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OAS accession Detail for 0009976, meta_version: 2. Current meta_version is: 3
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accessions_id: 0009976 | archive
Title: Sea Surface Temperature (SST-sub-skin) L2P Sea Surface Temperature (SST-sub-skin) from 25km global gridded TRMM-TMI Remote Sensing Systems BMAPS NRT products for 2006-08-05 (NODC Accession 0009976)
Abstract: GHRSST-PP L2P data derived using Remote Sensing Systems BMAPS format AMSR-E SSTsub-skin data. Data are downloaded form Remote Sensing Systems every hour to capture the latest AMSRE observations. L2P data products are then derived following the GHRSST-PP Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 1.5 avaialable from Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES) are provided based on the GDS-v1.5 specification.
Date received: 20061003
Start date: 20060805
End date: 20060805
Seanames: Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Guinea, Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Mozambique Channel, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, South Atlantic Ocean, South Pacific Ocean
West boundary: -99.875
East boundary: 44.875
North boundary: 39.875
South boundary: -39.875
Observation types: satellite data
Instrument types: TMI
Submitter: Armstrong, Edward M.
Submitting institution: US NASA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
Collecting institutions: Medspiration
Contributing projects: GHRSST
Platforms: TRMM (33LY)
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Entry ID: EUR-L2P-TMI
Projection Type: Gridded 25km SSTsub-skin data
Other Projection Details: Low earth orbit satellite coinfiguration

Data Resolution:
Latitude resolution: 25.00
Longitude resolution: 25.00
The temporal resolution: 6 hours Revisit ~twice each day

This metadata record was generated from an original data set description (DSD) record in .DIF format:

Reference: Medspiration products user manual, Robinson I., Leborgne P., Piolle J.F., Larnicol G., v1.02, September 2004
Tropical Rainfall Mapping Mission

TRMM Microwave Imager
Availability date:
Metadata version: 2
Keydate: 2006-10-03 13:34:47+00
Editdate: 2015-01-11 15:12:46+00