Southern Oscillation Index Reconstruction: SOI.readme file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center A- Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCES WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTORS: D.W. Stahle (1), R.D. D'Arrigo (2), P.J. Krusic (2), M.K. Cleaveland (1), E.R. Cook (2), R.J. Allan (3), J.E. Cole (4), R.B. Dunbar (5), M.D. Therrell (1), D.A. Gay (1), M.D. Moore (6), M.A. Stokes (7), B.T. Burns (8), J. Villanueva-Diaz (9) and L.G. Thompson (10) (1) Dept. of Geosciences Tree-Ring Lab., U. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701; (501) 575-3159, (2) Tree-Ring Lab., Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY (3) Climate Impact Group, CSIRO Mordialloc, Victoria, Australia (4) Geological Sciences/INSTAAR, U. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (5) Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science, Stanford U., Stanford, CA (6) Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA (7) Lab. of Tree-Ring Res., The U. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (8) Native Seed SEARCH, Tucson, AZ (9) INIFAP, San Luis Potosi, Mexico (10) Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State U., Columbus, OH NAME OF DATA SET: Southern Oscillation Index Reconstruction IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 1998-038 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Stahle, et al, 1998, Southern Oscillation Index Reconstruction. International Tree-Ring Data Bank. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #1998-038. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA ORIGINAL REFERENCES: Allan, R.J., J. Lindesay and D. Parker. 1996. El Nino/Southern Oscillation & Climatic Variability. CSIRO Publishing. 408 pp. Cook, E.R. 1985. A Time Series Approach to Tree Ring Standardization. PhD dissertation. Tucson, AZ: U. of Arizona. 171 p. University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Stahle, D.W., R.D. D'Arrigo, P.J. Krusic, M.K. Cleaveland, E.R. Cook, R.J. Allan, J.E. Cole, R.B. Dunbar, M.D. Therrell, D.A. Gay, M.D. Moore, M.A. Stokes, B.T. Burns, J. Villanueva-Diaz and L.G. Thompson. 1998. Experimental dendroclimatic reconstruction of the Southern Oscillation. Bull. American Meteorological Society 79: 2137-2152. LAST UPDATE: 11/1998 (original receipt at WDC-A Paleo) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Southern Pacific PERIOD OF RECORD: 1706 A.D. - 1997 A.D. LIST OF FILES: SOI.recon.txt-Reconstructed winter (DJF) SOI, 1706-1977. Format I5,F9.3 SOI.obs.txt-Observed winter (DJF) SOI, 1876-1996 (Allan et al. 1996), adjusted to make the mean 1879-1977 equal 0.0. Format I4,F6.2 DESCRIPTION: EXPERIMENTAL DENDROCLIMATIC RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTHERN OSCILLATION This file documents reconstruction of the winter (DJF) season of Allan's version of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). It was reconstructed by using the factor scores from a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of time t and selected t-1 and t+1 lags of 14 tree-ring chronologies from northern Mexico (Durango and Chihuahua), the southwestern U.S.A. (Arizona, Utah and New Mexico) and Java, Indonesia plus the first two factor scores from a network of 9 chronologies in OK and TX as independent variables. All chronologies were compiled from indices of tree growth (earlywood or total ring width) detrended to remove biological trends (Cook 1985). The dependent variable was winter (DJF) average SOI compiled by R. Allan, based on normalized Tahiti minus Darwin sea level pressure, multiplied by 10 (Allan et al. 1996), adjusted so the mean of the period 1879-1977 equals 0.0. The reconstruction is the basis for the paper (D.W. Stahle et al. 1998).