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OCADSAccess DataNDP-080NDP-080 - File Descriptions7

File Descriptions

This section describes the content and format of each of the 21 files that constitute this NDP-080 (see Table 14). Because CDIAC distributes the data set in several ways (via the Web, CDIAC's online ordering system, or anonymous FTP), each of the 21 files is referenced by both an ASCII file name, which is given in lowercase, bold-faced type (e.g., ndp080.txt), and a file number. The remainder of this section describes (or lists, where appropriate) the contents of each file.

Table 14. Content, size, and format of data files

      File number, name,                             Logical        File size
      and description                                records        in bytes
          1.ndp080.txt:                               2,091          128,813
      A detailed description of the cruise network,
      the two FORTRAN 90 data-retrieval routines,
      and the eighteen oceanographic data files

          2.IOstainv.for:                                44            1,411
      A FORTRAN 90 data-retrieval routine to read and
      print i*sta.dat (Files 4 12)

          3.IOdat.for:                                   58            2,407
      A FORTRAN 90 data-retrieval routine to read and
      print i*.dat (Files 13 21)

          4-12.i08si09ssta.dat                          156           12,573
               i09nsta.dat                              139           11,340
               i08ni05esta.dat                          175           14,260
               i03sta.dat                               140           11,390
               i05wi04sta.dat                           145           11,688
               i07nsta.dat                              159           12,949
               i01sta.dat                               167           13,650
               i10sta.dat                                70            5,684
               i02sta.dat:                              177           14,420
      A listing of the station locations, sampling dates,
      and sounding bottom depths for each station of the
      WOCE Sections I8SI9S, I9N, I8NI5E, I3, I5WI4,
      I7N, I1, I10, and I2

          13-21. i08si09s.dat                          4,566          898,494
                 i09n.dat                              4,537          892,942
                 i08ni05e.dat                          5,477        1,078,087
                 i03.dat                               4,017          790,348
                 i05wi04.dat                           4,028          792,411
                 i07n.dat                              5,128        1,009,334
                 i01.dat                               4,601          905,550
                 i10.dat                               1,748          343,395
                 i02.dat:                              5,567        1,095,817
      Hydrographic, carbon dioxide, and chemical data
      from all stations occupied on WOCE Sections
      I8SI9S, I9N, I8NI5E, I3, I5WI4, I7N, I1, I10,
      and I2
        Total                                         43,190        8,046,963
Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:01:04Z