USCRN HEAT EXPOSURE (HEAT01) FILES UPDATED: 2021-08-13 README CONTENTS: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 2. DATA VERSION / STATUS UPDATES 3. FILE AND FILENAME FORMATS 4. DATA FIELDS / FORMATS / IMPORTANT NOTES ******************************************************************************** 1. GENERAL INFORMATION This product is designed to provide heat index variables calculated hourly for each USCRN station location. This product is fully documented by Rennie et al. (2021). Beyond the hourly average air temperature, relative humidity, and global solar radiation observed at the station, an hourly 10 meter wind speed average is estimated from station observations 1.5 meters above ground, and surface atmospheric pressure is extracted from either ERA5 reanalysis historically, or NCEP RUC in near real time. The file contains three heat exposure variables beyond air temperature: heat index (HI), apparent temperature (AT) and wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). Air temperature and the three heat exposure indices have been provided in both metric (Degrees Celsius) and standard customary units (Degrees Fahrenheit) for convenience of the user. Rennie, J.J., M.A. Palecki, S.P. Heuser, and H.J. Diamond, 2021. Developing and validating heat exposure products using the U.S. Climate Reference Network. J Applied. Meteor. Clim., 60, 543-558. D-20-0282.1 ******************************************************************************** 2. DATA VERSION / STATUS UPDATES Status and Version Information for U.S. Climate Reference Network Heat Exposure Dataset. This is the initial Version 1.0. ******************************************************************************** 3. FILE AND FILENAME FORMATS The heat01 directory contains a single comma-separated-value (CSV) file for the period-of-record time series of heat exposure values for each USCRN station. Files are typically updated multiple times per day and are named according to the following convention: CRNHE01TT-${name}.csv CRNHE01 = filename prefix to denote CRN HeatExposure01 data TT = 2-character file format number (currently 01) ${name} = station name (state location vector) (e.g. AZ_Tucson_11_W) The 2-character sequence TT indicates the file format number and is updated when the file format is changed. ******************************************************************************** 4. DATA FIELDS / FORMATS Each station file contains comma-separated fields with a single hour's data per line. A summary table of the fields and a detailed listing of field definitions/column formats are shown below. Please be sure to refer to the "Important Notes" section below for essential information. All hourly data are calculated over the 60-minute period *ending* at the UTC times shown. Field# Name Units --------------------------------------------- 1 WBANNO XXXXX 2 DATE_TIME YYYYMMDDHH 3 LONGITUDE Decimal_degrees 4 LATITUDE Decimal_degrees 5 RELATIVE_HUMIDITY % 6 SURFACE_PRESSURE hectoPascals or millibars 7 SOLAR_RADIATION Watts/square meter 8 ESTIMATED_10_METER_WIND_SPEED m/s 9 DRY_BULB_TEMPERATURE_C Celsius 10 HEAT_INDEX_C Celsius 11 APPARENT_TEMPERATURE_C Celsius 12 WET_BULB_GLOBE_TEMPERATURE_C Celsius 13 DRY_BULB_TEMPERATURE_F Fahrenheit 14 HEAT_INDEX_F Fahrenheit 15 APPARENT_TEMPERATURE_F Fahrenheit 16 WET_BULB_GLOBE_TEMPERATURE_F Fahrenheit 1 WBANNO The station WBAN number. 2 DATE_TIME The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) date and hour of the observation. 3 LONGITUDE Station longitude, using WGS-84. 4 LATITUDE Station latitude, using WGS-84. 5 RELATIVE_HUMIDITY RH average for hour, in percentage. 6 SURFACE_PRESSURE --- SURFACE PRESSURE DESCRIPTION --- 7 SOLAR_RADIATION --- SOLAR RADIATION DESCRIPTION --- 8 ESTIMATED_10_METER_WIND_SPEED --- WIND SPEED DESCRIPTION --- 9 DRY_BULB_TEMPERATURE_C Average air temperature, in degrees C, for the entire hour 10 HEAT_INDEX_C --- HEAT INDEX DESCRIPTION --- 11 APPARENT_TEMPERATURE_C --- APPARENT TEMPERATURE DESCRIPTION --- 12 WET_BULB_GLOBE_TEMPERATURE_C --- WBGT DESCRIPTION --- 13 DRY_BULB_TEMPERATURE_F Average air temperature, in degrees F, for the entire hour 14 HEAT_INDEX_F --- HEAT INDEX DESCRIPTION --- 15 APPARENT_TEMPERATURE_F --- APPARENT TEMPERATURE DESCRIPTION --- 16 WET_BULB_GLOBE_TEMPERATURE_F --- WBGT DESCRIPTION ---