
Okeanos Explorer (EX1705): CAPSTONE American Samoa, Kingman/Palmyra, Jarvis (ROV & Mapping)

Vessel: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer; Expedition Dates: April 27 - May 19, 2017

Project Principals: Kasey Cantwell, NOAA/OAR/OER (Expedition Coordinator); Michael White, NOAA/OAR/OER (Mapping Lead)

Okeanos Explorer (EX1705): CAPSTONE American Samoa, Kingman/Palmyra, Jarvis (ROV & Mapping) Overview Map

Operations will include the use of the ship's deep water mapping systems (Kongsberg EM302 multibeam sonar, EK60 split-beam fisheries sonars, Knudsen 3260 chirp sub-bottom profiler sonar, and Teledyne Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers), XBT and Underway CTD casts in support of multibeam sonar mapping operations, OER's 6000 m two-body ROV Deep Discoverer and Seirios, and the ship's high-bandwidth satellite connection for continuous real-time ship-to-shore communications.

Expedition Data and Resources

Ship Navigation Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (NetCDF) Open NetCDF file format: Special software needed to read
Shipboard CTDs Download Use zip utility to open file
Mapping Products Download Use zip utility to open file
GIS Products Download Use zip utility to open file

Submersible Data and Resources

Dive Track KMLs Download Use zip utility to open file
Event Logs Open Click to open link
Cruise Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Click to open link
Collected Specimens Open Click to open link
Submersible Navigation/Sensor Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file

Collected Specimen Repositories

Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History Research and Collections (Biological Samples) Open Click to visit repository website
Ocean Genome Legacy Center (OGL) at Northeastern University Open Click to visit repository website
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum's Marine Invertebrate Collection Open Click to visit repository website
Oregon State University's Marine Geology Repository Open Click to visit repository website

Educational Resources

Expedition Education Module Open Click to open Education Module
Lesson Plans (K-12) Open Click to open Lesson Plans
Education Materials Collection Open Click to open Education Materials

Links to Archived Data and Resources

Multibeam Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Water Column Sonar Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Trackline Data (Single-beam and Sub-bottom) Get Data Click to Access Archive
Physical, Chemical, and Biological Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Collection of Documents Get Data Click to Access Archive
Expedition Metadata Open Click to view Metadata in xml format


Cruise Plan Open Click to open document
Cruise Report Open Click to open document
Mapping Report Open Click to open document
Dive Summaries Open Click to open document
Publications Open Click to open document

Aunu'u Unit

Dive Track


Aunu'u Unit; National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa


Date: April 27, 2017
Max Depth: 291.2 Meters
Bottom Time: 0 Hours 19 Minutes 43 Seconds


The purpose of this dive was to collect the first deep water information in the Aunu'u Unit of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa. A total of 5.8 square miles of reef and offshore waters around Aunu'u have been included in the sanctuary, with 3.9 square miles designated a research zone and allows surface fishing for pelagics only, and 1.9 square miles multiple use zone that allows traditional and nondestructive fishing practices. The research and multiple use zones will allow for comparisons over time of an area that prohibits the take of reef fish and bottom dwelling species and benefits to an adjacent area of higher human uses that meets the needs of day-to-day living in sustainable ways. Information on bottom fish off Aunu'u will be used to inform the next sanctuary Condition Report that will be produced in 2017/18 and the process update of the sanctuary management plan that will begin in 2017/18. Additionally, this area is of importance and interest to local governments and fishermen.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 925 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 69.9 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 969 KB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 1.71 KB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 1.76 KB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 3.12 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 29.7 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Te Tukunga o Fakahotu (Te Tuku)

Dive Track


Te Tukunga o Fakahotu (Te Tuku); Northern Manihiki Plateau


Date: April 30, 2017
Max Depth: 2495.1 Meters
Bottom Time: 1 Hours 52 Minutes 13 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic megaepifauna (both invertebrate and fish), map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.09 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 72 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.29 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 4.19 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 3.76 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 7.18 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 76 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Te Kawhiti a Maui Potiki (Te Kawhiti)

Dive Track


Te Kawhiti a Maui Potiki (Te Kawhiti); Northern Manihiki Plateau


Date: May 02, 2017
Max Depth: 2219.7 Meters
Bottom Time: 5 Hours 20 Minutes 40 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic and water column fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.17 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 143 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.64 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 7.81 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 7.01 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 14.7 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 240 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Kahalewai seamount (proposed name)

Dive Track


Kahalewai seamount (proposed name); Jarvis Unit of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument


Date: May 04, 2017
Max Depth: 1700 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 0 Minutes 37 Seconds


This dive investigated the distribution and abundance of benthic and water column fauna, mapped substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collected rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.4 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 146 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.79 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 6.45 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 5.76 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 11.8 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 135 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Jarvis Island

Dive Track


Jarvis Island; Jarvis Island Unit of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument


Date: May 05, 2017
Max Depth: 819.3 Meters
Bottom Time: 7 Hours 6 Minutes 58 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic fauna on the submerged flanks of Jarvis Island, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.10 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 216 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.54 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 6.38 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 5.22 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 12 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 236 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Keli'ihananui seamount (proposed name)

Dive Track


Keli'ihananui seamount (proposed name); Jarvis Island Unit of PRIMNM


Date: May 06, 2017
Max Depth: 1934.1 Meters
Bottom Time: 2 Hours 54 Minutes 28 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic and water column fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.01 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 134 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.42 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 6.49 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 5.89 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 12.2 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 147 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

"Whaley" seamount (proposed name)

Dive Track


"Whaley" seamount (proposed name); Jarvis Island Unit of PRIMNM


Date: May 07, 2017
Max Depth: 1103.1 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 28 Minutes 23 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.16 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 182 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.58 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 6.36 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 5.76 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 12.1 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 157 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Western Clipperton Fracture Zone

Dive Track


Western Clipperton Fracture Zone; Jarvis Island Unit of PRIMNM


Date: May 08, 2017
Max Depth: 4573.4 Meters
Bottom Time: 4 Hours 43 Minutes 52 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.12 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 51.3 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.54 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 8.18 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 7.03 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 14.4 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 154 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

West Palmyra Seamount

Dive Track


West Palmyra Seamount; Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll Unit of PRIMNM


Date: May 10, 2017
Max Depth: 2171.8 Meters
Bottom Time: 1 Hours 48 Minutes 28 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.03 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 53.8 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.21 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 3.54 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 3.35 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 6.44 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 107 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Palmyra Atoll

Dive Track


Palmyra Atoll; Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll Unit of PRIMNM


Date: May 11, 2017
Max Depth: 491.7 Meters
Bottom Time: 4 Hours 1 Minutes 44 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.22 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 110 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.43 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 3.99 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 3.5 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 7.55 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 100 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Kingman Reef Cone

Dive Track


Kingman Reef Cone; Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll Unit of the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monument


Date: May 12, 2017
Max Depth: 1029.1 Meters
Bottom Time: 3 Hours 8 Minutes 44 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - .99 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 100 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.19 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 3.74 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 3.53 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 6.98 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 118 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Kingman Reef Deep

Dive Track


Kingman Reef Deep; Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll Unit of the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monument


Date: May 13, 2017
Max Depth: 2254.6 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 12 Minutes 16 Seconds


This dive will investigate the distribution and abundance of benthic and mid-water fauna, map substrate composition in order to evaluate the relationship between faunal communities and substrate type, collect rock and crust samples to determine their geological and geochemical properties.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.14 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 111 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 1.6 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
ROV CTD/Sensor Data (Zip - 7.69 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 6.9 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 13.9 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 349 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool