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OCADSAccess DataNDP-076NDP-076 - coef_talk.dat (File 7)

coef_talk.dat (File 7)

This file provides the coefficients a, b, and c used to calculate TALK from the potential temperature (T) and salinity (S). Each line of the file contains a longitude, latitude, offset coefficient a (between depths MLD and 1000 m), offset coefficient a (below 1000 m), T coefficient b (between depths MLD and 1000 m), T coefficient b (below 1000 m), S coefficient c (between depths MLD and 1000 m), and S coefficient c (below 1000 m). The file is sorted by longitude and latitude and can be read by using the following FORTRAN 77 code [contained in coef_talk.for (File 2)]:

            REAL lon, lat, coef1, coef2, coef3, coef4, coef5 
            REAL coef6
            read (1, 10, end=999) lon, lat, coef1, coef2, coef3, coef4, 
          1 coef5, coef6
      10    format (F6.1, 1X, F6.1, 2X, F12.4, 1X, F12.4, 1X, F12.5,
          1 1X, F12.5, 1X, F11.4, 1X, F11.4)

Stated in tabular form, the contents include the following:

Variable Variable type Variable width Starting column Ending column
lon Numeric 6 1 6
lat Numeric 6 8 13
coef1 Numeric 12 16 27
coef2 Numeric 12 29 40
coef3 Numeric 12 42 53
coef4 Numeric 12 55 66
coef5 Numeric 11 68 78
coef6 Numeric 11 80 90

The variables are defined as follows:

lon  -  is the longitude for which coefficients were calculated;
lat  -  is the latitude for which coefficients were calculated;
coef1  -  is the offset coefficient a (for depths between MLD and 1000 m);
coef2  -  is the offset coefficient a (for depths below 1000 m);
coef3  -  is the T coefficient b (for depths between MLD and 1000 m);
coef4  -  is the T coefficient b (for depths below 1000 m);
coef5  -  is the S coefficient c (for depths between MLD and 1000 m); and
coef6  -  is the S coefficient c (for depths below 1000 m).
Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:01:04Z