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OAS accession Detail for 0036656
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accessions_id: 0036656 | archive
Title: Phytoplankton cell counts from a moored submersible flow cytometer at Martha's Vineyard (Massachusetts) Coastal Observatory, May - December 2006 (NCEI Accession 0036656)
Abstract: Phytoplankton cell counts were collected from using a moored submersible flow cytometer from the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean from May-December 2006. Data were submitted by Dr. Robert J. Olson of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Cell counts were recorded as an ASCII (.txt) file.
Date received: 20071119
Start date: 20060508
End date: 20061231
Seanames: North American Coastline-North, North Atlantic Ocean, Northwest Atlantic Ocean (limit-40 W)
West boundary: -70.55
East boundary: -70.55
North boundary: 41.33
South boundary: 41.33
Observation types: biological, continuous, plankton
Instrument types: cytometer-submersible flow, mooring
Datatypes: biological data, PHYTOPLANKTON
Submitter: Olson, Dr. Robert J.
Submitting institution: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Collecting institutions: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Contributing projects: COASTAL
Number of observations: 3654
Supplementary information: Citation: Olson, R.J., Shalapyonok, A.A., and Sosik, H.M. 2003. An automated flow cytometer for pico- and nanophytoplankton: FlowCytobot. Deep-Sea Research (Part1, Oceanographic Research Papers) 50:301-315. NOTE: These data are a continuation of Accession 0002299.

Associated data are also filed under NCEI accession 0002722 for this station.
Availability date: 20070101
Metadata version: 8
Keydate: 2007-11-19 13:29:58+00
Editdate: 2022-10-18 11:00:14+00