Note: This Synoptic Discussion describes recent weather events and climate anomalies in relation to the phenomena that cause the weather. These phenomena include the jet stream, fronts and low pressure systems that bring precipitation, high pressure systems that bring dry weather, and the mechanisms which control these features — such as El Niño, La Niña, and other oceanic and atmospheric drivers (PNA, NAO, AO, and others). The report may contain more technical language than other components of the State of the Climate series.


The Earth's ocean-atmosphere system continued in an ENSO-neutral state during December 2018. Long-wave ridging dominated the upper-level circulation at the higher latitudes across the contiguous United States (CONUS), while short-wave ridges and troughs migrated through the jet stream flow in the lower latitudes. Fronts and low pressure systems traversed the country throughout the month, bringing above-normal precipitation to many areas east of the Rockies. Above-normal temperatures dominated the month beneath the upper-level ridging, helping to keep heating demand lower than average and reduce snow cover area during the middle of the month, but December was bracketed by troughs and increased snow cover at the beginning and ending weeks. The precipitation contracted drought and abnormally dry areas in the West and Plains, but drought and abnormal dryness expanded in other areas, with only a small decrease in the national drought footprint. In addition to precipitation, some of the fronts and lows brought severe weather, with tornado activity more than double the long-term average for December. The upper-level circulation, temperature, and precipitation anomaly patterns suggest that the weather during December reflected the influence of atmospheric drivers originating in the Pacific Ocean and North America. See below for details.

Synoptic Discussion

Animation of daily upper-level circulation for the month
Animation of daily upper-level circulation for the month.
Animation of daily surface fronts and pressure systems for the month
Animation of daily surface fronts and pressure systems for the month.

In the Northern Hemisphere, December is the first month of climatological winter which is the time of year when solar heating is at its minimum due to the low sun angle, and an expanded circumpolar vortex results in the furthest southern extent of the jet stream. Polar air masses dominate the weather over the contiguous U.S. (CONUS), and the warm, dry subtropical high pressure belts have their least influence.

500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 1-5, 2018
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 1-5, 2018.
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 6-23, 2018
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 6-23, 2018.
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 24-31, 2018
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 24-31, 2018.

December 1-5: The month began with a large upper-level trough across the north central part of the CONUS. It's associated surface low and frontal system brought above-normal precipitation and severe weather to the central Plains to Great Lakes, and across the Southeast. An upper-level ridge dominated the circulation over Alaska and northwestern Canada.

500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 1-5, 2018
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 1-5, 2018.
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 1-5, 2018
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 1-5, 2018.
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 1-5, 2018
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 1-5, 2018.
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 1-5, 2018
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 1-5, 2018.

December 6-23: During the middle half of the month, the long-wave ridge shifted east to take up residence over central North America. But the jet stream remained very active, with Pacific short-waves and closed lows moving through the ridge. Their surface lows tracked preferentially across the southern Plains to Southeast during December 6-11; across the southern Plains, Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast during December 12-18; and from the Southeast to Northeast during December 20-22, leaving above-normal precipitation in their wake. Pacific fronts also brought above-normal precipitation to parts of the Pacific Northwest during this time.

500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 6-23, 2018
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 6-23, 2018.
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 6-23, 2018
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 6-23, 2018.
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 10-23, 2018
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 10-23, 2018.
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 10-23, 2018
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 10-23, 2018.

December 24-31: Troughing dominated the western CONUS during the last week of December, kicking up a ridge over the East. This shift in the jet stream enhanced development of two storm systems across the central CONUS. They dropped above-normal precipitation across the Plains to western Great Lakes, and their trailing fronts brought above-normal precipitation to the South and up the Mid-Atlantic Coast. Temperatures in the Plains were below freezing, so much of the precipitation there fell as snow, increasing the national snow cover area.

500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 24-31, 2018
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 24-31, 2018.
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 24-31, 2018
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 24-31, 2018.
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 25-31, 2018
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 25-31, 2018.
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 25-31, 2018
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 25-31, 2018.

The full monthly circulation pattern reflected the dominance of the mid-month pattern, but tempered in the West by the circulation anomalies at the beginning and end of the month.

500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 2018
500-mb mean circulation for North America for December 2018.
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 2018
500-mb circulation anomalies for North America for December 2018.
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 2018
Temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for the CONUS for December 2018.
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 2018
Precipitation anomalies (percent of normal) for the CONUS for December 2018.

The long-wave circulation pattern, averaged for the month, consisted of a weak upper-level ridge over western North America, with a weakened trough over eastern North America and dominance of troughing over the south central CONUS. Above-normal monthly temperatures overspread most of the CONUS, with the warmest anomalies over the northern Plains to Great Lakes. Some near to colder temperature anomalies in the West and South reflected the frequent troughing there. The precipitation anomaly pattern for the month (the wet areas) represented an additive result of precipitation from the individual frontal passages and low pressure systems. The dry areas resulted from persistence of upper-level ridging, or areas that missed out on the precipitation purely by chance. Consequently, above-normal precipitation from the storms in the central, southern, and southeastern portions of the CONUS were reflected at the monthly scale. The circulation during this month was also reflected in severe weather, drought, snow, and regional records.

  • While some areas averaged extremely warm (northern Plains to Great Lakes) for this time of year, no states had extreme (top ten warmest) statewide temperature ranks. Michigan had the warmest rank at 16th warmest December in the 1895-2018 record. On a statewide basis, Georgia had the wettest December in the 124-year record. Eleven other states in the South, Mid-Atlantic, and Plains were top ten wettest.
  • When daily temperature records are examined, the extreme warmth dominated the extreme cold. When integrated across the month, there were 1,733 record warm daily high (688) and low (1,045) temperature records. This was more than five times the 338 record cold daily high (253) and low (85) temperature records.
  • Temperatures averaged across the country gave the CONUS the 21st warmest December in the 1895-2018 record. With the unusual warmth concentrated in the high population centers of the country during this normally very cold time of year, heating demand was less than normal. Consequently, the national REDTI (Residential Energy Demand Temperature Index) value for December 2018 ranked as the 15th lowest December REDTI in the 124-year record.
  • Some of the precipitation during December fell on areas that were in drought or abnormally dry at the end of November, resulting in welcome drought improvement, especially in the central Plains and along the peripheral edges of the western drought. Drought and abnormal dryness contracted in these areas, but expanded in other parts of the West and Plains, and in southern Florida, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Contraction was a little more than expansion this month, so at the national level drought contracted from 22.2 percent of the CONUS at the end of November to 21.9 percent of the CONUS at the end of December (from 18.9 percent to 18.7 percent for all of the U.S.).
  • TDaily snow cover area across the CONUS for the month
    Daily snow cover area across the CONUS for the month.
  • December began with snow cover over the Rockies and northern Plains, Midwest, and Northeast. The upper-level trough and its associated surface lows and fronts at the beginning of the month expanded snow across the Rockies and into parts of the southern Plains and Southeast. Snow cover area hovered around 40-45 percent of the CONUS during the first ten days, peaking at about 46.7 percent on the 10th. The shift to a more ridge-like pattern across the central CONUS during the middle of the month warmed the air masses and contracted the snow cover area to a monthly minimum of about 17.5 percent of the CONUS by December 21st. When the long-wave trough built over the West during the last week of the month, colder air from the north and Gulf of Mexico moisture from the south fed the storm systems which tracked across the Midwest, expanding the snow cover in the West and Plains, with snow cover peaking during this period at about 40.1 percent on the 29th. Based on satellite observations, the monthly snow coverage across the CONUS was 1.16 million sq. mi. (3.004 million sq. km.), 22 thousand sq. mi. (57 thousand sq. km.) below average, and ranked near the middle of the 53-year record at 25th largest December snow cover area. Snow cover was above normal in parts of the West, central Plains, Great Lakes, and East Coast, but below normal in other parts of the West, Plains, and Northeast, and much of the Midwest.
  • The atmospheric circulation needed to create the instability and dynamics favorable for severe weather consists largely of a southwesterly flow across the central part of the CONUS, which funnels moist Gulf of Mexico air and its latent heat energy into the mix. Surface fronts provide additional atmospheric lifting. The changing direction of the circulation around surface lows and the upper-level troughs and lows above them adds spin to the rising air, which enhances the formation of tornadoes. This upper-level circulation pattern, with its frontal systems and surface lows, occurred frequently, with the number of tornadoes for December 2018 (61 based on preliminary data) was more than twice the December average of 24. Most of the tornadoes occurred on December 1st in Illinois as a strong low pressure and frontal system moved across the Midwest. The rest of the tornadoes occurred in the southern Plains to Southeast.

Typically tropical cyclone activity is enhanced in the Eastern North Pacific and inhibited in the North Atlantic during El Niños, and inhibited in the Eastern North Pacific and enhanced in the North Atlantic during La Niñas, due mostly to changes in vertical wind shear during the two extreme events. The relationship is unclear during ENSO-neutral events. Warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs) fuel tropical cyclones while vertical wind shear tears them apart. The tropical Pacific Ocean was in an ENSO-neutral state during December 2018.

  • The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th and the Eastern North Pacific (ENP) hurricane season runs from May 15th through November 30th.
  • No tropical systems developed in the North Atlantic or Eastern North Pacific during December 2018. One system (tropical disturbance 94W) formed in the Central North Pacific and quickly moved into the western North Pacific before dissipating.
  • Two tropical depressions and two tropical disturbances were active in the western tropical Pacific during December. One (Tropical Depression 35W) formed within the waters of the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI) (Micronesia). The two tropical disturbances (99C and 94W) formed in mid-December and weakened or dissipated before they could move into USAPI waters. Tropical Depression 35W formed in western Micronesia during the last half of December and fell apart as it crossed the Philippines near the end of the month. Tropical Depression 36W formed near the end of the month well west of the USAPI and moved toward Southeast Asia.
North America monthly upper-level circulation pattern and anomalies
North America monthly upper-level circulation pattern and anomalies.

The upper-level circulation pattern during December, when averaged for the month, consisted of a weak upper-level ridge over western North America, with a weakened trough over eastern North America and dominance of troughing over the south central CONUS. This was reflected by above-normal height anomalies across the northern Plains to Northeast and below-normal height anomalies over the south central CONUS.

Map of monthly precipitation anomalies
Map of monthly precipitation anomalies.

Monthly precipitation was drier than normal across most of Puerto Rico and Hawaii, parts of Alaska, most of the western CONUS, and parts of the Great Lakes, southern Florida, and extreme southern Texas. December was wetter than normal over other parts of Alaska and most of the Great Plains to South and East.

Map of monthly temperature anomalies
Map of monthly temperature anomalies.

Monthly temperatures were warmer than normal in most of Alaska and across most of the CONUS, especially in the northern Plains to western Great Lakes. December temperatures were near to cooler than normal in parts of the West, southern Plains, and New England.

Atmospheric Drivers

Subtropical highs, and fronts and low pressure systems moving in the mid-latitude storm track flow, are influenced by the broadscale atmospheric circulation. The circulation of the atmosphere can be analyzed and categorized into specific patterns. The Tropics, especially the equatorial Pacific Ocean, provides abundant heat energy which largely drives the world's atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The following describes several of these modes or patterns of the atmospheric circulation, their drivers, the temperature and precipitation patterns (or teleconnections) associated with them, and their index values this month:

Indices and their agreement with the temperature, precipitation, and upper-level circulation anomaly patterns, by weeks or overlapping multi-day periods.
Week Circulation Temperature Precipitation
December 1-8
December 9-15 TNH TNH,
December 13-19 TNH TNH,
December 20-26 TNH,
December 27-31

Examination of the available circulation indices and their teleconnection patterns, and comparison to observed December 2018 weekly and monthly temperature, precipitation, and circulation anomaly patterns, suggests the atmospheric drivers behind the Pacific (MJO, ENSO, PNA) and North American (TNH) teleconnection patterns had the greatest influence on this month's weather, but other drivers may have been influential. The circulation seems to have been most strongly affected by the TNH driver, especially during the middle of the month. Temperatures for December seem to have been strongly influenced by the TNH driver, especially during the middle of the month, with reinforcement from the AO in the middle of the month and the MJO during the last half of the month. Precipitation seems to have been largely influenced by the MJO during the last half of the month. Even though ENSO was technically neutral, SST anomalies in the equatorial Pacific were positive (which reflect an El Niño) and the monthly precipitation anomalies over the CONUS matched the teleconnections for El Niño in many areas.

This month illustrates how the atmospheric circulation for the month can reflect the combined influence of atmospheric drivers (or modes of atmospheric variability) originating in the Pacific and North America.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Monthly Synoptic Discussion for December 2018, published online January 2019, retrieved on September 14, 2024 from