CO2 Moorings and Time Series Project
Mooring CRIMP2 (Buoy Position: 21.46°N, 157.80°W)
Data Set Name | Graphics | Platform | Place | Deployments | Carbon-related data Contributor | Variables in Data Set | Data | Project Link |
CRIMP2_158W_21N_Jun2008_Feb2009 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Feb2009_Jun2009 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Jun2009_Nov2009 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Nov2009_May2010 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Jun2010_Aug2011 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Sep2011_Jan2012 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Jan2012_Oct2012 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Oct2012_Nov2012 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Nov2012_Jun2013 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Jun2013_Nov2013 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Nov2013_Jun2014 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Jun2014_May2015 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Aug2015_Nov2016 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Nov2016_Dec2017 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Dec2017_May2018 CRIMP2_158W_21N_May2018_Feb2019 CRIMP2_158W_21N_Feb2019_Mar2020 |
See real time data graphics for this mooring | CRIMP2 | Pacific Ocean | Jun2008_Feb2009 Feb2009_Jun2009 Jun2009_Nov2009 Nov2009_May2010 Jun2010_Aug2011 Sep2011_Jan2012 Jan2012_Oct2012 Oct2012_Nov2012 Nov2012_Jun2013 Jun2013_Nov2013 Nov2013_Jun2014 >Jun2014_May2015 >Aug2015_Nov2016 Nov2016_Dec2017 Dec2017_May2018 May2018_Feb2019 Feb2019_Mar2020 |
Adrienne Sutton; Chris Sabine / PMEL | SST, SSS, Atm. press, xCO2 water, xCO2 air, fCO2 water, fCO2 air, pH on total scale |
Data files Metadata |
PMEL Buoys and Autonomous Systems |
Dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, water temperature and salinity data from the coral reef MAPCO2 buoys sites between 2016 and 2023.
Data Set Name | Platform | Place | Deployments | Carbon-related data Contributor | Variables in Data Set | Data | Project Link |
MAPCO2 buoys sites data | MAPCO2 buoys sites | Pacific Ocean | 2016-2023 | Lucie Knor, Melissa Meléndez, Christopher L. Sabine, Eric H. De Carlo / University of Hawai'i at Mānoa | SST, SSS, DIC, ALk |
Data files Metadata |
PMEL Buoys and Autonomous Systems |
Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:01:00Z