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ERDDAP > info > bedi_F030

Title Sum-
RSS Institution Dataset ID
     data   graph     BEDI Data Recovery: F030 Intertidal Organisms and Habitats    ?    M   background RSS NCEI bedi_F030

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -139.875
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 71.91666
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 53.73333
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -139.875
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -170.3933
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 4300.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String NCEI
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 71.91666
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 53.73333
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Intertidal Organisms and Habitats data recovered from old files that were derived from punched cards. The recovery is part of the Big Earth Data Initiative Project. Dataset ID F030
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String BEDI Data Recovery: F030 Intertidal Organisms and Habitats
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -170.3933
variable age   int  
attribute age actual_range int 2, 2
attribute age ioos_category String Biology
attribute age units String years
variable air_temperature   float  
attribute air_temperature actual_range float -9.0, 500.0
attribute air_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temperature units String degreeC
variable barometric_pressure   float  
attribute barometric_pressure actual_range float 0.0, 30.1
attribute barometric_pressure ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute barometric_pressure units String millibars
variable breaker_height   String  
attribute breaker_height ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute breaker_height units String WMO 3700
variable catalog_number   String  
attribute catalog_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable cloud_amount   String  
attribute cloud_amount ioos_category String Other
attribute cloud_amount units String WMO 2700
variable cloud_type   String  
attribute cloud_type ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute cloud_type units String WMO 500
variable collection_time   String  
attribute collection_time description String Time in the format HH:MM
attribute collection_time ioos_category String Time
attribute collection_time units String HH:MM
variable composite_data_author_and_date   String  
attribute composite_data_author_and_date ioos_category String Identifier
variable composite_data_code_level   String  
attribute composite_data_code_level ioos_category String Other
variable composite_data_condition_i   String  
attribute composite_data_condition_i ioos_category String Other
variable composite_data_condition_ii   String  
attribute composite_data_condition_ii ioos_category String Other
variable composite_data_condition_iii   String  
attribute composite_data_condition_iii ioos_category String Other
variable composite_data_control_code   String  
attribute composite_data_control_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable composite_data_dilution_volume   float  
attribute composite_data_dilution_volume actual_range float 8.0, 815.0
attribute composite_data_dilution_volume ioos_category String Other
variable composite_data_displacement_volume   float  
attribute composite_data_displacement_volume ioos_category String Other
attribute composite_data_displacement_volume units String milliliters
variable composite_data_dry_weight   float  
attribute composite_data_dry_weight actual_range float 0.005, 9000.0
attribute composite_data_dry_weight ioos_category String Biology
attribute composite_data_dry_weight units String grams
variable composite_data_nodc_code   String  
attribute composite_data_nodc_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable composite_data_rank   String  
attribute composite_data_rank ioos_category String Identifier
variable composite_data_record   String  
attribute composite_data_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable composite_data_sequence_number   int  
attribute composite_data_sequence_number actual_range int 1, 3851
attribute composite_data_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable composite_data_sex   String  
attribute composite_data_sex ioos_category String Biology
variable composite_data_starfish_measurements   String  
attribute composite_data_starfish_measurements ioos_category String Biology
variable composite_data_station_number   String  
attribute composite_data_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable composite_data_taxon_serial_number   String  
attribute composite_data_taxon_serial_number ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable composite_data_taxonomic_name   String  
attribute composite_data_taxonomic_name ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable composite_data_type   String  
attribute composite_data_type ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable composite_data_wet_weight   float  
attribute composite_data_wet_weight actual_range float 0.0, 9303.0
attribute composite_data_wet_weight ioos_category String Biology
attribute composite_data_wet_weight units String grams
variable count   int  
attribute count actual_range int 0, 96442
attribute count ioos_category String Statistics
variable coverage   String  
attribute coverage ioos_category String Other
variable cruise_number   String  
attribute cruise_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable date_time   double  
attribute date_time description String Date and time in iso 8601 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
attribute date_time ioos_category String Time
attribute date_time long_name String Date Time
attribute date_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute date_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable depth   float  
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth actual_range float 0.0, 4300.0
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
variable direction_of_quadrat_slope   String  
attribute direction_of_quadrat_slope description String Degree toward
attribute direction_of_quadrat_slope ioos_category String Other
attribute direction_of_quadrat_slope units String angular_degree
variable distance_of_net_tow   float  
attribute distance_of_net_tow actual_range float 0.1, 99.9
attribute distance_of_net_tow ioos_category String Other
attribute distance_of_net_tow units String meters
variable distance_of_net_tow_100_meters_or_more   float  
attribute distance_of_net_tow_100_meters_or_more actual_range float 10.0, 900.0
attribute distance_of_net_tow_100_meters_or_more ioos_category String Other
attribute distance_of_net_tow_100_meters_or_more units String meters
variable elapsed_time   String  
attribute elapsed_time ioos_category String Time
attribute elapsed_time units String HH:MM
variable elevation   float  
attribute elevation actual_range float -1.5, 36.06
attribute elevation ioos_category String Location
attribute elevation units String meters
variable end_date   double  
attribute end_date description String Date in iso 8601 form YYYY-MM-DD
attribute end_date ioos_category String Time
attribute end_date long_name String End Date
attribute end_date time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute end_date units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable exposure_direction   String  
attribute exposure_direction ioos_category String Other
attribute exposure_direction units String angular_degree
variable file_header_record   String  
attribute file_header_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable gear_type   String  
attribute gear_type ioos_category String Other
variable grab_number   int  
attribute grab_number actual_range int 0, 2
attribute grab_number description String Sequential order of multiple digs
attribute grab_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable grain_size_0_to_1   float  
attribute grain_size_0_to_1 actual_range float 0.0, 60.4
attribute grain_size_0_to_1 ioos_category String Other
attribute grain_size_0_to_1 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_1_to_2   float  
attribute grain_size_1_to_2 actual_range float 0.0, 86.9
attribute grain_size_1_to_2 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_1_to_2 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_2_to_3   float  
attribute grain_size_2_to_3 actual_range float 0.0, 96.0
attribute grain_size_2_to_3 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_2_to_3 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_3_to_4   float  
attribute grain_size_3_to_4 actual_range float 0.0, 80.3
attribute grain_size_3_to_4 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_3_to_4 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_greater_than_neg_8   float  
attribute grain_size_greater_than_neg_8 actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute grain_size_greater_than_neg_8 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_greater_than_neg_8 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_more_than_4   float  
attribute grain_size_more_than_4 actual_range float 0.0, 98.4
attribute grain_size_more_than_4 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_more_than_4 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_neg_1_to_0   float  
attribute grain_size_neg_1_to_0 actual_range float 0.0, 48.5
attribute grain_size_neg_1_to_0 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_neg_1_to_0 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_neg_2_to_neg_1   float  
attribute grain_size_neg_2_to_neg_1 actual_range float 0.0, 53.8
attribute grain_size_neg_2_to_neg_1 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_neg_2_to_neg_1 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_neg_4_to_neg_2   float  
attribute grain_size_neg_4_to_neg_2 actual_range float 0.0, 99.0
attribute grain_size_neg_4_to_neg_2 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_neg_4_to_neg_2 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_neg_6_to_neg_4   float  
attribute grain_size_neg_6_to_neg_4 actual_range float 0.0, 75.9
attribute grain_size_neg_6_to_neg_4 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_neg_6_to_neg_4 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable grain_size_neg_8_to_neg_6   float  
attribute grain_size_neg_8_to_neg_6 actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute grain_size_neg_8_to_neg_6 ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute grain_size_neg_8_to_neg_6 units String phi_unit_levels_percent_by_weight
variable habitat_composition   String  
attribute habitat_composition ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute habitat_composition units String NODC CODE 0008
variable habitat_cover   String  
attribute habitat_cover ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute habitat_cover units String NODC CODE 0009
variable habitat_geomorphic   String  
attribute habitat_geomorphic ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute habitat_geomorphic units String NODC CODE 0098
variable habitat_slope   String  
attribute habitat_slope ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute habitat_slope units String NODC CODE 0071
variable individual_sample_data_taxonomic_name   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_taxonomic_name ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable individual_sample_data   String  
attribute individual_sample_data ioos_category String Other
variable individual_sample_data_author_and_date   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_author_and_date ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_code_level   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_code_level ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_condition_i   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_condition_i ioos_category String Other
variable individual_sample_data_condition_ii   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_condition_ii ioos_category String Other
variable individual_sample_data_condition_iii   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_condition_iii ioos_category String Other
variable individual_sample_data_control_code   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_control_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_displacement_volume   float  
attribute individual_sample_data_displacement_volume actual_range float 0.2, 0.2
attribute individual_sample_data_displacement_volume ioos_category String Other
attribute individual_sample_data_displacement_volume units String milliliters
variable individual_sample_data_dry_weight   float  
attribute individual_sample_data_dry_weight actual_range float 0.009, 108.0
attribute individual_sample_data_dry_weight ioos_category String Biology
attribute individual_sample_data_dry_weight units String grams
variable individual_sample_data_nodc_code   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_nodc_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_rank   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_rank ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_sequence_number   int  
attribute individual_sample_data_sequence_number actual_range int 1, 3570
attribute individual_sample_data_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_sex   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_sex ioos_category String Biology
variable individual_sample_data_starfish_measurements   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_starfish_measurements ioos_category String Biology
variable individual_sample_data_station_number   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_taxon_serial_number   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_taxon_serial_number ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable individual_sample_data_type   String  
attribute individual_sample_data_type ioos_category String Identifier
variable individual_sample_data_wet_weight   float  
attribute individual_sample_data_wet_weight actual_range float 0.001, 3875.0
attribute individual_sample_data_wet_weight ioos_category String Biology
attribute individual_sample_data_wet_weight units String grams
variable interstitial_salinity   float  
attribute interstitial_salinity actual_range float 1.0, 27.0
attribute interstitial_salinity ioos_category String Salinity
variable investigator_institution   String  
attribute investigator_institution ioos_category String Identifier
variable large_frame   String  
attribute large_frame ioos_category String Other
variable large_frame_multiple   int  
attribute large_frame_multiple ioos_category String Other
variable large_sample_quadrat   float  
attribute large_sample_quadrat actual_range float 2.5, 75.0
attribute large_sample_quadrat ioos_category String Other
attribute large_sample_quadrat units String meter2
variable latitude   float  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 53.73333, 71.91666
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable length   float  
attribute length actual_range float 0.5, 9926.0
attribute length ioos_category String Biology
attribute length units String millimeters
variable longitude   float  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float -170.3933, -139.875
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable maximum_age   float  
attribute maximum_age ioos_category String Biology
attribute maximum_age units String years
variable maximum_length   float  
attribute maximum_length actual_range float 0.0, 5000.0
attribute maximum_length ioos_category String Biology
attribute maximum_length units String millimeters
variable maximum_width   float  
attribute maximum_width ioos_category String Biology
attribute maximum_width units String millimeters
variable mean_age   float  
attribute mean_age ioos_category String Biology
attribute mean_age units String years
variable mean_grain_size   float  
attribute mean_grain_size actual_range float 1.0, 2.0
attribute mean_grain_size ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute mean_grain_size units String millimeters
variable mean_length   float  
attribute mean_length actual_range float 0.5, 2200.0
attribute mean_length ioos_category String Biology
attribute mean_length units String millimeters
variable mean_width   float  
attribute mean_width actual_range float 0.0, 0.08
attribute mean_width ioos_category String Biology
attribute mean_width units String millimeters
variable medium_frame   String  
attribute medium_frame ioos_category String Other
variable medium_frame_multiple   int  
attribute medium_frame_multiple actual_range int 1, 88
attribute medium_frame_multiple ioos_category String Other
variable meter_number   String  
attribute meter_number ioos_category String Other
variable minimum_age   float  
attribute minimum_age actual_range float 0.0, 9.0
attribute minimum_age ioos_category String Biology
attribute minimum_age units String years
variable minimum_length   float  
attribute minimum_length actual_range float 0.1, 7800.0
attribute minimum_length ioos_category String Biology
attribute minimum_length units String millimeters
variable minimum_width   float  
attribute minimum_width ioos_category String Biology
attribute minimum_width units String millimeters
variable nodc_file_number   String  
attribute nodc_file_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable nodc_track_number   String  
attribute nodc_track_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable oxygen   float  
attribute oxygen actual_range float 8.0, 15.0
attribute oxygen ioos_category String Dissolved O2
attribute oxygen units String milliliters/liter
variable patch_grid_size   float  
attribute patch_grid_size actual_range float 0.0, 0.2
attribute patch_grid_size ioos_category String Other
attribute patch_grid_size units String meter2
variable permafrost_depth   float  
attribute permafrost_depth actual_range float 0.0, 4.8
attribute permafrost_depth ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute permafrost_depth units String meters
variable ph   float  
attribute ph ioos_category String Physical Oceanography
variable ph_scale   String  
attribute ph_scale ioos_category String Identifier
variable photograph_number   String  
attribute photograph_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable plant_height_exceed_99_cm   float  
attribute plant_height_exceed_99_cm actual_range float 141.0, 1975.0
attribute plant_height_exceed_99_cm ioos_category String Biology
attribute plant_height_exceed_99_cm units String centimeters
variable plant_height_less_than_100_cm   float  
attribute plant_height_less_than_100_cm actual_range float 1.0, 50.0
attribute plant_height_less_than_100_cm ioos_category String Biology
attribute plant_height_less_than_100_cm units String centimeters
variable profile_data_record   String  
attribute profile_data_record ioos_category String Other
variable profile_data_salinity_method   String  
attribute profile_data_salinity_method ioos_category String Other
variable profile_data_secchi_disk_depth   float  
attribute profile_data_secchi_disk_depth actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute profile_data_secchi_disk_depth ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute profile_data_secchi_disk_depth units String meters
variable profile_data_sequence_number   int  
attribute profile_data_sequence_number actual_range int 1, 3726
attribute profile_data_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable profile_data_station_number   String  
attribute profile_data_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable quadrat_size   float  
attribute quadrat_size actual_range float 0.002, 70.0
attribute quadrat_size ioos_category String Other
attribute quadrat_size units String meter2
variable quadrat_slope   float  
attribute quadrat_slope actual_range float 0.0, 58.0
attribute quadrat_slope ioos_category String Other
attribute quadrat_slope units String angular_degree
variable salinity   float  
attribute salinity actual_range float 0.0, 40.5
attribute salinity ioos_category String Salinity
variable sea_state   String  
attribute sea_state ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute sea_state units String WMO 3700
variable secchi_disk_visibility   String  
attribute secchi_disk_visibility ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute secchi_disk_visibility units String NODC CODE 0220
variable sediment   float  
attribute sediment actual_range float 0.1, 304.8
attribute sediment ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute sediment units String liters
variable senior_scientist   String  
attribute senior_scientist ioos_category String Identifier
variable sieve_size   float  
attribute sieve_size actual_range float 0.01, 2.5
attribute sieve_size ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute sieve_size units String millimeters
variable site_header_dilution_volume   float  
attribute site_header_dilution_volume ioos_category String Other
variable site_header_record   String  
attribute site_header_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable site_header_sequence_number   int  
attribute site_header_sequence_number actual_range int 1, 3831
attribute site_header_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable site_header_station_number   String  
attribute site_header_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable site_header_substrata_type_primary   String  
attribute site_header_substrata_type_primary ioos_category String Bottom Character
variable site_header_substrata_type_secondary   String  
attribute site_header_substrata_type_secondary ioos_category String Bottom Character
variable site_header_substrata_type_tertiary   String  
attribute site_header_substrata_type_tertiary ioos_category String Bottom Character
variable small_frame   String  
attribute small_frame ioos_category String Other
variable start_date   double  
attribute start_date description String Date in iso 8601 YYYY-MM-DD
attribute start_date ioos_category String Time
attribute start_date long_name String Start Date
attribute start_date time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute start_date units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable station_header_record   String  
attribute station_header_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable station_header_salinity_method   String  
attribute station_header_salinity_method ioos_category String Other
variable station_header_secchi_disk_depth   float  
attribute station_header_secchi_disk_depth actual_range float 0.1, 13.0
attribute station_header_secchi_disk_depth ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute station_header_secchi_disk_depth units String meters
variable station_header_sequence_number   int  
attribute station_header_sequence_number actual_range int 1, 3724
attribute station_header_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable station_header_station_number   String  
attribute station_header_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable station_header_substrata_type_primary   String  
attribute station_header_substrata_type_primary ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute station_header_substrata_type_primary units String NODC CODE 0103
variable station_header_substrata_type_secondary   String  
attribute station_header_substrata_type_secondary ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute station_header_substrata_type_secondary units String NODC CODE 0103
variable station_header_substrata_type_tertiary   String  
attribute station_header_substrata_type_tertiary ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute station_header_substrata_type_tertiary units String NODC CODE 0103
variable station_header_text_sequence_number   int  
attribute station_header_text_sequence_number actual_range int 2, 3423
attribute station_header_text_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable station_header_text_station_number   String  
attribute station_header_text_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable station_header_text_text   String  
attribute station_header_text_text ioos_category String Other
variable station_header_text_text_record   String  
attribute station_header_text_text_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable station_identifier   int  
attribute station_identifier actual_range int 1, 88
attribute station_identifier ioos_category String Identifier
variable surface_salinity   float  
attribute surface_salinity actual_range float 0.0, 39.2
attribute surface_salinity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute surface_salinity units String psu
variable surface_temperature   float  
attribute surface_temperature actual_range float -1.5, 444.0
attribute surface_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute surface_temperature units String degreeC
variable surface_topography_i   String  
attribute surface_topography_i ioos_category String Other
variable surface_topography_ii   String  
attribute surface_topography_ii ioos_category String Other
variable surface_topography_iii   String  
attribute surface_topography_iii ioos_category String Other
variable text_record   String  
attribute text_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable text_sequence_number   int  
attribute text_sequence_number actual_range int 1, 3504
attribute text_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable text_station_number   String  
attribute text_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable text_text   String  
attribute text_text ioos_category String Other
variable time_zone   int  
attribute time_zone actual_range int 1, 11
attribute time_zone ioos_category String Other
variable total_work_area   float  
attribute total_work_area actual_range float 0.0, 0.4
attribute total_work_area ioos_category String Other
attribute total_work_area units String meter2
variable transect_direction   String  
attribute transect_direction description String Degree toward
attribute transect_direction ioos_category String Other
attribute transect_direction units String angular_degree
variable transect_number   String  
attribute transect_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable vessel_name_field_unit   String  
attribute vessel_name_field_unit ioos_category String Identifier
variable water_temperature   float  
attribute water_temperature actual_range float -1.8, 23.0
attribute water_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute water_temperature units String degreeC
variable weather   String  
attribute weather ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute weather units String WMO 4677
variable width   float  
attribute width actual_range float 1.5, 205.0
attribute width ioos_category String Biology
attribute width units String millimeters
variable wind_direction   String  
attribute wind_direction description String Direction from
attribute wind_direction ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_direction units String angular_degree
variable wind_speed   float  
attribute wind_speed actual_range float 0.0, 35.0
attribute wind_speed ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed units String knots
variable zone_arrow_no_of_sample   String  
attribute zone_arrow_no_of_sample ioos_category String Identifier

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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