National Centers for Environmental Information / National Operational Model Archive and Distribution System Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  Climate Data Records (CDR) Program   --
         Folder  AVHRR Aerosol Optical Thickness/   --
         Folder  AVHRR Reflectance Cloud Properties PATMOS-X/   --
         Folder  AVHRR Polar Pathfinder/   --
         Folder  AVHRR and VIIRS Surface Reflectance/   --
         Folder  AVHRR and VIIRS NDVI/   --
         Folder  Daily Precipitation (PERSIANN)/   --
         Folder  Geostationary IR Channel Brightness Temperature - GridSat B1/   --
         Folder  Global Precipitation Climatology Project/   --
         Folder  International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) H Series/   --
         Folder  IR Sounder Upper Tropospheric Humidity BT, Version 4/   --
         Folder  Leaf Area Index & Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (LAI FAPAR)/   --
         Folder  Mean Layer Temperature (Remote Sensing Systems)/   --
         Folder  Mean Layer Temperature (Univertiy of Alabama in Huntsville)/   --
         Folder  Mean Layer Temperature - UCAR/   --
         Folder  AMSU-A Brightness Temperature - NOAA/NESDIS/   --
         Folder  Ocean Heat Fluxes/   --
         Folder  Ocean Near-surface Atmospheric Properties/   --
         Folder  Outgoing Longwave Radiation/   --
         Folder  Ozone - Zonal Mean Binary Database of Profiles/   --
         Folder  Sea Ice Concentration: File Access/   --
         Folder  Sea Surface Temperature - WHOI/   --
         Folder  Snow Cover Extent (Northern Hemisphere)/   --
         Folder  Solar Irradiance/   --

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