- GOES-16 and GOES-17 EXIS Space Wire anomalies (.xlsx) - READ ME file (.pdf)
- 2010 Spacecraft Charging Conference Presentations
- Documentation for Anomaly tables (text)
- Anomaly report summary, by satellite (text)
- Anomaly table (sans TDRS-1) (Excel Spreadsheet)
- TDRS-1 SEU table (Excel Spreadsheet)
- TDRS-1 Single Event Upsets and the Effect of the Space Environment, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) T-NS/38/6/07133
- Earth Observing Systems (EOS) article on 1982 Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-4 failure
- TDRS-1 SEUs and the Space Weather Climatology -- 1986–1993 (PDF) (10/23/98 ver.)
- TDRS-1 SEUs Vs. GOES Protons, scatter plot -- 1986–1993 (PDF) (10/26/98 ver.)
- GOES surface charging anomalies and the Magnetospheric Specification Model. (PDF)
- GOES Seasonal and Local Time Anomaly Trends (Excel)
- Space Environment Monitor (SEM) plot showing TELSTAR-401 anomaly -- 1/7/97–1/15/97. (GIF)
- Geographic location of computer upsets on select Space Shuttle missions (PDF)
- Onboard memory upsets from University of Surrey Satellite (UOSAT-2) cluster about the South Atlantic Anomaly
- STP Satellite Anomaly Image (Small GIF) 1028x678 pixels
- STP Satellite Anomaly Image for Printing (Large GIF) 3058x2017 pixels
- Electron plot with anomalies -- 1/94–2/95 (PDF)
- Electron plot with anomalies -- 1/96–2/97 (PDF)