Norris Upland, Wyoming - WY051 Additional Site Information John C. King Detrending: Negative exponontial or linear regression with negative or 0 slope Samples will be archived at: Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center P.O. Box 168 Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168 307-344-7381 Notes: Yellowstone National Park Research Project YELL5580. The Norris Upland tree-ring chronology was used as a control chronology to study changing hydrothermal activity at Norris Geyser Basin. Relatively low correlation in this data set is due to the close proximity of these trees to hydrothermal features/soils. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : WY051.CRN Measurement file name : WY051.RWL Date checked : 14APR14 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1597 Ending year : 2009 Principal investigators: John C. King Site name : Norris Upland Site location : Wyoming Species information : PICO LODGEPOLE PINE Latitude : 4444 Longitude : -11043 Elevation : 2675M Series intercorrelation: 0.459 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.184 Avg standard deviation : 0.388 Avg autocorrelation : 0.851 Number dated series : 27 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 33 Pct problem segments : 20.50 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Norris Upland 10:44 Mon 14 Apr 2014 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 nup101 1926 2009 .62 .58 .53 2 nup102 1938 2009 .52 .54 .48 3 nup103 1896 2009 .67 .65 .65 .53 .52 4 nup104 1902 2009 .60 .48 .43 .19A 5 nup105 1963 2009 .19A 6 nup106 1932 2009 .37 .46 .32A 7 nup107 1936 2009 .33A .56 .46 8 nup108 1927 2009 .13B .27A .36 9 nup109 1731 1987 .12B .50 .50 .34 .41B .56 .51 .47 .59 .50 10 nup110 1754 1983 .46 .40 .33 .44 .57 .49 .45 .58 .45 11 nup111 1742 1940 .51 .42B .47 .55 .42 .51 .53 .32B 12 nup112 1742 1979 .73 .67 .55 .55 .53 .69 .71 .66 .36 .30A 13 nup113 1754 1834 .69 .55 .55 14 nup114 1793 1967 .54 .50 .50 .64 .59 .63 .59 15 nup115 1744 1950 .66 .61 .48 .31A .32A .57 .62 .49 .50 16 nup116 1741 1950 .65 .36 .39 .61 .27B .21B .39 .35 .27A 17 nup117 1691 1907 .18B .16B .45 .35 .16B .21B .25A .47 .54 18 nup119 1732 1870 .57 .56 .38 .26B .27A 19 nup120 1756 1909 .51 .41 .38 .22B .39 .48 20 nup121 1597 1943 .37 .20B .18B .35 .46 .30A .34 .64 .56 .43 21 nup122 1809 1922 .43 .52 .68 .48B 22 nup123 1809 1986 .37B .51 .74 .80 .81 .54 .45 23 nup124 1781 1951 .44 .36 .14B .44B .46 .34 .33 24 nup125 1821 1950 .59 .55 .61 .62 .65 .63 25 nup126 1764 1924 .55 .62 .49 .42 .68 .68 26 nup127 1876 1982 .56 .52 .63 .58 27 nup128 1693 1871 .46 .50 .50 .37B .37B .46 .33 Av segment correlation .34 .29 .49 .49 .45 .42 .38 .56 .57 .53 .48 .45 .41 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Norris Upland 10:44 Mon 14 Apr 2014 Page 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 nup101 1926 2009 84 3 0 .587 1.13 2.45 .477 .766 .243 2.59 .450 .006 1 2 nup102 1938 2009 72 3 0 .512 .94 2.75 .614 .915 .241 2.51 .348 -.024 1 3 nup103 1896 2009 114 5 0 .591 1.06 3.84 .882 .947 .235 2.90 .592 -.059 1 4 nup104 1902 2009 108 4 1 .444 .44 1.52 .335 .918 .267 2.56 .579 -.044 1 5 nup105 1963 2009 47 1 1 .193 1.17 1.90 .414 .848 .162 2.80 .636 .001 1 6 nup106 1932 2009 78 3 1 .398 1.58 3.61 .596 .846 .174 2.46 .404 -.093 1 7 nup107 1936 2009 74 3 1 .367 1.77 6.25 1.353 .950 .158 2.54 .364 -.051 1 8 nup108 1927 2009 83 3 2 .295 2.48 7.75 2.218 .978 .171 2.57 .430 -.036 1 9 nup109 1731 1987 257 10 2 .380 .51 1.93 .361 .923 .191 2.73 .411 -.033 1 10 nup110 1754 1983 230 9 0 .451 .43 .85 .160 .830 .169 2.79 .379 .002 1 11 nup111 1742 1940 199 8 2 .446 .45 2.62 .596 .970 .210 2.83 .495 .036 1 12 nup112 1742 1979 238 10 1 .547 .57 2.01 .354 .868 .191 2.45 .261 -.057 1 13 nup113 1754 1834 81 3 0 .642 .80 1.42 .193 .471 .176 2.54 .374 -.084 1 14 nup114 1793 1967 175 7 0 .583 .89 1.81 .298 .769 .184 2.50 .342 .010 1 15 nup115 1744 1950 207 9 2 .507 .77 1.65 .333 .858 .186 2.77 .471 -.003 3 16 nup116 1741 1950 210 9 3 .375 .51 1.45 .218 .882 .136 2.68 .303 .001 1 17 nup117 1691 1907 217 9 5 .298 .33 .69 .093 .773 .151 2.67 .443 -.001 1 18 nup119 1732 1870 139 5 2 .447 .82 1.99 .317 .892 .128 2.71 .465 -.038 1 19 nup120 1756 1909 154 6 1 .401 .48 1.61 .349 .923 .197 2.69 .376 .007 1 20 nup121 1597 1943 347 10 3 .372 .65 1.95 .414 .889 .202 2.77 .379 -.014 1 21 nup122 1809 1922 114 4 1 .472 .34 .82 .147 .895 .172 2.76 .494 -.005 1 22 nup123 1809 1986 178 7 1 .550 .98 2.05 .389 .832 .188 2.50 .279 .001 1 23 nup124 1781 1951 171 7 2 .406 .57 1.35 .346 .930 .195 2.95 .593 -.050 1 24 nup125 1821 1950 130 6 0 .614 .81 1.64 .312 .897 .146 2.63 .523 -.034 1 25 nup126 1764 1924 161 6 0 .553 .58 1.02 .154 .691 .165 2.67 .484 .006 1 26 nup127 1876 1982 107 4 0 .569 .90 1.63 .290 .753 .182 2.42 .382 -.059 1 27 nup128 1693 1871 179 7 2 .439 .48 .79 .128 .648 .174 2.51 .445 -.042 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4154 161 33 .459 .72 7.75 .388 .851 .184 2.95 .420 -.020