Southern Oscillation Index Reconstruction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCES WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTORS: D.W. Stahle (1), R.D. D'Arrigo (2), P.J. Krusic (2), M.K. Cleaveland (1), E.R. Cook (2), R.J. Allan (3), J.E. Cole (4), R.B. Dunbar (5), M.D. Therrell (1), D.A. Gay (1), M.D. Moore (6), M.A. Stokes (7), B.T. Burns (8), J. Villanueva-Diaz (9) and L.G. Thompson (10) (1) Dept. of Geosciences Tree-Ring Lab., U. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701; (501) 575-3159, (2) Tree-Ring Lab., Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY (3) Climate Impact Group, CSIRO Mordialloc, Victoria, Australia (4) Geological Sciences/INSTAAR, U. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (5) Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science, Stanford U., Stanford, CA (6) Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA (7) Lab. of Tree-Ring Res., The U. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (8) Native Seed SEARCH, Tucson, AZ (9) INIFAP, San Luis Potosi, Mexico (10) Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State U., Columbus, OH NAME OF DATA SET: Southern Oscillation Index Reconstruction IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 1998-038 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Stahle, et al, 1998, Southern Oscillation Index Reconstruction. International Tree-Ring Data Bank. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #1998-038. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA ORIGINAL REFERENCES: Allan, R.J., J. Lindesay and D. Parker. 1996. El Nino/Southern Oscillation & Climatic Variability. CSIRO Publishing. 408 pp. Cook, E.R. 1985. A Time Series Approach to Tree Ring Standardization. PhD dissertation. Tucson, AZ: U. of Arizona. 171 p. University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Stahle, D.W., R.D. D'Arrigo, P.J. Krusic, M.K. Cleaveland, E.R. Cook, R.J. Allan, J.E. Cole, R.B. Dunbar, M.D. Therrell, D.A. Gay, M.D. Moore, M.A. Stokes, B.T. Burns, J. Villanueva-Diaz and L.G. Thompson. 1998. Experimental dendroclimatic reconstruction of the Southern Oscillation. Bull. American Meteorological Society 79: 2137-2152. LAST UPDATE: 11/1998 (original receipt at WDC-A Paleo) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Southern Pacific PERIOD OF RECORD: 1706 A.D. - 1997 A.D. SOI.recon.txt-Reconstructed winter (DJF) SOI, 1706-1977. Format I5,F9.3 SOI.obs.txt-Observed winter (DJF) SOI, 1876-1996 (Allan et al. 1996), adjusted to make the mean 1879-1977 equal 0.0. Format I4,F6.2 DESCRIPTION: EXPERIMENTAL DENDROCLIMATIC RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTHERN OSCILLATION This file documents reconstruction of the winter (DJF) season of Allan's version of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). It was reconstructed by using the factor scores from a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of time t and selected t-1 and t+1 lags of 14 tree-ring chronologies from northern Mexico (Durango and Chihuahua), the southwestern U.S.A. (Arizona, Utah and New Mexico) and Java, Indonesia plus the first two factor scores from a network of 9 chronologies in OK and TX as independent variables. All chronologies were compiled from indices of tree growth (earlywood or total ring width) detrended to remove biological trends (Cook 1985). The dependent variable was winter (DJF) average SOI compiled by R. Allan, based on normalized Tahiti minus Darwin sea level pressure, multiplied by 10 (Allan et al. 1996), adjusted so the mean of the period 1879-1977 equals 0.0. The reconstruction is the basis for the paper (D.W. Stahle et al. 1998). DATA: Reconstructed Winter (DJF) Allan SOI 1706 -2.737 1707 2.022 1708 -2.449 1709 4.547 1710 -4.538 1711 -1.837 1712 -2.562 1713 -5.815 1714 -2.749 1715 0.040 1716 1.459 1717 5.445 1718 -4.631 1719 -5.906 1720 -1.639 1721 -4.417 1722 0.810 1723 -8.015 1724 -1.085 1725 6.290 1726 -7.089 1727 -6.683 1728 -0.628 1729 2.543 1730 0.649 1731 -1.728 1732 -1.531 1733 3.908 1734 -1.372 1735 -1.053 1736 2.708 1737 -4.434 1738 -1.712 1739 6.189 1740 -3.938 1741 -5.903 1742 4.888 1743 0.954 1744 -3.698 1745 -6.380 1746 -10.926 1747 -9.919 1748 5.997 1749 -7.922 1750 -3.797 1751 -1.083 1752 7.308 1753 0.904 1754 -0.652 1755 6.548 1756 -0.799 1757 -0.033 1758 -0.312 1759 -4.421 1760 -2.414 1761 3.131 1762 -4.499 1763 -3.421 1764 0.333 1765 2.621 1766 -0.945 1767 1.405 1768 2.306 1769 -5.073 1770 -9.214 1771 -4.915 1772 4.017 1773 4.846 1774 -4.093 1775 -2.808 1776 0.979 1777 -0.896 1778 2.418 1779 -0.406 1780 -3.327 1781 1.907 1782 -0.386 1783 -7.076 1784 -7.256 1785 3.774 1786 6.341 1787 -1.971 1788 -6.663 1789 0.141 1790 6.355 1791 -1.274 1792 -7.333 1793 -6.516 1794 1.004 1795 -2.532 1796 -1.851 1797 3.033 1798 3.545 1799 -4.088 1800 -5.286 1801 5.961 1802 2.289 1803 -4.691 1804 -9.672 1805 5.599 1806 6.619 1807 -3.008 1808 3.356 1809 2.306 1810 -3.357 1811 -1.428 1812 2.108 1813 2.419 1814 -2.876 1815 -5.836 1816 -11.171 1817 0.299 1818 1.564 1819 0.247 1820 3.960 1821 -3.784 1822 -3.570 1823 1.667 1824 -3.947 1825 -12.290 1826 3.017 1827 -2.454 1828 -7.342 1829 -2.807 1830 1.985 1831 2.464 1832 0.566 1833 -6.170 1834 -5.607 1835 -3.330 1836 1.040 1837 -2.772 1838 -1.593 1839 -7.744 1840 -3.033 1841 0.201 1842 1.282 1843 -1.535 1844 -2.473 1845 -1.237 1846 -2.841 1847 3.587 1848 -4.266 1849 -3.522 1850 -2.070 1851 4.075 1852 -7.528 1853 -5.482 1854 4.458 1855 3.131 1856 -8.866 1857 0.292 1858 -1.198 1859 1.424 1860 1.947 1861 3.436 1862 2.350 1863 2.311 1864 6.702 1865 -4.463 1866 -0.319 1867 0.078 1868 -3.515 1869 -10.665 1870 2.312 1871 4.425 1872 0.181 1873 -1.511 1874 -1.496 1875 -3.256 1876 0.450 1877 -9.607 1878 -0.879 1879 4.667 1880 6.055 1881 -2.012 1882 -2.501 1883 5.364 1884 -2.042 1885 -8.077 1886 -2.056 1887 7.372 1888 -2.982 1889 -8.922 1890 2.086 1891 -2.003 1892 0.354 1893 4.611 1894 7.666 1895 -1.368 1896 -2.229 1897 -6.240 1898 -0.665 1899 8.701 1900 -0.492 1901 -4.743 1902 8.637 1903 -5.858 1904 8.794 1905 -7.502 1906 -11.506 1907 -3.296 1908 -5.618 1909 1.150 1910 8.354 1911 -0.181 1912 -4.821 1913 -1.521 1914 -7.762 1915 -12.314 1916 1.423 1917 3.738 1918 7.959 1919 -9.767 1920 -9.455 1921 2.881 1922 7.221 1923 5.521 1924 -7.600 1925 6.977 1926 -7.502 1927 -6.530 1928 -1.320 1929 5.968 1930 -5.255 1931 -9.425 1932 -3.778 1933 -1.186 1934 4.864 1935 0.228 1936 -5.487 1937 -4.556 1938 -0.513 1939 8.325 1940 -5.664 1941 -15.426 1942 -13.713 1943 5.970 1944 -6.961 1945 -0.297 1946 7.425 1947 -3.435 1948 -6.869 1949 -6.385 1950 1.882 1951 6.376 1952 -2.924 1953 1.229 1954 3.325 1955 1.732 1956 3.574 1957 2.373 1958 -4.788 1959 -1.259 1960 -1.753 1961 -0.643 1962 -1.238 1963 3.741 1964 0.094 1965 -1.445 1966 -7.397 1967 6.418 1968 -4.904 1969 -3.709 1970 -4.863 1971 9.215 1972 2.595 1973 -12.499 1974 4.807 1975 -0.137 1976 1.159 1977 -1.385