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64TR19890731 Cruise Data References

Rommets, J.W., R. Dapper and H.J.W. de Baar (1991) JGOFS North Atlantic R.V.Tyro Leg 1, Upper Ocean Processes, NIOZ Data Report 1991-1.

Stoll, M.H.C., H.M. van Aken, H.J.W. de Baar and C.J. de Boer, Meridional carbon dioxide transport in the northern North Atlantic Ocean, Mar. Chem., 55, 205-216, 1996a.

Stoll, M.H.C., H.M. van Aken, H.J.W. de Baar and M. Kraak, Carbon dioxide characteristics of water masses in the northern North Atlantic Ocean, Mar. Chem., 55, 217-232, 1996b.

Stoll, M.H.C., H.J.W. de Baar, M. Hoppema and E. Fahrbach, New early winter fCO2 data reveal continuous uptake of carbon dioxide by the Weddell Sea, Tellus, 51B, 679-687, 1999.

Stoll, M.H.C.; Bakker, K.M.J.; Nobbe, G.H.; and Haese, R.R., Continuous-flow analysis of dissolved inorganic iarbon iontent in seawater, Anal. Chem., 73(17), 4111-4116, 2001.

Stoll, M.H.C, H. Thomas, H.J.W. De Baar, I. Zondervan, E. deJong, U.V. Bathmann and E. Fahrbach, Biolgoical versus physical processes as drivers of large oscillations of the air-sea CO2 flux in the Antartic marginal ice zone during summer, Deep-Sea Res., 49, 1651-1667, 2002.

Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:00:59Z