Image for TR 2005-01, Hurricane Katrina, A Climatological Perspective

TR 2005-01, Hurricane Katrina, A Climatological Perspective

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Hurricane Katrina appears to be the most costly natural disaster to ever strike the United States, and the deadliest since the Lake Okeechobee disaster (hurricane) of September, 1928. In addition, Katrina was one of the strongest storms to impact the coast during the last 100 years, with a central pressure of 920 mb at landfall. This 27-page report provides details on the storm, including its history, impacts, rainfall and wind data, satellite imagery, a history of middle Gulf coast hurricanes, comparisons with Hurricanes Andrew and Camille, graphs of hurricane frequency, sea surface temperature (SST), and annual accumulated cyclone energy, photographs, NEXRAD images, and wind shear and SST anomaly maps.