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Ionospheric Program

The NCEI Ionospheric Physics Group operates the ionospheric portion of the World Data Service for Geophysics, which seeks out and archives data, products, and information related to the ionosphere. Much of the current effort at NCEI is in the Ionospheric Vertical Incidence Sounding discipline. NCEI leads the effort to collect, provide quality control for, and distribute a unified dataset of vertical sounding scaled parameters using modern dissemination services.

Please note: The majority of the ionosonde data ingest has stopped. This is part of NCEI’s discontinuation of this data product which was announced in February 2024.   Additionally, we are still working to resolve a technical issue where data from the last few years is unavailable. These data are will be available as soon as the issue is fixed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Ionospheric Data Archives