Processing Steps |
- Parameter or Variable: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon; Abbreviation: DIC; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Measured or calculated: measured; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle or flow-through system; Uncertainty: 0.1%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Total alkalinity; Abbreviation: TALK; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Measured or calculated: measured; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle or flow-through system; Uncertainty: 0.2%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: pH; Abbreviation: pH_TS_measured, TEMP_pH, pH_TS_insitu_measured; pH scale: Total scale; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Measured or calculated: measured; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle or flow-through system; Analyzing instrument: Spectrophotometer; Temperature of pH measurement: various; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: pH_TS_insitu_measured was recalculated from its measurement conditions (i.e., pH_TS_measured at TEMP_pH and ambient pressure) using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). TALK was preferentially used as the second carbon parameter. When it was not available, DIC was used. If neither of them was available, TALK derived from salinity with the locally interpolated alkalinity regression (LIARv2) method was used for the adjustment from measurement to in-situ conditions (Carter et al., 2018). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; At what temperature was pH reported: in-situ; Uncertainty: plus/minus 0.003; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: pCO2 (fCO2) autonomous; Abbreviation: fCO2_insitu_calculated; Unit: uatm; Measured or calculated: calculated; Calculation method and parameters: The carbonate system calculations were conducted using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: 3%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: pCO2 (fCO2) discrete; Abbreviation: fCO2_measured, TEMP_fCO2, and fCO2_insitu_measured; Unit: uatm; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Measured or calculated: measured; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: fCO2_insitu_measured was recalculated from its measurement conditions (i.e., fCO2_measured at TEMP_fCO2 and ambient pressure) using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). TALK was preferentially used as the second carbon parameter. When it was not available, DIC was used. If neither of them was available, TALK derived from salinity with the locally interpolated alkalinity regression (LIARv2) method was used for the adjustment from measurement to in-situ conditions (Carter et al., 2018). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: n/a; Researcher name: Rik Wanninkhof; Researcher institution: NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory and University of Maimi.
- Parameter or Variable: pH that is calculated from CO2SYS with DIC and TALK; Abbreviation: pH_TS_insitu_calculated; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: calculated; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The carbonate system calculations were conducted using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: plus/minus 0.01; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: The concentration of carbonate measured from spectrophotometers; Abbreviation: Carbonatre_measured, TEMP_Carbonate, and Carbonate_insitu_measured; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Carbonate_insitu_measured was recalculated from its measurement conditions (Carbonate_measured at TEMP_Carbonate and ambient pressure) using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). TALK was preferentially used as the second carbon parameter. When it was not available, DIC was used. If neither of them was available, TALK derived from salinity with the locally interpolated alkalinity regression (LIARv2) method was used for the adjustment from measurement to in-situ conditions (Carter et al., 2018). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: 2%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: The concentration of carbonate calculated from the CO2SYS with DIC and TALK; Abbreviation: Carbonate_insitu_calculated; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: calculated; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The carbonate system calculations were conducted using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: 3%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Aragonite saturation state; Abbreviation: Aragonite; Unit: (none); Observation type: calculated; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The carbonate system calculations were conducted using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: 5%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Calcite saturation state; Abbreviation: Calcite; Unit: (none); Observation type: calculated; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The carbonate system calculations were conducted using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: 5%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Revelle Factor; Abbreviation: Revelle Factor; Unit: (none); Observation type: calculated; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The carbonate system calculations were conducted using the MATLAB version 3.01 (Sharp et al., 2020) of the CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace, 1998), with the dissociation constants for carbonic acid of Lueker et al. (2000), bisulfate (HSO4-) of Dickson (1990), hydrofluoric acid (HF) of Perez and Fraga (1987), and with the total borate equations of Lee et al., (2010). When either silicate or phosphate data were unavailable, their mean values during the cruise were used for the calculation. Samples with a salinity of less than 15 were excluded from this calculation, due to the potentially large uncertainties.; Uncertainty: 1%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Oxygen values measured from sensors mounted on the CTD; Abbreviation: CTDOXY; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and continuous sampling; Uncertainty: 4%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Discrete oxygen measured from Winkler Titration; Abbreviation: Oxygen; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Uncertainty: 3%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Discrete Oxygen with missing values filled up using CTDOXY values.; Abbreviation: recommended_Oxygen; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile (discrete and continuous); Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The “recommended_Oxygen” column was created by preferentially using Oxygen values. In cases when Oxygen values were not available but CTDOXY values with a QC flag of 2 were available, the recommended_Oxygen values were filled up using CTDOXY values.; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Apparent oxygen utilization; Abbreviation: AOU; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: calculated from recommended_Oxygen and other parameters; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) was calculated based on absolute salinity, conservative temperature, latitude, longitude, CTDPRES, and recommended_Oxygen variable using the function “gsw_O2sol” as described in the TEOS-10 (IOC et al., 2010). Oxygen solubility is estimated with the combined equation from Garcia and Gordon (1992).; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Silicate concentration; Abbreviation: Silicate; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Uncertainty: 5%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Phosphate concentration; Abbreviation: Phosphate; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Uncertainty: 5%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Nitrate concentration; Abbreviation: Nitrate; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: When Nitrate values were not available, but both Nitrate_and_Nitrite and Nitrite values with QC flags of 2 or 6 were available, Nitrate values were calculated by subtracting Nitrite from Nitrate_and_Nitrite.; Uncertainty: 2%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Nitrite concentration; Abbreviation: Nitrite; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Uncertainty: 69%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: The concentration of Nitrate plus Nitrite; Abbreviation: Nitrate_and_Nitrite; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: When Nitrate_and_Nitrite values were not available, but both Nitrate and Nitrite values with QC flags of 2 or 6 were available, Nitrate_and_Nitrite values were calculated by adding Nitrate and Nitrite concentrations together.; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: The concentration of Nitrate plus Nitrite with missing values filled out from Nitrate; Abbreviation: recommended_Nitrate_and_Nitrite; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The “recommended_Nitrate_and_Nitrite” column was created by preferentially using Nitrate_and_Nitrite values. In cases when Nitrate_and_Nitrite values were not available but Nitrate values with a QC flag of 2 or 6 were available (Nitrite values not available), the Nitrate_and_Nitrite values were assumed to be approximate to the Nitrate values. It can be used as Nitrate (better coverage), because Nitrite concentration is often much lower than Nitrate.; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Ammonium concentration; Abbreviation: Ammonium; Unit: umol/kg; Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Uncertainty: 72%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: CTD temperature; Abbreviation: CTDTEMP_ITS90; Unit: oC; Observation type: Profile and continuous sampling; Sampling instrument: CTD; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Some surface samples from a few coastal cruises were collected from flow-through systems onboard research vessels, instead of Niskin bottles. In such cases, the temperature and salinity values were stored in CTDTEMP and CTDSAL, respectively, although they were not measured from sensors mounted on a CTD rosette.; Uncertainty: plus/minus 0.06 oC; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: CTD salinity on the PSS78 scale; Abbreviation: CTDSAL_PSS78; Unit: (none); Observation type: Profile and continuous sampling; Sampling instrument: CTD; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Some surface samples from a few coastal cruises were collected from flow-through systems onboard research vessels, instead of Niskin bottles. In such cases, the temperature and salinity values were stored in CTDTEMP and CTDSAL, respectively, although they were not measured from sensors mounted on a CTD rosette.; Uncertainty: 0.02%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Discrete salinity on PSS78 scale; Abbreviation: Salinity_PSS78; Unit: (none); Observation type: Profile and discrete sampling; Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; Uncertainty: 0.01%; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Discrete salinity on PSS78 scale with missing values filled up using CTDSAL_PSS78 values.; Abbreviation: recommended_Salinity_PSS78; Unit: (none); Observation type: Profile (discrete and continuous); Detailed sampling and analyzing information: The “recommended_Salinity_PSS78” column was created by preferentially using Salinity_PSS78 values. In cases when Salinity_PSS78 values were not available but CTDSAL_PSS78 values with a QC flag of 2 were available, the recommended_Salinity_PSS78 values were filled up using CTDSAL_PSS78 values.; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: CTD pressure; Abbreviation: CTDPRES; Unit: dbar; Observation type: Profile and continuous sampling; Sampling instrument: CTD; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: For data collected from the ship’s flow-through system, their pressure or depth values is extracted from the metadata as the depth of the water inlet. When such information is not available, its sampling depth is set to be 5 m.; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple).
- Parameter or Variable: Depth of each sampling level; Abbreviation: Depth; Unit: meters; Observation type: Calculated from CTDPRES; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Sampling depth (Depth) and pressure (CTDPRES) were calculated from one another where applicable using the equations of “gsw_z_from_p”, and “gsw_p_from_z”, respectively, from the International Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10; IOC et al., 2010). When both values were available, CTDPRES values were preferentially used, and the calculated Depth values were used to replace the original Depth values. For data collected from the ship’s flow-through system, their pressure or depth values is extracted from the metadata as the depth of the water inlet. When such information is not available, its sampling depth is set to be 5 m.; Researcher name: (multiple); Researcher institution: (multiple) .