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Table 8. Summary of comparisons of overlapping cruises

Overlap Nominal position Cruise name/WOCE line Dates of occupation Station range Depth range Dissolved inorganic carbon Dissolved inorganic carbon
Longitude range Latitude range Ave StDev Number of samples Ave StDev Number of samples
A05/A05R 23.85° W 24.5° N A5R 28 Jan to 16 Feb 1998 22 >1500 0.4 3.0 534 0.0 4.4 313
69.13° W 24.5° N A5R   89              
23.34° W 24.5° N A5 24 July to 11 Aug 1992 17 >1500 -1.6 8.1 144 0.0 7.7 159
69.33° W 24.5° N A5   89              
69.33° W 24.5° N A5   89              
A16S/A16N 25° W 4° N A16S 16 July to 20 July 1991 7 >200 -1.0 6.1 99 -1.0 8.9 71
25° W 4° S A16S   12              
25° W 4° S A16N 8 July to 10 July 1993 4 >200 0.2 4.1 281 0.4 5.7 261
25° W 4° N A16N   14              
A01W/A24 41.96° W 58.84° N A24 19 June to 21 June 1997 103 >3000 0.5 1.7 167 3.6 1.9 151
37.07° W 54.84° N A24   114              
41.73° W 58.59° N A01W 17 June to 19 June 1995 44 >3000 -0.5 1.5 111 -2.8 16.0 200
37.07° W 55.03° N A01W   55              
A01W/A01WR 53.98° 55.26° N A01W 13 June to 26 June 1995 11 >1500 1.6 2.1 406 -7.1 13.7 247
48.28° W 58.59° N A01W   43              
53.82° W 55.41° S A01WR 28 June to 3 July 1998 48 >1500 -1.7 2.8 151 5.2 13.1 271
49.16° W 59.74° S A01WR   97              
A12B/A12BR 0° W 55° S A12B 8 June to 27 July 1992 576 >1500 0.0 2.5 195      
48.65° W 60.17° S A12B   641              
3.06° E 58.60° S A12BR 3 April to 7 May 1996 29 >1500 0.0 2.5 452      
50.84° W 63.73° S A12BR   99              
Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:01:01Z