Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) Index Reconstruction --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) Index Reconstruction LAST UPDATE: 10/2004 (Original Receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Stephen Gray and Julio Betancourt, USGS Desert Laboratory; Lisa Graumlich and Greg Pederson, Big Sky Institute, Montana State University. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2004-062 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Gray, S.T., et al.. 2004. Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) Index Reconstruction. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2004-062. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Gray, S.T., L.J. Graumlich, J.L. Betancourt, and G.T. Pederson. 2004. A tree-ring based reconstruction of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation since 1567 A.D. Geophysical Research Letters, 31:L12205, doi:10.1029/2004GL019932. ABSTRACT: We present a tree-ring based reconstruction of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) which demonstrates that strong, low-frequency (60–100 yr) variability in basin-wide (0–70°N) sea surface temperatures (SSTs) has been a consistent feature of North Atlantic climate for the past five centuries. Intervention analysis of reconstructed AMO indicates that 20th century modes were similar to those in the preceding ~350 yr, and wavelet spectra show robust multidecadal oscillations throughout the reconstruction. Though the exact relationships between low-frequency SST modes, higher frequency (~7–25 yr) atmospheric modes (e.g., North Atlantic Oscillation/Arctic Oscillation), and terrestrial climates must still be resolved, our results confirm that the AMO should be considered in assessments of past and future Northern Hemisphere climates. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: North Atlantic Ocean (0-70º N) PERIOD OF RECORD: 1567-1990 AD FUNDING SOURCES: National Science Foundation (USA), U.S. Geological Survey. DESCRIPTION: Reconstruction of North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation index based on tree ring chronologies from eastern North America, western Europe, Scandinavia and the Middle East. These data represent a tree-ring based reconstruction of annual sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) for the North Atlantic Ocean (0-70º) and a reconstruction of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) index derived from these SSTA values. The AMO is the leading mode of low frequency, North Atlantic SST variability. Over the instrumental period (1856-Present) the AMO exhibited a 65-80 yr cycle (0.4 º C range), with warm phases at roughly 1860-1880 and 1930-1960 and cool phases during 1905-1925 and 1970-1990. The AMO appears to have returned to a warm phase beginning in the mid 1990s. The AMO has been linked to multi-year precipitation anomalies over North America, and appears to modulate the strength of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnections over large portions of the Northern Hemisphere. Multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic is also thought to play a role in Atlantic hurricane formation, rainfall over the Caribbean and northeastern Brazil, African drought frequency, and winter temperatures in Europe. Instrumental observations capture only two full cycles of the AMO, so a need exists for developing proxies to assess low-frequency North Atlantic SST variations and their climatic effects. These SSTA and AMO reconstructions span the period from A.D. 1567 to 1990 and were developed using 12 tree-ring records from eastern North America, western Europe, Scandinavia, and the Middle East. We first reconstructed annual SSTA values for the North Atlantic and then smoothed this time series with a 10-yr moving average to produce the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation index. Correlations between the observed and reconstructed SSTA and AMO values were high (r = 0.64 and 0.81, respectively) and numerous tests confirmed that the model has significant skill in predicting SSTA values. DATA: Column 1: Calendar Year Column 2: Annual SSTA (sea surface temperature anomalies) Column 3: AMO Index The AMO index is the 10-yr moving average of annual SSTA values. Values are reported as standard deviations. Year Ann. SSTA AMO Index 1567 -1.43849 1568 -0.73836 1569 -0.38016 1570 0.45247 1571 -0.09531 1572 -0.80857 -0.60744 1573 -1.42524 -0.55674 1574 -0.89676 -0.53063 1575 -1.2915 -0.4747 1576 0.16973 -0.3968 1577 -0.68297 -0.25437 1578 -0.47982 0.03707 1579 -0.11654 0.44566 1580 1.30749 0.95336 1581 0.60763 1.3532 1582 1.33716 1.57431 1583 2.2579 1.76867 1584 3.59189 1.94388 1585 4.37384 1.96908 1586 2.5011 1.91519 1587 1.40787 1.90422 1588 1.31662 1.75355 1589 1.59112 1.44409 1590 0.10384 1.1004 1591 0.73349 0.83009 1592 0.99197 0.60076 1593 -0.41047 0.30456 1594 0.07109 -0.0391 1595 1.02082 -0.31122 1596 0.44799 -0.52503 1597 -1.12555 -0.77491 1598 -2.07403 -1.00366 1599 -1.89135 -1.16818 1600 -1.85613 -1.35047 1601 -1.58274 -1.55019 1602 -1.6895 -1.65926 1603 -2.30383 -1.7002 1604 -1.3261 -1.6756 1605 -1.2277 -1.60343 1606 -1.29783 -1.58978 1607 -1.56127 -1.5139 1608 -2.45699 -1.33301 1609 -1.01648 -1.23286 1610 -1.28749 -1.2373 1611 -1.87844 -1.24413 1612 0.12374 -1.17584 1613 -0.49919 -1.02204 1614 -1.12787 -0.98756 1615 -1.51461 -1.02792 1616 -1.14752 -0.94387 1617 -0.34585 -0.94601 1618 -0.59637 -1.08301 1619 -2.18761 -1.13356 1620 -0.92351 -1.08639 1621 -0.56141 -1.01569 1622 -1.236 -0.94666 1623 -1.87942 -0.88963 1624 -0.75873 -0.76377 1625 -0.94026 -0.62093 1626 -0.308 -0.61309 1627 0.1953 -0.59255 1628 0.00309 -0.42923 1629 -0.26995 -0.2595 1630 0.01574 -0.11223 1631 -1.34385 0.05231 1632 -0.04288 0.15674 1633 0.19389 0.24117 1634 0.56265 0.35499 1635 0.68363 0.4137 1636 1.35888 0.46647 1637 0.61713 0.47325 1638 1.26973 0.41732 1639 0.73993 0.3841 1640 0.17996 0.25549 1641 -0.45266 0.06852 1642 -0.79832 -0.02392 1643 -0.16941 -0.09574 1644 0.26162 -0.15452 1645 -1.58749 -0.1424 1646 -0.1094 -0.10235 1647 0.23659 -0.04873 1648 0.21384 -0.03044 1649 0.62023 -0.07672 1650 0.54195 -0.04699 1651 -0.01357 0.05907 1652 -0.165 0.11648 1653 -0.43699 0.16739 1654 -0.39637 0.2538 1655 -0.33484 0.28325 1656 0.75903 0.26224 1657 0.5165 0.2921 1658 0.95216 0.35961 1659 1.61011 0.46587 1660 0.14094 0.60928 1661 -0.03281 0.70823 1662 0.45151 0.74939 1663 0.29664 0.72606 1664 0.9952 0.66608 1665 1.14189 0.66963 1666 1.26126 0.73553 1667 0.83748 0.78755 1668 0.1645 0.78181 1669 1.19821 0.82413 1670 0.62394 0.92407 1671 0.80216 0.96324 1672 0.65687 0.9525 1673 -0.02354 1.01509 1674 2.16185 1.11694 1675 1.97407 1.13513 1676 1.21244 1.08953 1677 0.67143 1.1158 1678 1.58243 1.14674 1679 1.81724 1.07637 1680 0.36869 0.97527 1681 0.14551 0.88524 1682 1.83894 0.87295 1683 -0.58683 0.86941 1684 1.31778 0.74688 1685 0.79597 0.69028 1686 0.59001 0.79919 1687 1.04803 0.86939 1688 1.13507 0.99186 1689 -0.18599 1.13207 1690 1.23996 1.19268 1691 1.45234 1.24188 1692 1.93622 1.20402 1693 1.76516 1.11992 1694 1.77016 1.10206 1695 1.5558 1.05413 1696 0.8141 0.93009 1697 0.06676 0.76499 1698 0.43439 0.57248 1699 0.15746 0.41649 1700 -0.0621 0.32036 1701 0.27354 0.26519 1702 -0.18693 0.2819 1703 0.03803 0.30721 1704 0.37753 0.26318 1705 1.02585 0.21527 1706 0.24072 0.18461 1707 0.97421 0.17167 1708 0.03327 0.18031 1709 -0.32206 0.1891 1710 -0.54079 0.14412 1711 0.139 0.07842 1712 -0.31121 -0.00603 1713 0.33513 -0.10119 1714 0.25615 -0.17428 1715 0.24764 -0.29416 1716 -0.29493 -0.4254 1717 -0.17919 -0.47 1718 -0.71659 -0.52744 1719 -1.03389 -0.60678 1720 -2.22653 -0.61998 1721 -0.80007 -0.59235 1722 -0.26416 -0.57354 1723 -0.86083 -0.49316 1724 -0.1347 -0.36456 1725 0.37455 -0.18883 1726 0.13071 -0.01455 1727 -0.22852 0.03114 1728 0.94037 0.10472 1729 -0.11896 0.16083 1730 0.37315 0.10078 1731 0.08582 0.04368 1732 -0.2363 0.05995 1733 0.58293 0.04631 1734 -0.45611 0.09022 1735 -0.50522 0.19994 1736 -0.13149 0.19174 1737 0.35921 0.18263 1738 0.0797 0.13706 1739 1.61996 0.06728 1740 0.82857 0.14046 1741 -0.53344 0.24086 1742 0.20074 0.23098 1743 -0.76551 0.21925 1744 -0.50338 0.1347 1745 1.00571 -0.03229 1746 0.3656 -0.04456 1747 -0.3356 -0.02865 1748 0.53993 -0.00486 1749 -0.5312 0.05692 1750 -0.36007 0.02619 1751 0.40984 -0.02789 1752 -0.42434 -0.01815 1753 0.33534 -0.01787 1754 -0.36867 -0.00399 1755 0.25644 0.05531 1756 0.03325 0.06772 1757 0.19162 0.06667 1758 0.01831 0.08922 1759 0.26798 0.095 1760 0.0268 0.05638 1761 0.27106 0.02303 1762 -0.30651 0.00309 1763 0.66858 -0.01768 1764 -0.58644 -0.05487 1765 -0.29821 -0.09446 1766 -0.07894 -0.13434 1767 -0.09502 -0.18847 1768 -0.11061 -0.25792 1769 -0.34674 -0.29804 1770 -0.15032 -0.2633 1771 -0.34946 -0.22116 1772 -0.76855 -0.25127 1773 -0.25849 -0.25579 1774 -0.46169 -0.19479 1775 0.27187 -0.12526 1776 0.19369 -0.01359 1777 -0.96984 0.16347 1778 0.67386 0.28927 1779 0.08876 0.35438 1780 0.80487 0.40488 1781 0.92879 0.43602 1782 1.49434 0.47607 1783 -0.00543 0.43796 1784 0.58754 0.42283 1785 0.23254 0.38961 1786 0.85575 0.19262 1787 -0.83084 -0.04592 1788 -0.22726 -0.16148 1789 0.68729 -0.23658 1790 -0.45805 -0.35361 1791 -1.74815 -0.46649 1792 -0.59954 -0.48603 1793 -0.22267 -0.44335 1794 -0.69737 -0.4848 1795 -0.82301 -0.45245 1796 -0.34639 -0.3303 1797 -0.01943 -0.2875 1798 -0.18501 -0.33519 1799 -0.1841 -0.37648 1800 1.06049 -0.40201 1801 -0.82375 -0.46675 1802 -0.66803 -0.58433 1803 -1.10786 -0.76793 1804 -0.63804 -0.92582 1805 -1.39285 -1.06657 1806 -1.07135 -1.14363 1807 -1.64626 -1.12838 1808 -2.23002 -1.12339 1809 -1.29686 -1.14537 1810 -0.64178 -1.16899 1811 -0.66266 -1.19312 1812 -0.52411 -1.22458 1813 -1.1521 -1.19457 1814 -1.03345 -1.15707 1815 -1.46986 -1.19726 1816 -1.47689 -1.29949 1817 -1.86991 -1.44089 1818 -1.40608 -1.55148 1819 -1.37089 -1.61128 1820 -1.37156 -1.62425 1821 -1.97745 -1.63396 1822 -2.03728 -1.55143 1823 -1.85067 -1.4211 1824 -1.53106 -1.37212 1825 -1.23153 -1.32613 1826 -1.90947 -1.23364 1827 0.21327 -1.07328 1828 -0.8826 -0.90336 1829 -0.91477 -0.81348 1830 -0.90798 -0.82758 1831 -0.59109 -0.81989 1832 -0.21649 -0.83854 1833 -0.27318 -0.92186 1834 -1.31091 -0.96154 1835 -1.73358 -0.99594 1836 -1.25357 -1.04364 1837 -0.81577 -1.11266 1838 -1.51993 -1.17251 1839 -1.07112 -1.16709 1840 -1.43948 -1.12165 1841 -1.01355 -1.08188 1842 -1.17458 -1.06074 1843 -0.51212 -0.96976 1844 -0.96354 -0.85463 1845 -1.172 -0.71983 1846 -1.0198 -0.52926 1847 -0.62682 -0.34854 1848 0.11073 -0.20413 1849 -0.3992 -0.10462 1850 0.58455 0.04017 1851 0.77399 0.21497 1852 0.65219 0.35845 1853 0.5494 0.44425 1854 -0.03491 0.50658 1855 0.79513 0.51118 1856 0.50914 0.41917 1857 0.71377 0.35334 1858 0.4862 0.31617 1859 0.47183 0.25365 1860 -0.19442 0.1823 1861 -0.28728 0.117 1862 0.39682 0.09745 1863 0.06135 0.1445 1864 -0.79725 0.24472 1865 0.13048 0.40655 1866 -0.13217 0.58765 1867 0.96417 0.69519 1868 1.17678 0.77132 1869 1.78559 0.91267 1870 1.72836 0.99705 1871 1.4121 1.02251 1872 0.84816 1.07605 1873 1.13266 1.0834 1874 0.95844 0.97957 1875 0.06237 0.76261 1876 0.4451 0.49057 1877 1.45779 0.24426 1878 0.83017 0.08203 1879 0.05544 -0.05733 1880 -0.88058 -0.17263 1881 -1.41979 -0.21596 1882 -1.24622 -0.27487 1883 -0.01749 -0.34248 1884 -0.67867 -0.39323 1885 -0.60646 -0.35962 1886 0.24738 -0.18326 1887 0.47719 0.06481 1888 0.4586 0.21321 1889 -0.58804 0.27846 1890 0.43523 0.35285 1891 0.7915 0.3026 1892 1.50402 0.19214 1893 0.20013 0.14079 1894 0.40885 0.22232 1895 -0.2062 0.31746 1896 -1.15787 0.27767 1897 -0.32691 0.19229 1898 0.23575 0.12968 1899 1.26553 0.04221 1900 0.48429 -0.06797 1901 -0.05335 -0.09745 1902 0.6414 -0.10848 1903 -0.18951 -0.206 1904 -0.951 -0.39991 1905 -1.04987 -0.56199 1906 -0.90389 -0.67302 1907 -0.80148 -0.84944 1908 -1.24005 -1.027 1909 -1.13671 -1.13185 1910 -0.35522 -1.13691 1911 -1.43448 -1.05543 1912 -1.50584 -1.01137 1913 -1.59349 -1.04952 1914 -1.64386 -1.07249 1915 -0.45824 -1.08802 1916 0.13413 -1.08392 1917 -0.95841 -1.00923 1918 -1.84601 -0.87187 1919 -0.99018 -0.7106 1920 -0.81235 -0.60894 1921 -0.89535 -0.51158 1922 -0.55121 -0.33187 1923 0.19903 -0.06757 1924 -0.21089 0.1303 1925 0.14191 0.25058 1926 1.48112 0.45149 1927 1.28883 0.65989 1928 1.19278 0.79711 1929 -0.07158 0.94854 1930 0.6746 1.09336 1931 1.6359 1.16352 1932 1.08558 1.19598 1933 1.30675 1.22402 1934 1.70998 1.26297 1935 1.11744 1.26524 1936 1.90878 1.2023 1937 1.51028 1.17175 1938 1.53207 1.15885 1939 0.36829 1.12247 1940 0.28012 1.11683 1941 0.77154 1.09518 1942 1.33889 1.0193 1943 0.79541 0.93559 1944 1.49375 0.95658 1945 1.22083 1.02254 1946 1.37244 1.04986 1947 0.52908 1.02555 1948 0.8391 0.9804 1949 1.48091 0.94414 1950 0.48674 0.94539 1951 1.11133 0.94836 1952 0.51292 0.92504 1953 0.71833 1.0132 1954 0.84573 1.03833 1955 1.89386 1.0154 1956 0.75885 1.03835 1957 0.67617 0.99936 1958 2.4553 0.93824 1959 0.36717 0.86087 1960 1.14186 0.7162 1961 0.91537 0.58691 1962 -0.07099 0.53953 1963 0.0799 0.40939 1964 -0.06328 0.27808 1965 -0.09058 0.21768 1966 0.15752 0.09124 1967 0.3299 -0.03755 1968 0.19872 -0.06686 1969 -0.0025 -0.0984 1970 0.30368 -0.16828 1971 -0.77534 -0.21563 1972 -0.95595 -0.29177 1973 0.37861 -0.37859 1974 -0.99275 -0.46306 1975 -0.55876 -0.49673 1976 -0.32143 -0.43575 1977 -0.71377 -0.30579 1978 -0.49417 -0.26191 1979 -0.99885 -0.21631 1980 0.62662 -0.10695 1981 0.12131 -0.03412 1982 0.74646 0.11854 1983 -0.44603 0.26195 1984 0.74382 0.41233 1985 -0.10822 0.52949 1986 0.68472 1987 1.33328 1988 0.3269 1989 1.18782 1990 0.78312