OCADSAccess DataOther Ocean Carbon Data, Numeric Data Packages, Publications and Tools
Global Ocean Carbon Data
Subsurface/Bottle Data
- World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Carbon Data
- Ocean Carbon and Repeat Hydrographic CLIVAR/GO-SHIP Program Data
- GLODAPv2.2022 (Global Ocean Data Analysis Project Version 2.2022) Results and Data
- GLODAPv2.2021 (Global Ocean Data Analysis Project Version 2.2021) Results and Data
- GLODAPv2.2020 (Global Ocean Data Analysis Project Version 2.2020) Results and Data
- GLODAPv2.2019 (Global Ocean Data Analysis Project Version 2.2019) Results and Data
- GLODAPv2 (Global Ocean Data Analysis Project Version 2) Results and Data
- GLODAP (Global Ocean Data Analysis Project) Results and Data
- Carbon in Atlantic Ocean (CARINA) Project Data
- PACIFic ocean Interior CArbon (PACIFICA) Database
Surface / Underway Data
- Ships of Opportunity (SOOP) Project Data
Global CO2 Moorings and Timeseries Project Data
- NDP-092: A high-frequency atmospheric and seawater pCO2 data set from 14 open ocean sites using a moored autonomous system by Adrienne J. Sutton, Christopher L. Sabine, Jeremy T. Mathis
- NDP-097: Autonomous seawater partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and pH time series from 40 surface buoys between 2004 and 2017 (NCEI Accession 0173932) by Adrienne J. Sutton, Richard A. Feely, Stacy Maenner-Jones, Sylvia Musielewicz, John Osborne, Colin Dietrich, Natalie Monacci, Jessica Cross, Randy Bott, Alex Kozyr
- Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Data
- Global Surface pCO2 (LDEO) Database V2019 (LDEO Database V2019)
- Simulation and assimilation of global ocean pCO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes using ship observations of surface ocean pCO2 in a simplified biogeochemical offline model. By Vinu Valsala and Shamil Maksyutov, NIES, Japan
- Global Surface Ocean Alkalinity Climatology (calculated by K. Lee et al. using the relationships of total alkalinity with salinity and temperature)
- A combined global ocean pCO2 climatology combining open ocean and coastal areas (NCEI Accession 0209633) by Landschützer, Peter; Laruelle, Goulven; Roobaert, Alizee; Regnier, Pierre
- An observation-based global monthly gridded sea surface pCO2 product from 1982 onward and its monthly climatology (NCEI Accession 0160558) by Landschützer, P., Gruber, N., Bakker, D. C. E.
- Old versions of this publication:
- An updated observation-based global monthly gridded sea surface pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux product from 1982 through 2015 and its monthly climatology by Landschützer, P., Gruber, N., Bakker, D. C. E.
- A 30 years observation-based global monthly gridded sea surface pCOv product from 1982 through 2011 by Landschützer, P., Gruber, N., Bakker, D. C. E.
Global Coastal Program Data
- Coastal Ocean Data Analysis Product in North America (CODAP-NA, Version 2021)
- A compiled data product of profile, discrete biogeochemical measurements from 35 individual cruise data sets collected from a variety of ships in the southern Salish Sea and northern California Current System (Washington state marine waters) from 2008-02-04 to 2018-10-19.
Ocean Radiocarbon Data Publications
- NDP-096 (2016): An Internally Consistent Dataset of δ13C-DIC Data in the North Atlantic Ocean By M. Becker, N. Andersen, H. Erlenkeuser, T. Tanhua, M.P. Humphreys, A. Körtzinger
- The Marine Radiocarbon Bomb Pulse Across the Temperare North Atlantic: a Compilation of Δ14C Time Histories from Arctica Islandica Growth Increments By James D. Scourse, Alan D. Wanamaker Jr., Chris Weidman, Jan Heinemeier, Paula J. Reimer, Paul G. Butler, Rob Witbaard and Christopher A Richardson
- Drake Passage Radiocarbon (Δ14C) of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) from R/V Laurence M. Gould Transects. By T. P. Guilderson, C. Sweeney, P. D. Quay, T. Newberger, and J. Stutsman.
- Historical observations of oceanic radiocarbon conducted prior to GEOSECS. By H. Graven, A. Kozyr, and R. Key.
- Surface Water Radiocarbon (Δ14C) Reconstructed from Reef‐Building Zooxanthellate Corals. By T. P. Guilderson, D. P. Schrag, S. J. Fallon1, R. B. Dunbar, K. H. Kilbourne, and N. Grumet Prouty.
- Carbon-14 Measurements in Surface Water CO2 from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, 1965-1994. By Reidar Nydal (NDP-057A).
- Global compilation of Carbon-13 measurements during 1990-2005 in dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C_DIC). By A. Schmittner, N. Gruber, A. C. Mix, A. M. Key, A. Tagliabue, and T. K. Westberry
- Neutrally Averaged Radiocarbon Climatology. By Casimir de Lavergne, Gurvan Madec, Fabien Roquet, Ryan M. Holmes and Trevor J. McDougall
All Numeric Data Packages (NDPs)
- NDP-111 (2023) - Decadal Trends in the Oceanic Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon from 1994-07-01 to 2014-06-30 (NCEI Accession 0279447) by Jens Daniel Müller et al.
- NDP-110 (2023) - A novel sea surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) data product for the global coastal ocean resolving trends over the 1982-2020 period (NCEI Accession 0279118) by Alizée Roobaert et al.
- NDP-109 (2021) - Compilation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) data obtained from the global ocean surveys from 1994 to 2020 (NCEI Accession 0227166) by Dennis A. Hansell et al.
- NDP-108 (2021) - Water mass ages based on GLODAPv2 data product (NCEI Accession 0226793) by Emil Jeansson, Reiner Steinfeldt Toste Tanhua
- NDP-107 (2021) - Atlantic Ocean water mass fraction estimates based on GLODAPv2 Atlantic database (NCEI Accession 0225455) by Mian Liu and Toste Tanhua
- NDP-106 (2020) - A global monthly climatology of total alkalinity (AT): a neural network approach (NCEI Accession 0222470) by Daniel Broullón, Fiz F. Pérez; Antón Velo; Mario Hoppema; Are Olsen; Taro Takahashi; Robert M. Key; Toste Tanhua; Melchor González-Dávila; Emil Jeansson; Alex Kozyr; Steven M. A. C. van Heuven
- NDP-105 (2020) - A global monthly climatology of oceanic total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC): a neural network approach (NCEI Accession 0222469) by Daniel Broullón, Fiz F. Pérez; Antón Velo; Mario Hoppema; Are Olsen; Taro Takahashi; Robert M. Key; Toste Tanhua; J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano; Alex Kozyr
- NDP-104 (2020) - Mapped Observation-Based Oceanic Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), monthly climatology from January to December (based on observations between 2004 and 2017), from the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MOBO-DIC_MPIM) (NCEI Accession 0221526) by Lydia Keppler, Peter Landschützer , Nicolas Gruber, Siv K. Lauvset, Irene Stemmler
- NDP-103 (2020) - OceanSODA-ETHZ: A global gridded data set of the surface ocean carbonate system for seasonal to decadal studies of ocean acidification (NCEI Accession 0220059) by Luke Gregor, Nicolas Gruber
- NDP-102 (2020) - Monthly gridded sea surface fugacity of carbon dioxide (fCO2), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), pH, and aragonite (Ωarag) in Mid-Atlantic Bight and South Atlantic Bight from 1982 to 2015 (NCEI Accession 0208346) by Yuan-Yuan Xu, Wei-Jun Cai, Rik Wanninkhof, Joseph E. Salisbury
- NDP-101 (2019) - Global surface-ocean partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) estimates from a machine learning ensemble: CSIR-ML6 v2019a (NCEI Accession 0206205) by Luke Gregor, Alice D. Lebehot, Schalk Kok and Pedro M. Scheel Monteiro
- NDP-100 (2019) - The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2 from 1994 to 2007 - the data (NCEI Accession 0186034) by Nicolas Gruber et al.
- NDP-099 (2018) - Current calcite (CaCO3) dissolution at the seafloor caused by anthropogenic CO2 (NCEI Accession 0176672) by Olivier Sulpis, Bernard P. Boudreau, Alfonso Mucci, Chris Jenkins, David S. Trossman, Brian K. Arbic, Robert M. Key
- NDP-098 (2018) - A comprehensive global oceanic dataset of discrete measurements of helium isotope and tritium during the hygrographic cruises on various ships from 1952-10-21 to 2016-01-22 (NCEI Accession 0176626) by William J. Jenkins et al.
- Global Distribution of Total Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity Below the Deepest Winter Mixed Layer Depths. By C. Goyet et al. NDP-076.
- Atmospheric Histories for CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CCl4, SF6 and N2O (1765-2015). By John Bullister-NOAA/PMEL, updated March 18, 2015.
- A combined globally mapped carbon dioxide (CO2) flux estimate based on the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas Database (SOCAT) and Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) biogeochemistry floats from 1982 to 2017 (NCEI Accession 0191304) by Peter Landschützer, Seth Bushinsky, Alison R. Gray
Most Recent NDP Publications
Other Ocean Carbon Data Publications and Tools
- Incorporation of Alternative Sensors in the SOCAT Database and Adjustments to Dataset Quality Control Flags by R. Wanninkhof, D.C.E. Bakker, N. Bates, A. Olsen, T. Steinhoff and A.J. Sutton
- New Handbook: Dickson, A.G., Sabine, C.L. and Christian, J.R. (Eds.) 2007. Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements. PICES Special Publication 3, 191 pp.
- Old Handbook: DOE (1994) Handbook of methods for the analysis of the various parameters of the carbon dioxide system in sea water (Version 2, A. G. Dickson & C. Goyet, eds. ORNL/CDIAC-74).
- Information on Batches of CO2 in Seawater Reference Material by Andrew Dickson (SIO)
- Comparison of Inorganic Carbon System Parameters Measured in the Atlantic Ocean from 1990 to 1998 and Recommended Adjustments (ORNL/CDIAC-140).
- Comparison of the Carbon System Parameters at the Global CO2 Survey Crossover Locations in the North and South Pacific Ocean, 1990-1996 (ORNL/CDIAC-115).
- A Toolbox for secondary quality control on ocean chemistry and hydrographic data (NCEI Accession 0209357) by Siv Lauvset (University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research) and Toste Tanhua (IFM-GEOMAR).
CO2 System Calculation Tools:
- Program Developed for CO2 System Calculations: Ernie Lewis and Doug Wallace of Brookhaven National Laboratory. ORNL/CDIAC-105. Original version for DOS, Microsoft Excel version coded by D. Pierrot (AOML/CIMAS, USA), and MATLAB-version coded by S. van Heuven (University of Groningen, Netherlands).
- For the latest CO2SYS calculation software and programs, please visit the OCADS Resources page.
Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:01:04Z