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OAS platform Detail for SG155
<< previous |revision: 5
platforms_id: 12332
Name: SG155
ICES Code: 09GJ
Countries: AUSTRALIA
Comments: Updated information from ICES for the vessel SG155 from AUSTRALIA.

Name : SG155
Flag : AUSTRALIA - AU (ISO Country Code)
Platform Class : 27 sub-surface gliders (buoyancy-based propulsion capable at variable depths not constrained to be near sea surface)
Current Length : 1.8
Notes : Underwater Seaglider glider (number 155) operated by Australian National Facility for Ocean Gliders (ANFOG). Still operating as of Aug. 2012

Additional Information Sources:

Additional information:
Size: Body 1.8 m, 30 cm diameter
Wing span 1m
Antenna mast length 1 m
Weight: 52 kg (dry)
Maximum Depth: 1000 m
Maximum Range/Duration: 4600 km (650 dives to 1km depth)
Batteries: Lithium primaries, 24V and 10 V packs, 10 MJ
Typical Speed: 25 cm/s
Glide Angle: 16-45 degrees
Mechanical Features: Isopycnal hull
No external moving parts
Low drag, flooded fiberglass fairing
RF Data Telemetry: Iridium satellite data telemetry
Guidance and Control: Control and system commands transmitted on any dive. Dead reckoning between GPS fixes using pitch, roll, heading. Kalaman filter
prediction for mean and oscillatory currents.
Bathymetry map for surface to near-bottom dives.
Instrumented with a Seabird-CTD, WETLabs BBFL2SLO 3 parameter optical sensor (measuring Chlorophyll-a, CDOM & 660nm Backscatter) and a Aanderaa Oxygen optode.

Additional Information Source:

Submitted to ICES 2014-09-19.
Confirmed by NOAA on 2014-10-24.
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 5
Keydate: 2014-08-20 20:38:09+00
Editdate: 2014-10-24 21:35:02+00