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CO2 Moorings and Time Series Project

Mooring NH10 (Buoy Position: 44.642° N, 124.301° W (off the Oregon coast)

Data Set Name Graphics Platform Place Deployments Carbon-related data Contributor Variables in Data Set Data Project Link
NH10_124W_44N_Apr2014_Sep2014; NH10_124W_44N_Oct2014_Dec2014; NH10_124W_44N_Mar2015_Sep2015; NH10_124W_44N_Oct2015_Mar2016; NH10_124W_44N_Aug2016_Apr2017 See real time data graphics for this mooring NH10_124W_44N Pacific Ocean, off the Oregon coast Apr2014_Sep2014; Oct2014_Dec2014; Mar2015_Sep2015; Oct2015_Mar2016; Aug2016_Apr2017 Adrienne Sutton / PMEL; Burke Hales/ Oregon State University SST, SSS, Atm. press, xCO2 water, xCO2 air, fCO2 water, fCO2 air, pH-tot Data files

PMEL Buoys and Autonomous Systems
Last modified: 2024-08-21T19:22:50Z