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OCADSAccess DataCompilation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) data obtained from global ocean observations from 1994 to 2020 (NCEI Accession 0227166), NDP-109

NDP-109 (2021)

NCEI Accession 0227166, NDP-109, Metadata page and access to the Data and Documentation Files

Cruise Summary Table (CST) and Original Cruise Data Links

Ocean Data View (ODV) collection of DOM Compilation Hansell et al. 2021

Compilation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) data obtained from global ocean observations from 1994 to 2020 (NCEI Accession 0227166)

Dennis A. Hansell 1, Craig A. Carlson2, Rainer M.W. Amon3, Xose Antón Álvarez-Salgado4, Youhei Yamashita5, Cristina Romera-Castillo6, Mariana B. Bif 7

Prepared by Alex Kozyr8

1University of Miami, RSMAS, Miami, FL 33149 USA;
2University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA;
3Texas AM University at Galveston, Galveston, Texas, USA;
4CSIC Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, Eduardo Cabello 6, Vigo, E36208, Spain;
5Hokkaido University, N10, W5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810, Japan;
6Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC, Barcelona, 08003, Spain;
7Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, 7700 Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing, CA, 95039, USA;
8National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Silver Spring, MD, USA.



This NCEI Accession consists of measurements of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and other chemical and hydrographic parameters obtained during the global ocean observations from 1994-01-01 to 2019-12-31. Measurements of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the open ocean have increased greatly since the late 1980's, spurred by the growth in scientific interest directed at the ocean carbon cycle. Analytical quality for determining the elemental concentrations of DOM was commonly low in those early years, but through great effort and use of consensus reference materials its quality has improved with time. The data in this compilation should be used with the trajectory of improved analytical quality with time in mind. DOM data generated by many laboratories around the world are typically made available in diverse, regional data archives, making them less available than necessary for the data value to be maximized. The effort here was to make ship-collected bottle data accessible more directly and in uniform format. The emphasis was on spatial coverage of the global ocean, so the well-known and ongoing time-series data (such as the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study and Hawaiian Ocean Time-series) are not included; nor are coastal waters well represented in this first version. While the focus of this compilation is largely on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), we extended coverage to include the less frequently determined DOM isotopes (13C, 14C), select wavelengths and a single spectral slope of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and DOM composition (i.e., dissolved combined neutral sugars). To the extent possible, the DOM data have been complemented with hydrographic data (e.g., temperature and salinity), other biogeochemical variables (e.g., oxygen, nutrients), the inorganic carbon system [e.g., dissolved inorganic carbon (with isotopes when available), pH, and total alkalinity], and anthropogenic (chlorofluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, carbon tetrachloride) and natural tracers (neon, helium, tritium). A very few data are included for biological variables such as bacterial abundance and chlorophyll a concentrations. These data are from all ocean basins taken from 230 cruises in the global ocean, providing 94324 measures of DOC (full water column where available) and 29113 measures of TDN (limited to the surface 250 m).

Please cite this data set as:

Hansell, Dennis A.; Carlson, Craig A.; Amon, Rainer M.W.; Álvarez-Salgado, Xose Antón; Yamashita, Youhei; Romera-Castillo, Cristina; Bif, Mariana Bernardi (2021) Compilation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) data obtained from global ocean observations from 1994 to 2020 (NCEI Accession 0227166). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.

Variables description:

- EXPOCODE: Expedition Code
- CRUISE: Cruise Name, Section
- STATION: Station Number
- CAST: Cast number
- BOTTLE: Bottle Number
- CTD OXYGEN: μmol/kg
- SILICIC ACID: μmol/kg
- NITRATE: μmol/kg
- PHOSPHATE: μmol/kg
- NITRITE: μmol/kg
- AMMONIUM: μmol/kg
- CFC-11: Dissolved Chlorofluorocarbon 11 in pmol/kg
- CFC-12: Dissolved Chlorofluorocarbon 12 in pmol/kg
- CFC-113: Dissolved Chlorofluorocarbon 113 in pmol/kg
- SF6: Dissolved Sulfur Hexafluoride in fmol/kg
- CCL4: Carbon tetrachloride in pmol/kg
- DIC: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in μmol/kg
- ALKALINITY: Total Alkalinity in μmol/kg
- PCO2: Discrete Partial Pressure of CO2 (pCO2)
- PH_TOT: pH on Total Scale
- DOC: Dissolved Organic Carbon in μmol/kg
- TDN: Total Dissolved Nitrogen in μmol/kg 
- POC: Particulate Organic Carbon in μmol/kg
- PON: Particulate Organic Nitrogen in μmol/kg
- N2O: Dissolved Nitrous Oxide in nmol/kg
- DEL-13DIC: Delta 13C content of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in permille
- DELTA-14DIC: Delta 14C content of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in permille
- DEL13C-DOC: Delta 13C content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in permille
- DELTA14C-DOC: Del 14C content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in permille
- CDOM254: Absorption coefficient of dissolved organic matter at 254 nm in /meter
- CDOM280: Absorption coefficient of dissolved organic matter at 280 nm in /meter
- CDOM325: Absorption coefficient of dissolved organic matter at 325 nm in /meter
- CDOM350: Absorption coefficient of dissolved organic matter at 350 nm in /meter
- SpecSlope (275-295): Spectral Slope from 275 to 295 nanometers in /nanometer
- FUCOSE: Dissolved Fucose in nmol/kg
- GALACTOSE: Dissolved Galactose in nmol/kg
- GLUCOSE: Dissolved Glucose in nmol/kg
- MANOSE: Dissolved Manose in nmol/kg
- RHAMNOSE: Dissolved Rhamnose in nmol/kg
- ARABINOSE: Dissolved Arabinose in nmol/kg
- TRITIUM: Dissolved Tritium in TU
- NEON: Dissolved Neon in nmol/kg
- HELIUM: Dissolved Helium in nmol/kg
- DELHE3: Helium isotope ratio anomaly relative to atmosphere in %

Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:01:04Z