0.916 0.164 1.95 0.236 -0.003 1 5 SIL161A 1539 1987 449 18 0 0.605 0.55 2.88 0.505 0.941 0.161 1.97 0.283 0.001 1 6 SIL161B 1736 1987 252 10 1 0.520 0.31 0.64 0.097 0.727 0.174 1.95 0.337 -0.022 1 7 SIL162A 1541 1987 447 18 0 0.497 0.63 2.49 0.466 0.934 0.172 1.99 0.317 -0.043 1 8 SIL162B 1572 1987 416 17 2 0.462 0.75 6.80 0.752 0.963 0.164 2.07 0.327 -0.030 3 9 SIL163A 1541 1987 447 18 0 0.612 0.82 2.86 0.555 0.929 0.184 1.90 0.230 -0.034 2 10 SIL163B 1606 1987 382 15 3 0.488 0.64 2.69 0.433 0.901 0.194 1.96 0.216 -0.043 2 11 SIL164A 1655 1987 333 13 0 0.597 0.81 1.51 0.236 0.762 0.150 2.04 0.287 0.005 1 12 SIL164B 1649 1987 339 14 0 0.635 0.94 2.81 0.439 0.896 0.135 1.85 0.243 -0.015 2 13 SIL165A 1569 1987 419 17 4 0.423 0.73 2.87 0.478 0.903 0.177 2.27 0.343 -0.005 1 14 SIL165B 1598 1987 390 16 0 0.554 0.63 2.62 0.375 0.890 0.185 1.93 0.227 -0.016 1 15 SIL166A 1587 1987 401 16 0 0.604 0.95 8.11 0.984 0.971 0.165 1.81 0.208 -0.005 1 16 SIL166B 1572 1987 416 17 1 0.544 0.83 3.95 0.715 0.967 0.168 1.83 0.228 -0.015 1 17 SIL167A 1618 1987 370 15 2 0.535 0.45 1.80 0.374 0.956 0.205 1.83 0.191 -0.021 2 18 SIL167B 1894 1987 94 4 0 0.495 0.20 0.35 0.049 0.435 0.197 2.12 0.393 0.002 2 19 SIL167D 1615 1891 277 11 1 0.540 0.44 2.71 0.389 0.940 0.266 1.79 0.206 -0.037 2 20 SIL167F 1578 1607 30 1 1 0.355 2.08 3.89 0.665 0.675 0.196 2.13 0.417 -0.031 2 21 SIL168A 1584 1979 396 16 2 0.557 0.44 2.07 0.402 0.952 0.223 1.90 0.232 0.011 1 22 SIL168B 1614 1987 374 15 0 0.654 0.44 1.42 0.246 0.906 0.187 2.01 0.241 -0.009 1 23 SIL169A 1600 1987 388 15 0 0.616 0.73 2.84 0.474 0.936 0.176 1.83 0.209 -0.010 1 24 SIL169B 1598 1882 285 12 0 0.604 0.81 2.71 0.361 0.859 0.176 1.87 0.274 -0.015 1 25 SIL169D 1886 1987 102 4 0 0.495 0.51 1.11 0.186 0.781 0.176 2.00 0.274 0.010 1 26 SIL170A 1605 1987 383 15 0 0.611 0.92 2.66 0.485 0.916 0.154 1.95 0.183 -0.013 2 27 SIL170B 1574 1987 414 17 0 0.638 0.81 4.31 0.730 0.951 0.160 1.90 0.229 -0.004 1 28 SIL171A 1615 1987 373 15 0 0.651 0.81 2.64 0.456 0.898 0.181 2.05 0.328 -0.010 1 29 SIL171B 1610 1987 378 15 0 0.692 0.63 1.72 0.272 0.852 0.182 1.91 0.197 -0.009 1 30 SIL172A 1609 1987 379 15 0 0.628 0.91 2.27 0.498 0.930 0.172 1.89 0.259 -0.027 1 31 SIL172B 1578 1987 410 16 1 0.539 0.86 5.30 0.794 0.965 0.185 2.03 0.325 0.000 1 32 SIL174A 1565 1987 423 17 1 0.538 0.79 4.99 0.825 0.961 0.189 2.15 0.243 -0.007 1 33 SIL174B 1547 1987 441 18 0 0.617 0.69 7.34 0.762 0.856 0.175 1.90 0.244 -0.026 7 34 SIL175A 1639 1987 349 14 0 0.686 0.69 1.94 0.369 0.880 0.193 1.99 0.243 -0.022 1 35 SIL175B 1619 1987 369 15 0 0.695 0.67 2.09 0.376 0.912 0.182 2.00 0.299 0.001 1 36 SIL176A 1587 1981 395 16 0 0.702 0.83 4.97 0.655 0.947 0.202 1.91 0.241 0.017 1 37 SIL176B 1571 1987 417 17 2 0.654 0.79 4.61 0.768 0.949 0.202 2.01 0.295 -0.004 2 38 SIL177A 1589 1987 399 16 0 0.552 0.72 3.94 0.674 0.972 0.166 1.77 0.196 -0.003 1 39 SIL177B 1599 1987 389 16 5 0.397 0.52 4.13 0.558 0.958 0.185 1.96 0.218 -0.014 1 40 SIL178A 1622 1987 366 15 0 0.587 0.69 2.07 0.504 0.945 0.175 1.88 0.220 -0.011 2 41 SIL178B 1595 1987 393 16 0 0.652 0.58 1.94 0.279 0.903 0.157 1.77 0.192 0.013 1 42 SIL179A 1587 1987 401 16 0 0.693 0.79 2.23 0.310 0.821 0.181 2.10 0.323 -0.019 1 43 SIL179B 1600 1987 388 15 0 0.684 0.85 1.87 0.238 0.657 0.175 2.01 0.288 0.013 1 44 SIL180A 1588 1987 400 16 0 0.658 0.85 3.48 0.517 0.933 0.163 2.07 0.307 -0.005 1 45 SIL180B 1567 1987 421 17 0 0.676 0.78 7.52 0.843 0.972 0.178 2.05 0.289 0.009 1 46 SIL181A 1622 1987 366 15 0 0.616 0.67 1.60 0.344 0.914 0.171 2.02 0.285 0.005 1 47 SIL181B 1702 1987 286 11 0 0.564 0.79 6.51 0.772 0.903 0.182 2.26 0.318 -0.023 1 48 SIL182A 1595 1987 393 16 2 0.589 0.95 2.77 0.460 0.883 0.150 2.02 0.306 -0.001 2 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: 16:06 Mon 02 SEP 1996 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 SIL182B 1642 1987 346 14 0 0.601 0.89 2.85 0.411 0.897 0.151 1.95 0.288 0.012 1 50 SIL183A 1637 1987 351 14 0 0.604 0.82 2.50 0.309 0.741 0.204 1.88 0.238 -0.032 1 51 SIL183B 1665 1987 323 13 0 0.594 0.80 2.97 0.480 0.897 0.172 2.05 0.303 -0.018 1 52 SIL184A 1611 1987 377 15 1 0.543 0.95 3.31 0.598 0.937 0.182 1.97 0.267 0.008 6 53 SIL184B 1652 1987 336 13 1 0.538 0.75 1.91 0.300 0.843 0.178 2.09 0.361 0.018 1 54 SIL185A 1595 1987 393 16 2 0.493 0.93 2.89 0.460 0.898 0.162 2.06 0.318 -0.019 1 55 SIL186A 1585 1987 403 16 2 0.468 0.62 2.90 0.454 0.912 0.233 2.11 0.317 -0.024 1 56 SIL186B 1582 1987 406 16 1 0.490 0.70 3.42 0.585 0.941 0.192 2.01 0.272 -0.013 4 57 SIL187A 1672 1987 316 13 1 0.499 1.20 4.26 0.717 0.916 0.175 2.10 0.290 -0.017 4 58 SIL187B 1652 1987 336 13 0 0.545 1.04 2.97 0.446 0.893 0.151 1.90 0.320 -0.009 1 59 SIL188A 1637 1985 349 14 2 0.512 0.86 2.82 0.643 0.952 0.178 1.94 0.263 -0.015 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 21476 862 39 0.581 0.74 8.11 0.500 0.904 0.178 2.35 0.270 -0.010