National Overview:

October Extreme Weather/Climate Events

  • Climate Highlights — November
  • The November temperature was 41.6°F, 0.3°F below the 20th century average, ranking near the median value in the 119-year period of record.
  • Below-average temperatures were present for a majority of the contiguous U.S. east of the Rockies. Above-average temperatures were present for the Southwest, as well as Florida. No state had November temperatures ranking among the ten warmest or coolest.
  • The nationally-averaged precipitation total during November was 2.01 inches, 0.11 inch below the 20th century average, also ranking near the median value in the 119-year period of record.
  • Below-average November precipitation totals were observed along the West Coast, and the Northern Rockies and Plains. Wyoming had its 11th driest November on record with a monthly precipitation total 46 percent of average.
  • Above-average precipitation occurred in the Southwest, and parts of the Southeast and Great Lakes. Michigan had its seventh wettest November on record with a precipitation total of 4.12 inches, 1.68 inches above the 20th century average.
  • According to analysis by the Rutgers Global Snow Lab, the November snow cover extent across the contiguous U.S. was the 12th largest in the 48-year period of record at 591,000 square miles, 116,000 square miles above the 1981-2010 average. Conversely, the Alaska snow cover extent was 11,000 square miles below average, and its 12th smallest November snow cover extent on record.
  • According to the December 3rd U.S. Drought Monitor report, 30.6 percent of the contiguous U.S. was in drought, down from 34.7 percent at the end of October. Drought improved for the Lower Mississippi River Valley and parts of the Midwest. Drought conditions expanded in the Northeast, and abnormally dry conditions expanded in the Southeast. Extreme drought conditions expanded to cover 27.6 percent of California.
  • There were nearly three times as many record cold daily highs (1539) and lows (699, or a total of 2238) as record warm daily highs (317) and lows (432, or a total of 749).
  • Based on NOAA's Residential Energy Demand Temperature Index (REDTI) , the contiguous U.S. temperature-related energy demand during November was 30 percent above average and the 26th highest in the 1895-2013 period of record.
  • Climate Highlights — autumn (September-November)
  • The average temperature for the contiguous U.S. during the autumn season (September-November) was 54.1°F, 0.5°F** above the 20th century average.
  • A large portion of the contiguous U.S. had near-average autumn temperatures. Below-average temperatures were present for parts of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast. Above-average temperatures were observed in parts of the Rockies and in Florida.
  • Alaska experienced its 10th warmest autumn in its 95-year period of record with a statewide average temperature 4.0°F above the 1971-2000 average. The autumn warmth was driven in large part by the record warm October in the state. This was the warmest autumn in Alaska since 2002.
  • The total autumn precipitation averaged across the contiguous U.S. was 7.23 inches, 0.52 inch above average, marking the 34th wettest autumn on record.
  • Wetter-than-average conditions were observed across parts of the Rockies and Northern Plains where North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico each had autumn precipitation totals ranking among their ten wettest. Above-average precipitation was also observed for the western Gulf Coast states and parts of the Midwest and Intermountain Basin.
  • California had its tenth driest autumn with a seasonal precipitation total of 1.93 inches, 2.34 inches below the 20th century average. Below-average autumn precipitation was also observed in the Southeast and parts of the Mid-Mississippi River Valley and Northeast.
  • Alaska experienced its third wettest autumn on record with a statewide precipitation total 42.7 percent above the 1971-2000 average. This marked the wettest autumn for the state since 1993 when the seasonal precipitation total was 52.0 percent above average.
  • The U.S. Climate Extremes Index (USCEI) during autumn was much below average and the 16th lowest value on record for the season. Elements that were above average include the spatial extent of wetness and days with precipitation. The USCEI is an index that tracks the highest and lowest 10 percent of extremes in temperature, precipitation, tropical cyclones, and drought across the contiguous United States.
  • Based on REDTI, the contiguous U.S. temperature-related energy demand during autumn was 27 percent above average and the 36th highest in the 1895-2013 period of record.
  • Climate Highlights — year-to-date (January-November)
  • The year-to-date contiguous U.S. temperature was 54.4°F, 0.5°F** above the 20th century average, the 35th warmest January-November on record. Below-average temperatures were present for much of the Mississippi River Valley and the Southeast. Above-average temperatures were observed in the West, Northeast, and Florida.
  • The year-to-date contiguous U.S. precipitation total of 29.00 inches was 2.09 inches above the 20th century average and the 19th wettest January-November on record.
  • Much of the contiguous U.S. was wetter than average during the 11-month period, particularly the Northern Plains, Midwest, and Southeast. South Dakota, Wisconsin, Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia each had a top ten wet January-November. North Dakota and Michigan both had their wettest January-November on record. The North Dakota precipitation total of 23.62 inches was 6.72 inches above average, and the Michigan precipitation total of 37.78 inches was 8.63 inches above average.
  • Oregon had its tenth driest January-November while California was record dry. The California year-to-date precipitation total of 7.01 inches was 11.88 inches below average and 1.63 inches below the previous record dry January-November of 1898.
  • The components of the USCEI that examine extremes in 1-day precipitation totals and the spatial extent of drought ranked as the 9th and 15th highest on record for January-November, respectively. When combining all components of the USCEI, the index was slightly below average.
  • Based on REDTI, the contiguous U.S. temperature-related energy demand during January-November was slightly above average and the 59th lowest in the 1895-2013 period of record.

**A comparison of the national temperature departure from average as calculated by NCDC's operational dataset (USHCN) and the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) is available on our National Temperature Index page.**

Alaska Temperature and Precipitation:

  • Alaska had its 33rd warmest November since records began in 1918, with a temperature 3.4°F (1.9°C) above the 1971–2000 average.
  • Alaska had its 10th warmest September-November since records began in 1918, with a temperature 4.0°F (2.2°C) above the 1971–2000 average.
  • Alaska had its 14th warmest January-November since records began in 1918, with a temperature 1.8°F (1.0°C) above the 1971–2000 average.
  • Alaska had its 13th wettest November since records began in 1918, with an anomaly that was 38.3 percent above the 1971–2000 average.
  • Alaska had its 3rd wettest September-November since records began in 1918, with an anomaly that was 42.7 percent above the 1971–2000 average.
  • Alaska had its 7th wettest January-November since records began in 1918, with an anomaly that was 22.5 percent above the 1971–2000 average.

For additional details about recent temperatures and precipitation across the U.S., see the Regional Highlights section below and visit the Climate Summary page. For information on local temperature and precipitation records during the month, please visit NCDC's Records page.

Regional Highlights:

These regional summaries were provided by the six Regional Climate Centers and reflect conditions in their respective regions. These six regions differ spatially from the nine climatic regions of the National Climatic Data Center.

  • Northeast Region: (Information provided by the Northeast Regional Climate Center)
  • After a warmer-than-normal October, temperatures took a nosedive in November in the Northeast. With an average temperature of 36.7 degrees F (2.6 degrees C), it was 3.1 degrees F (1.7 degrees C) cooler than normal. All states saw below-normal temperatures, with departures ranging from -1.4 degrees F (-0.8 degrees C) in Maine to -3.9 degrees F (-2.2 degrees C) in West Virginia and New York. As for fall, the Northeast ended the season slightly cooler than normal. The region's average temperature of 49.6 degrees F (9.8 degrees C) was 0.3 degrees F (0.2 degrees C) below normal. There were eight cooler-than-normal states, with departures ranging from -0.3 degrees F (-0.2 degrees C) in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania to -0.9 degrees F (-0.5 degrees C) in New York and Maryland. New Hampshire ended the season at normal, while departures for the three warmer-than-normal states ranged from +0.1 degrees F (0.1 degrees C) in Vermont to +0.9 degrees F (0.5 degrees C) in Maine.
  • For the third consecutive month, the Northeast was drier than normal. The region received 3.60 inches (91.4 mm) of precipitation, 94 percent of normal. New York was the lone wet state at 109 percent of normal while Vermont wrapped up November at normal. Departures for the ten drier-than-normal states ranged from 97 percent of normal in Rhode Island down to 74 percent of normal in Delaware. Fall precipitation was below normal as well, with the region seeing 9.78 inches (248.41 mm), 84 percent of normal. All states ended the season with below-normal precipitation. Massachusetts and Connecticut were the driest states at 61 percent of normal. Massachusetts had its 16th driest fall on record while Connecticut recorded its 17th driest. Close behind was New Jersey, which saw its 19th driest fall on record at 64 percent of normal precipitation. Departures for the rest of the states ranged from 67 percent of normal in Delaware to 92 percent of normal in Maine.
  • According to the U.S. Drought Monitor released on November 7, 17.80 percent of the Northeast was experiencing abnormal dryness (D0) with 3.27 percent experiencing moderate drought (D1) conditions. An ongoing lack of precipitation caused conditions to deteriorate through the month. By month's end, D0 conditions had expanded to 34.52 percent of the region while D1 conditions covered 7.79 percent of the region. Two wildfires highlighted the danger of the dry conditions. A wildfire in Pendleton County, West Virginia, which was experiencing D0 conditions, charred about 2.5 square miles of land. The fire began on the 10th and was contained on the 22nd. Rockland County, New York, which was experiencing D1 conditions, was the site of a fire that consumed more than 100 acres from the 14th to the 16th. Due to continued reduced rainfall, a drought warning was declared on November 25 for Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, and its surrounding suburbs. Customers were asked to reduce their water usage by 25 percent. Moderate drought conditions in northern New Jersey caused Lake Hopatcong to be refilled earlier than usual. The lake, which is drained five feet every five years to allow for property maintenance, is usually refilled to winter water levels on December 15, but it was bumped up to December 1.
  • A potent cold front sparked severe thunderstorms on November 1. Wind gusts of up to 70 mph (31 m/s) caused structural damage, produced flight delays of up to three hours, and left thousands without power. The first snowfall of the season and icy roads were blamed for an 18-car pileup near Buffalo, New York, on the 11th. According to The Buffalo News, conditions were so icy that patrol cars of responding police slid down the ramp they were parked on. On the 17th, another strong cold front packing wind gusts of up to 70 mph (31 m/s) caused wind damage in southern parts of the region. Wind gusts of up to 60 mph (27 m/s) blew through New England on the 24th, with around 85 wind damage reports from Connecticut to Maine. A two-mile stretch of Interstate 93 was shutdown both ways in Concord, New Hampshire, for about three hours when the winds knocked down a large fiber optic cable on the highway. From November 26-27, a storm system caused problems during some of the busiest travel days of the year. Up to a foot (30.5 cm) of snow fell, with the highest totals reported in western Pennsylvania and western New York, while up to 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) of ice coated parts of central Pennsylvania, western Maryland, and West Virginia. Snow and ice covered roads made for slippery travel, with some roads closed due to the conditions. Areas closer to the coast received up to four inches (101.6 mm) of rain, which caused flash flooding and more road closures. Twenty daily precipitation records were set at first-order climates sites during the storm. Sustained winds of up to 45 mph (20 m/s) and wind gusts up to 65 mph (29 m/s) brought down trees and power lines and caused coastal flooding. High winds and low clouds caused ground stops and delayed flights at many major East Coast airports. During November, twenty-six low maximum temperature records and eleven minimum temperature records were set at first-order climates sites. The below-normal temperatures allowed ski resorts to open early. Bromley Mountain in southern Vermont had its earliest opening day in at least 33 years while Blue Mountain Ski Area in eastern Pennsylvania opened the day after Thanksgiving for only the second time in the resort's 37-year history.
  • For more information, please go to the Northeast Regional Climate Center Home Page.
  • Midwest Region: (Information provided by the Midwest Regional Climate Center)
  • November temperatures in the Midwest were slightly below normal. Temperatures ranged from 2 to 5 degrees F (1 to 3 C) below normal for the month. Fall temperatures were near or just below normal across the region. The September to November averages were within 2 degrees F (1 C) of normal throughout the Midwest.
  • November precipitation ranged from less than 10 percent of normal in west central Minnesota to more than 200 percent of normal on both sides of the northern half of Lake Michigan. Precipitation was above normal for much of Wisconsin and Michigan but below normal for most of the remaining areas in the Midwest. Fall (September to November) precipitation was below normal in most of the region but some areas were above normal. Totals less than 75 percent of normal were common from southern Minnesota to central Missouri and Illinois. Wet areas included the Ohio River Valley, northern Michigan, and west central Minnesota where fall precipitation topped 150 percent of normal.
  • Though most of the Midwest had a killing freeze in October, the remaining areas in the southern and eastern Midwest had killing freezes in November. This brought the growing season to an end by mid-November across the region. Harvest also wrapped up across the region in November. Preliminary yields were mostly at or above expectations with less impact from the summer drought than feared during the event.
  • Devastating severe storms swept across the Midwest on the 17th. The storms extended from the Mississippi River eastward bring wind, hail, and numerous tornadoes to the region. Three separate tornadoes killed six people in Illinois (1 in Tazewell County, 2 in Washington County, and 3 in Massac County). These storms and others were also responsible for hundreds of injuries. Thousands of homes were destroyed as well. Washington, Illinois and Gifford, Illinois each took a direct hit from major tornadoes and lost significant percentage of housing. The busy day spawned 25 tornadoes in Illinois and 28 in Indiana ranking as the 4th and 3rd busiest days respectively in those states. Many of the tornadoes were strong storms rating EF2 to EF4 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale.
  • For details on the weather and climate events of the Midwest, see the weekly summaries in the Midwest Climate Watch page.
  • Southeast Region: (Information provided by the Southeast Regional Climate Center)
  • Mean temperatures in November were variable across the Southeast, with above normal temperatures across much of Florida and below normal temperatures across the remainder of the region. The greatest departures were found across the interior of the region, where monthly temperatures were between 3 and 5 degrees F (1.6 and 2.8 degrees C) below normal, while many coastal locations were between 1 and 2 degrees (0.5 and 1.1 degrees C) below normal. Monthly temperatures were also below normal across Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In contrast, monthly temperatures across Florida were generally between 1 and 3 degrees (0.5 and 1.6 degrees C) above normal. Miami, FL recorded its fourth warmest November in a record extending back to 1895. Much of the Southeast experienced large swings in temperature throughout the month. After a period of generally seasonable weather, a surge of arctic air overspread the northern half of the region from the 12th to the 14th of the month. Temperature departures of more than 20 degrees F (11 degrees C) below normal were observed, with subfreezing temperatures recorded as far south as the Panhandle of Florida. Temperatures rebounded just days later, with several locations reaching the mid to upper 80s F (low 30s C) as far north as central South Carolina from the 17th to the 18th of the month. Numerous daily high maximum temperature records were set, including Augusta, GA (1873-2013), which reached 86 degrees F (30 degrees C) on the 18th. This marked the warmest maximum temperature observed this late in a calendar year at Augusta. A second surge of arctic air overspread the region less than a week later, with temperature departures of up to 30 degrees F (15 degrees C) below normal. Mount Mitchell, NC (1980-2013) tied a monthly record low temperature of 1 degree F (-17 degrees C) on the morning of the 24th and 25th, while Danville, VA (1945-2013) tied its record low monthly temperature of 15 degrees F (-9 degrees C) on the morning of the 25th. Temperatures remained unseasonably cold through the Thanksgiving holiday, with subfreezing minimum temperatures recorded as far south as Mobile, AL on the morning of the 28th.
  • November was a dry month across most of the Southeast. Monthly precipitation totals were less than 50 percent of normal along a band stretching from southern Alabama through central Georgia, as well as across central portions of Florida and the Carolinas. In contrast, monthly precipitation was above normal along a band stretching from the Big Bend of Florida through southeastern Georgia, as well as across South Florida and the Keys. Precipitation in November was variable across Puerto Rico and above normal across the U.S. Virgin Islands. Charlotte Amalie Airport on the island of St. Thomas recorded its third wettest November in a record extending back to 1953. A new annual precipitation record was set in Asheville, NC (1869-2013) on the 26th, which stands at 67.55 inches (1716 mm) with one month still remaining. The previous record was 64.91 inches (1649 mm) set back in 1973. Much of the precipitation that fell across the Southeast in November occurred in association with an area of low pressure that tracked across the Florida Peninsula and up the East Coast from the 26th through the 27th of the month. Widespread daily totals of up to 3 inches (76 mm) were recorded with locally heavier amounts of up to 6 inches (152 mm) recorded across parts of northwest Florida and along coastal sections of Georgia and the Carolinas. Many locations also recorded some wintry precipitation from this system, including Atlanta, GA (1878-2013), which recorded only its third measureable November snowfall with 0.4 inches (10 mm) on the 27th. Some ice was also reported on trees, bridges, and elevated surfaces across the western Piedmont of Virginia. The cold outbreak earlier in the month contributed to some light snow across central and eastern portions of the Carolinas on the 12th and 13th. Wilmington, NC (1871-2013) recorded its earliest snowfall observation (trace) of the season on the 13th of the month, one day earlier than the previous record set on November 14, 1976. Monthly snowfall totals of 4 to 6 inches (102 to 152 mm) were recorded along the higher elevations of the Southern Appalachian Mountains.
  • There were 17 reports of severe weather across the Southeast in November, including three confirmed tornadoes associated with the low pressure system on the 26th of the month. The strongest tornado was an EF-2 that caused damage to a resort, beach club, hospital, and community college in Carteret County, NC. At least two people were treated for injuries. The other two tornadoes, an EF-1 and EF-0, occurred southwest of Tallahassee, FL and resulted in mostly tree damage with some minor damage to outbuildings. Strong storms also contributed to isolated wind damage across parts of Florida and Georgia on the 1st of the month and across northern Virginia on the 17th.
  • Precipitation deficits across the Southeast over the past three months resulted in an expansion of abnormally-dry (D0) conditions on the U.S. Drought Monitor. By the end of the November, approximately half of the region was in D0, including central and eastern portions of Alabama and Georgia, northeast Florida, and much of the Carolinas and Virginia. While the dry weather helped many farmers complete their harvests (including Christmas trees in western North Carolina), the lack of moisture delayed the planting of several winter crops and limited the growth of pastures, small grains, and some citrus.
  • For more information, please go to the Southeast Regional Climate Center Home Page.
  • High Plains Region: (Information provided by the High Plains Regional Climate Center)
  • After an eventful couple of months in the High Plains Region, November 2013 was fairly quiet. Temperatures were generally within 2.0 degrees F (1.1 degrees C) of normal and heavier precipitation was confined to just a few areas. This was good news for producers across the Region. Early in the month, grain moisture levels were a bit high, which slowed harvest activities. However, the drier conditions later on helped producers get back out into the fields to finish up their harvest and begin preparing for winter. Overall, temperatures were near to below normal in the east and near to above normal in the west. The largest temperature departures occurred in areas of eastern Kansas and northwest North Dakota where temperatures were up to 3.0 degrees F (1.7 degrees C) below normal and a few pockets of Colorado and Wyoming where temperatures were up to 3.0 degrees F (1.7 degrees C) above normal. While some daily records were broken, especially during the cold snap around November 22-23, temperatures were not extreme enough to break monthly records. One example from the cold snap was Minot, North Dakota which set a new daily record on the 23rd with a minimum temperature of -17.0 degrees F (-27.2 degrees C). This beat the old record of -13.0 degrees F (-25.0 degrees C) set in 1950 (period of record 1948-2013).
  • After two extreme precipitation months, the High Plains Region got a bit of a break. One of the impacts of the heavy precipitation in previous months was a recovery in soil moisture in many of the affected areas - especially in the Dakotas and Wyoming. At this time of the year it is highly unlikely that the soils will dry out and will consequently retain their moisture throughout the winter. With this in mind, some may be wondering about the potential for spring flooding. Luckily, it is very early in the season and there is a long way to go in terms of precipitation accumulations (both snow and rain). These conditions will continue to be monitored as the season progresses. Taking a look at November, the High Plains Region was fairly dry with large areas receiving less than 50 percent of normal precipitation. Since precipitation during this time of the year is generally light, large deficits did not occur. Some locations within the dry areas ranked in the top 10 driest Novembers on record. Rock Springs, Wyoming only received 0.03 inches (1 mm) of precipitation which tied with 2007 as the 4th driest November on record (period of record 1948-2013). The driest November occurred in both 1974 and 1976 when only a Trace amount of precipitation was received. Areas receiving above normal precipitation included the panhandle of Nebraska, south-central Colorado, and a swath running from the southwest corner of Kansas into southeastern Nebraska. The precipitation totals in the wetter areas of Nebraska and Kansas varied from just above normal to 200 percent of normal, while south-central Colorado had precipitation totals which topped 300 percent of normal. One local example was Alamosa, Colorado which had its wettest and 3rd snowiest November on record (period of record 1932-2013). The monthly liquid equivalent precipitation total came to 1.63 inches (41 mm) which was 388 percent of normal! The old record of 1.23 inches (31 mm) occurred in 1991. The monthly snowfall total came to 18.1 inches (46 cm) which was just shy of the 1940 record of 20.0 inches (51 cm).
  • Drought conditions in the High Plains Region changed only slightly over the past month, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Approximately 19 percent of the Region was in moderate (D1) to exceptional (D4) drought at the end of the month, which was a slight decrease from 22 percent at the end of October. These improvements occurred in western Wyoming and northwestern Colorado where D1 was eliminated. Severe (D2), extreme (D3), and exceptional (D4) drought conditions persisted across southeastern Colorado, western Kansas, and west-central Nebraska. The only improvement in those categories occurred in eastern Wyoming where a small area of D2 was eliminated. Luckily, the only degradation was the increase in abnormally dry conditions from 51 percent to 55 percent coverage. This increase in dryness occurred in eastern Kansas where hydrologic and agricultural impacts were being realized. According to the U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook released November 21st, current drought conditions should persist across Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado through February 2014. Improvements are expected in the remaining areas of drought in Wyoming.
  • For more information, please go to the High Plains Regional Climate Center Home Page.
  • Southern Region: (Information provided by the Southern Regional Climate Center)
  • November was a cooler than normal month for the entire Southern Region, with most stations averaging between 2 to 4 degrees F (1.11 to 2.22 degrees C) below normal. Temperatures averaged slightly lower than this in central Texas, northern Louisiana and western Tennessee. In these areas, temperatures averaged between 4 to 6 degrees F (2.22 to 3.33 degrees C) below expected values. The statewide average temperatures are as follows: Arkansas averaged 47.30 degrees F (8.50 degrees C), Louisiana averaged 55.20 degrees F (12.89 degrees C), Mississippi averaged 51.10 degrees F (10.61 degrees C), Oklahoma averaged 46.10 degrees F (7.83 degrees C), Tennessee averaged 44.60 degrees F (7.00 degrees C), and Texas averaged 52.80 degrees F (11.56 degrees C). For Tennessee, it was their fifteenth coldest November on record (1895-2013), while both Arkansas and Mississippi experienced their eighteenth coldest November on record (1895-2013). Louisiana experienced its twenty-fourth coldest November on record (1895-2013), while Texas experienced its twenty-fifth coldest November on record (1895-2013). For Oklahoma, it was their twenty-eighth coldest November on record (1895-2013).
  • November precipitation totals in the Southern Region varied from below normal in northern states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Tennessee, to slightly above normal in the central portions of the region. The latter included western and central Mississippi, southern Arkansas, eastern Texas and parts of northern Louisiana. Conditions were quite wet in the southern counties of the Texas Trans Pecos climate division and in the extreme south of Texas. In those two regions, precipitation totals averaged between 150 to 400 percent of normal. The statewide average precipitation totals are as follows: Arkansas reported 4.25 inches (107.95 mm), Louisiana reported 4.77 inches (121.16 mm), Mississippi reported 5.60 inches (142.24 mm), Oklahoma reported 1.79 inches (45.47 mm), Tennessee reported 3.65 inches (92.71 mm), and Texas reported 1.93 inches (49.02 mm). With the exception of Mississippi which experienced its twenty-fourth wettest November on record (1895-2013), all statewide precipitation rankings fell within the two middle quartiles.
  • Drought conditions over the month of November changed only slightly in Texas, however; significant changes were observed in Louisiana and Mississippi, which are considered drought free as of November 26, 2013. Similar improvements were also observed in Arkansas, where just a small area of moderate drought remains. In central and eastern Texas, significant precipitation totals managed to eradicate moderate drought conditions. Drought conditions in Oklahoma have persisted, with the panhandle still experiencing moderate to severe drought with some extreme and exceptional drought in the south western counties and along the Texas border.
  • On November 17, 2013, two tornadoes touched down in Tennessee. One occurred in Sumner County, and reports indicate that a roof was blown off a fire hall in Portland. The other occurred in Lincoln County near the 400 block of Haysland road. Three vehicles were reported damaged and a porch roof was blown off a home.
  • In Texas, a mid-month storm dumped double-digit rainfall accumulations on Austin, causing an estimated $14.4 million in flooding damages, including destroying approximately 1,000 homes. The same storm system knocked out power to over 16,000 in Houston and required a disaster declaration for Guadalupe County. The year's first winter weather event arrived for much of Texas from the twenty-third to the twenty-fifth, bringing snow flurries from Amarillo to Huntsville. The storm system caused as many as 30,000 power outages across the state and canceled 300 flights out of DFW Airport during the busiest travel time of the year. (Information provided by the Texas Office of State Climatology).
  • In Texas, cotton harvesting has finished, with estimates below the 10-year average but better than in previous years. Ongoing hydrological problems are leading to increased salinity along the Gulf Coast, reducing oyster collection numbers by nearly 50%. The increased threshold for releasing water down the Colorado River has rice farmers fearing for the future of their industry as well (Information provided by the Texas Office of State Climatology).
  • Cooler than normal temperatures in Texas has helped much of the state in preventing significant loss of soil and lake moisture, since the state did not see normal rainfall accumulations this month with the exception of the Lower Valley, Big Bend, and a band through central and eastern Texas. Streamflow conditions in the east remain normal, while statewide reservoirs maintained their levels at around 63%. There were some notable changes in hydrological policies, however, with Wichita Falls entering Stage 4 Drought Disaster water restrictions and the Lower Colorado River Authority increasing the threshold required for water to be released downriver from 42% to 55% (Information provided by the Texas Office of State Climatology).
  • The state of Louisiana experienced one of its coldest Thanksgivings in recent memory, with temperatures dipping as low as 21 degrees F (-6.11 degrees C) in northern Louisiana, and down to 27 degrees F (-2.78 degrees C) in Baton Rouge. Daily minimum temperatures in Baton Rouge hit below 30 degrees F (-1.11 degrees C) on three consecutive days from November 28 to November 30.
  • For more information, please go to the Southern Regional Climate Center Home Page.
  • Western Region: (Information provided by the Western Regional Climate Center)
  • Slightly warmer than normal temperatures were observed in much of the West this month, though the northern tier of the region and a number of Southwest locations were somewhat cooler than normal. Despite several storms passing through the West, precipitation remained below normal for much of the region. A cutoff low pressure system over the Southwest brought significant precipitation to the area during the latter half of the month.
  • Drier than normal conditions were observed in the Northwest and Rocky Mountain states this month, continuing the below normal precipitation trend seen in October. Many locations received less than 75% of anticipated precipitation. Klamath Falls, Oregon, reported only 15% of normal November precipitation at 0.34 in (9 mm), the 3rd driest in a 39-year record. North Bend, Oregon, logged its 9th driest November since records began in 1902 at 2.7 in (69 mm). Seattle, Washington received 3.79 in (96 mm) of precipitation, 57% of normal. In Northern California, 0.85 in (22 mm) of rain fell in Ukiah, 20% of normal and the 14th driest November in a 121-year record. Elsewhere in the area, Crescent City and Arcata received 25% of their normal precipitation. Similar conditions prevailed throughout Montana, where Missoula and Billings both received 53% of their normal precipitation at 0.54 in (14 mm) and 0.34 in (9 mm), respectively. This was the 22nd driest November in Billings since records began in 1934. In contrast, Kalispell, in northwest Montana, collected 2.54 in (65 mm) precipitation, 178% of normal. After a wet October, Wyoming saw dry conditions with Rock Springs only 0.03 in (<1 mm) precipitation, 6% of normal and the 5th driest November since records began in 1948.
  • In the Southwest, wetter than normal conditions prevailed due to a slow moving low pressure system that stalled over the region from the 21st through the 24th. Winslow, Arizona saw its wettest November in a 121-year record at 2.54 in (65 mm). Phoenix, Arizona recorded 2.43 in (62 mm), their 7th wettest November since records began in 1895. The precipitation received during this single storm represents 30% of Phoenix's year-to-date precipitation. Mountainous regions of southeast Arizona received over a foot of snow (30 cm). Further north, Alamosa, Colorado received 18.1 in (46 cm) of snow from this storm to secure its second snowiest November in a 66-year record. Alamosa's average Novemeber snowfall is 4.1 in (10 cm). Portions of Southern California also received much needed rainfall from this storm. Barstow, which typically receives only 0.34 in (9 mm) in November, recorded 1.76 in (45 mm) for the wettest November since records began in 1948. Bakersfield posted 0.94 in (24 mm) of precipitation, 147% of normal and tied for 19th wettest November in the station's 77-year record. This month's abundant precipitation continued improvement of persistent drought in the Southwest. Snow water equivalent was near normal to slightly above the 1981-2010 median throughout the Rocky Mountains, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. Much of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range were at 50% of median or less of snow water equivalent in their snowpack.
  • After a cooler than normal October, above normal temperatures returned to much of the West for November. The greatest temperature anomalies were observed in California, Nevada, and Southern Idaho. In Elko, Nevada, the average November temperature was 38.7 F (3.7 C), 4 F (2.2 C) above normal and the 20th warmest year in Elko's 126-year record. Temperatures averaged to 58.5 F (14.7 C) in Fresno, California, to make the 6th warmest November on record. Year-to-date, 2013 is the warmest in Fresno's 65-year record. Los Angeles, California, temperatures averaged to 64.1 F (17.8 C) for the month, the 9th warmest in a 78-year record. In Arizona, Phoenix also logged its 9th warmest November at 66.7 F (19.3 C). Pocatello, Idaho, recorded 36.6 F (2.5 C) for the month, 2.1 F (1.2 C) above normal and the 29th warmest November in 75 years.
  • In Alaska, a wetter than normal trend that began in September continued for much of the state. With a month to spare, Valdez secured its wettest calendar year on record at 94.78 in (2407 mm).The previous record was 93.3 in (2369 mm) in 1981. Records at Valdez began in 1949. Fairbanks received 1.35 in (34 mm) of precipitation this month for the 10th wettest November in an 85-year record. Anchorage experienced its wettest November day on record when 1.27 in (32 mm) of precipitation fell on November 10. Further south, precipitation was variable across the Hawaiian Islands. Many locations on Oahu reported above normal precipitation, though Honolulu received only 80% of normal. On Maui, Kahului reported 4.64 in (118 mm), for the 7th wettest November since records began in 1905. On the Big Island, Hilo logged 6.66 in (169 mm), 8.84 in (225 mm) below normal and the 10th driest November on record. Year-to-date, 2013 is the 9th driest in Hilo's 65-year record.
  • November 7-14: Strong storms and coastal flooding in Alaska: A series of severe storms damaged five communities in Western Alaska. The hardest hit was Kotlik, where flooding from storm surges destroyed the town's water and sewage systems. At least three homes were destroyed and many others damaged during the storm events.
  • November 20-24: Strong storm impacts Southwest: Heavy rain and snow as well as strong winds were observed throughout the Southwest. In California, three storm-related fatalities were reported and over 58,000 people in the San Francisco Bay area lost power. In eastern Nevada, 50-60 cars were trapped in snow on Highway 93 between Pioche and Ely. Power outages and areas of minor flooding were reported in Arizona.
  • For more information, please go to the Western Regional Climate Center Home Page.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Monthly National Climate Report for November 2013, published online December 2013, retrieved on September 22, 2024 from